Adam, the big brawl

Adam, the big brawl

Adam, the big brawl

He may not even have been called Adam, there are lots of men like him around the world, men who have clearly cut their roots, whatever the soil they fed on. No one chooses the place to be born in. When he revealed himself, just one among many, we “recognized” him and molded him. Did we draw inspiration from his life even before we knew him? Or did his life perfectly fit, like a glove with that cartoon strip we still had not written nor drawn?

One day we decided to go and rinse the palettes in the Tropical seas and go on a long holiday around the isle of Cuba.  We were really itching to see the places we had drawn and imagined and illustrated. Suddenly, one night, there he was!

Impossible but it’s him!

Seated at the same piano he played every night, Adam was there.



Tagged: Above The Line Agency, adam , AERIAL SHOTS , Agency For The Performing Arts , Albin Michel‎ , Allensworth Entertainment , Alpern Group , American Media Artists , Andrea Brown Literary Agency , Annette Van Duren Agency , Aragi Inc , ASSISTANT CAMERA OPERATOR , ASSISTENTE OPERATORE , Atchity Entertainment International , ATTREZZATURE RIPRESE SUBACQUEE , Avail Tale , Ayesha Pande Literary , Bamboo‎ , BATTERIA , BATTERY , Bédérama‎ , best writer , Beth Bohn Management Inc. , Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises , BG Literary , BiCoastal Talent & Literary Agency , Blake Friedmann , , Bob Mecoy Literary Agency , Bobby Ball Talent Agency , Brady , Brannon & Rich , Brant Rose Agency , Brogan Agency , BUDGET , burbank , CAMERA , CAMERA OPERATOR , CAMERA TRIPOD , Candace Lake Agency , Carabas‎ , Career Artists International , Carol Mann Agency , Casarotto Ramsay , , Cavaleri & Associates , CAVALLETTO , Chasin Agency , Cheng Caplan Company , Coffre à BD , comics page , Contemporary Artists , Conville & Walsh Ltd. , Cornélius‎ , Cornerstone Literary Agency , Creative Artists Agency , Criterion , Curtis Brown , Curtis Brown Literary and Talent Agency , , D4EO Literary Agency , Dargaud , Darley Anderson , , David Hale Smith Literary , David Higham , David Shapira & Associates , , DECOUPAGE , DeFiore and Company , Delcourt‎ , Dench Arnold , , DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY , DIRETTORE ALLE LUCI , Don Buchwald & Associates , Doug Grad Literary Agency , Dravis Agency , DVD COPY , EDITING , EDITING SESSION MANEGEMENT , Éditions FLBLB‎ , EDIZIONE , Emmanuel Proust éditions , Equitable Stewardship for Artists , Eric Ruben , Featured Artists Agency , FILM COPY , FILM DIRECTOR , FILM EQUIPEMENT , FILM SPEED , FILM STOCK , Filmtrix Agency , Folio Literary Management , FOTOGRAFIE DI SCENA.  STILLS , FOTOGRAFO DI SCENA , Foundry Literary and Media , Fox Literary , Frances Goldin Literary Agency , Frank Elliott Shapiro Agency , Full Circle Literary , Futuropolis , Gernert Company , Gersh Agency , Giancarlo Malagutti , Glénat‎ – 5 P • 3 C
Les Humanoïdes Associés , Glendale , Global Talent Agency , Grand Design Communications , Grant , Gregory David Mayo Representing the Performing Arts , Herman Agency , Hollywood View Agency , how to sell screenplay , Howard Morhaim Literary Agency , ICM Partners , , IDEAZIONE , Inc. , informazione , Inkwell Management , Innovative Artists , International Creative Management , International Creative Management (ICM) , Irene Goodman Literary Agency , Irv Schechter Company , JABberwocky Literary Agency , Jack Lenny Associates , jane friedman , Janklow & Nesbit Associates , Jill Grinberg Literary Management , Jim Preminger Agency , JKA Talent & Literary Agency , Joker éditions‎ , Jud Laghi , Judge of the annual Kodansha International Comics Competition , Judith Hansen , Kaplan Stahler Agency , Kathleen Schultz Associates , Kitchen , Kopaloff & Associates , L'Association‎ , La Cafetière‎ , la nuova cronaca di mantova , LABORATORY , Larchmont Literary Agency , Laura Dail Literary Agency , Laya Gelff Agency , Le Vaisseau d'Argent‎ , Lenhoff & Lenhoff , LIGHT HOLDERS , LIGHTING CAMERAMENT , Lind & Associates , Lippincott Massie McQuilkin , Lisa Callamaro Literary Agency , Literary Agent LLC , Litopia Corporation , , LLC , LOCATION , LOGISTICA , Ltd. , Lynne & Reilly Agency , MACCHINE DA PRESA , Maggie Roiphe Agency , MAGNETIC TAPE , , Marjaq Scripts , Markson Thoma Literary Agency , MATERIALE FOTOGRAFICO , MATERIALE TECNICO , mathias , MBA Literary Agents , , McIntosh & Otis , McVeigh Agency , Media Artists Group , Metropolitan Talent Agency , Michael Lewis & Associates , Miriam Altshuler , Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates , Mon journal , MONTAGGIO , MOTORINO VARIABILE , MUSIC RECORDING MANAGEMENT , Nancy Chaidez Agency , Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation , Nancy Gallt Literary Agency , Nancy Yost Literary Agency , NASTRO MAGNETICO , NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA , Natural Talent , NEGATIVE , NEGATIVO , nfb , OPERATORE , ORGANIZZAZIONE GENERALE , ORIGINAL IDEA , Pamela D. Scoville Literary Agency , paninicomics , Pantheon , Paradigm , Paradigm Talent Agency , Paul Kohner , PELLICOLA , Peters Fraser & Dunlop , , PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS , PIANO DI LAVORAZIONE , PINZE ( per le luci) , Pippin Properties , PRE-MONTAGGIO , Preferred Artists , PREVENTIVO , PRINTING , PRODUCER IN CHARGE , PRODUCTION , PRODUCTION BREAKDOWN BOARD , PRODUZIONE , quotidiano , RAW CUT , Rebel Entertainment Partners , Red Sofa Literary , Regal Literary , REGIA , Richard Henshaw Group , RIPRESE AEREE , RIVER. CASSETTE VHS , RIVER. DVD , RIVERSAMENTO IN TELECINEMA , RLR Associates , Robert Astle & Associates Literary Management , Rodeen Literary Management , , Rothman Brecher Agency , RPM Talent , Sanford J. Greenburger Associates , SANFORD/SKOURAS/GROSS , Santa Monica California , SARNOFF & CO , Sarnoff Company , SASCO HILL & ASSOC , Savage Agency , Savic , SCAGNETTI TALENT AGENCY , SCALETTA RIPRESE , SCENEGGIATURA , SCHECHTER CO , SCHULTZ & ASSOC , screenplay , Semic , SESSION MANEGEMENT , SHA’LIN TALENT AGENCY , Sheldon Fogelman Agency , SHERMAN & ASSOC , Signature Literary Agency , Silver Bitela Agency , SMA LLC , Société parisienne d'édition‎ , SOGGETTO , Soleil Productions‎ , SOPRALLUOGHI , SOUNDTRACK RECORDING , STAMPA , STAMPA COPIA LAVORO , Stars , Starwil Prods Talent Agency , STARWILL TALENT AGENCY , Stein Agenc Stuart M. Miller Co , STEIN AGENCY , STILLS PHOTOGRAPHER- STILL MAN , Stimola Literary Studio , Storm Entertainment , STORY , Suite A Management Talent & Literary Agency , SUMMIT TALENT & LITERARY , Summit Talent & Literary Agency , Susan Rabiner Literary Agency , SVILUPPO DEL NEGATIVO , TALENT-WORKS , TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION , Téméraire‎ , , The Agency , The Bent Agency , the big brawl , The Knight Agency , The Literary Group , The Rights Factory , The Rodd Hall Agency , The Strothman Agency , The Tennyson Agency , The Wendy Weil Agency , The Zack Company Inc , The Agency Alan Brodie A.P. Watt , Transatlantic Literary Agency , Trident Media Group , Triskel , TURNI , TURNI COLONNA INTERNAZION. , TURNI MONTAGGIO , TURNI RIVERSAMENTO MUSICHE , TURTLE AGENCY , UNDERWATER EQUIPAMENT , United Talent Agency , UNIVERSAL TALENT AGENCY , Ute Körner , Vents d'Ouest‎ , Venture Literary , Veritas Literary Agency , Vertige Graphic‎ , Verve Talent & Literary Agency LLC , Vicky Bijur Literary Agency , Victoria Sanders , Warden Group , Waxman Literary Agency , werther gorni , WHS COPY , William Kerwin Agency , William Morris Agency , Wilson & Associates , , WME Entertainment , WORKING PRINT , World Manga , Writers House , , Xtina , Zenda

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