Anna & Mathias
Anna e Mathias weekly page by adventure in Venice “un inferno a Venezia”.
Album #2, fall 2016
SERIE: Mathias
STORY/ART: Giancarlo Malagutti
GENRE: Adventure/Mystery/Thriller/Fantasy
TARGET READERSHIP: All ages, both sexes
SETTING: Well known and characteristic cities and locations in Italy
SET IN: The Present Day
STRUCTURE & TONE OF THE STORIES: The two protagonists in this series are
children and, despite their superhuman potentialities, they behave as such. They always
travel accompanied by an adult, they never go out late at night and wherever they stay
they’re in the company of relatives. It is within this context that the storyline develops in
its own way. They’re not out to put the world to rights, yet they are endowed with a
strong sense of justice and they seek to do good in the face of evil.
COLLECTION: Each episode is 44 pages long and is a complete and free-standing story.
Reading them in order is recommended. In full colors.
5 episodes ready for print.
Mathias is a blond 10 year-old. He’s knowledgeable for his age as a result of his
somewhat cosmopolitan education.
Anna is a freckly 10 year-old redhead. Orphaned at an early age she has an elderly
bedridden granny. Lively, intelligent and with a searching mind, she’s the one with the
sense of humour and sharp one liners.
ARTIST BIO: Giancarlo Malagutti began his career in 1973 by drawing cartoons for the monthly publication Horror. He has worked alongside Renzo Barbieri and Giorgio Cavedon on several cartoons. Malagutti has drawn several one off short stories for Intrepido, Monello and Albo TV and has inked the drawings of Sergio Zaniboni for Diabolik which is where he began to write scripts. In 1981 he began freelancing for IF, working on Japanese cartoons including Princess Zaffiro, Tiger Man and Bia. In 1982 he created the series The Reporters drawn by Zaniboni for Orient Express. After having written a story line for Martin Mystère he worked as a commercial artist for some twelve years until 1994 when he resumed his work in cartoons, writing stories for Lupo Alberto, Cattivik and Mystère. Most recently he has been working on the characters of Chris Carella in collaboration with Sergio Zaniboni and both the drawings and script for Mathias www.mathias.is.it
(For a short biography visit http://www.lambiek.net/artists/m/malagutti_giancarlo.htm)
Personnages principaux:
Mathias est un normal garcon de 9 ans, blondin, mignon. fils de parents aisés qui, à cause de leur travail, lui font parcourir le vaste monde. Il a une bonne culture, malgré son âge, grâce a sa formation cosmopolite. En certaines situations, spécialement lorsque il est sous stress, il réussit à modifier (pour des petites choses) la réalité.
Anna: fillette de 9 ans, cheveux roux et lentilles. Orpheline, elle vit avec une grand-mère agée immobilisée au lit. Tres éveillée, intelligente et curieuse. C’est elle qui s’occupe de sa grand-mère. Elle vit avec l’épée de Damoclés d’être envoyée dans un orphelinat et sa grand-mère expediée à l’hospice de pauvres. très indigente, son unique revenu est la pension de sa grand-mère. Elle parâit seulement dans cet épisode mais elle peut revenir.
Texte/dessins: Giancarlo Malagutti
Genre: mystery/humour/ fantasy
Target: 8/12 ans (mais adultes aussi)
Recostitution: World
Epoque: de notre temps
Giancarlo Malagutti.
Il fait ses débuts en 1973 en réalisant les crayons de quelques histires pour la publication mensuelle Horror (Ed.Astoria). Il dessine quelques histoire sur L’Intrepido, L’Albo et Il Monello (Ed. Universo), Il encre les crayons de S.Zaniboni pour Diabolik.
En 1981 il réalise la version en bandes dessinées des séries télévisées de Princesse Saphir, Homme Tigre, Bia. En 1982 il crée la série “The Reporters”
dessinée par Sergio Zaniboni. Aprés avoir écrit pour Martin Mystére (Sergio Bonelli Editore), il se consacre au travail publicitaire et quitte pour le moment l’activité d’auteur de BD qu’il reprend quelques années aprés en écrivant des scénarios de Lupo Alberto et Cattivik (Acme/macchia nera) et Martin Mystére