Sciuscia the movie & the comic book

Sciuscia the movie & the comic book

Sciuscia movie, Shoeshine (Italian: Sciuscià [ʃuʃˈʃa], from Italian pronunciation of the English) is a 1946 Italian film and the first major work directed by Vittorio De Sica. In it, two shoeshine boys get into trouble with the police after trying to find the money to buy a horse. Shoeshine is among the first of the Italian neorealist films. In 1948, it received an Honorary Award at the Academy Awards for its high quality. This award was the precursor of what would later become the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Vittorio De Sica 7 July 1901 – 13 November 1974) was an Italian director and actor, a leading figure in the neorealist movement.

Four of the films he directed won Academy Awards: Sciuscià and Bicycle Thieves were awarded honorary Oscars, while Ieri, oggi, domaniand Il giardino dei Finzi Contini won the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar. Indeed, the great critical success of Sciuscià (the first foreign film to be so recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) and Bicycle Thieves helped establish the permanent Best Foreign Film Oscar. These two films generally are considered part of the canon of classic cinema.[1] Bicycle Thieves was cited by Turner Classic Movies as one of the 15 most influential films in cinema history.


The comic serial SCIUSCIA’ (from the english “Shoe shine”), originally published in Italy from 1948 to 1957 was ispired from the movie Sciuscià of 1946.


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1492 Pictures, ‎
National Lampoon‎ , . Medusa Film , 01 Distribution , 20th Century Fox , 40 Acres & a Mule Filmworks , A Band Apart , AERIAL SHOTS , afnews , Albatross Entertainment , Amblin Entertainment , American Empirical Pictures , American Film Manufacturing Company , American Mutoscope and Biograph Company , American Zoetrope , Apatow Productions , Artisan Entertainment , ASSISTANT CAMERA OPERATOR , ASSISTENTE OPERATORE , ATTREZZATURE RIPRESE SUBACQUEE , Bad Robot Productions , Balboa Amusement Producing Company , Ballandi Multimedia , BATTERIA , BATTERY , Bic Production , Bison Motion Pictures , Block10 , BUDGET , C2 Pictures , California Motion Picture Corporation , CAMERA , CAMERA OPERATOR , CAMERA TRIPOD , Carolco Pictures , Cartoon Network Studios , Casanova Multimedia , Cattleya , CAVALLETTO , CBS Television Studios , Century Film , Champion Film Company , Cinergi Pictures , COLT Studio Group , Columbia Pictures , columbo , Concord Production Inc , Corìma , Cruel and Unusual Films , Culver Studios , Dark Castle Entertainment , Davis Entertainment , De Laurentiis Entertainment Group , DECOUPAGE , diabolik , dick wolf , Digital Domain , Digital Playground , Dimension Films , DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY , DIRETTORE ALLE LUCI , Disney‎ , Dog Eat Dog Films , drama , dreamworks , DVD COPY , Eagle Pictures , Edison Studios , EDITING , EDITING SESSION MANEGEMENT , EDIZIONE , Elegant Angel , Endemol Italia , Essanay Film Manufacturing Company , EUE/Screen Gems , Evil Angel , Falcon Entertainment , Famous Players Film Company , Famous Players-Lasky Corporation , Fandango , Fascino PGT , ferdinando tacconi , FILM COPY , FILM DIRECTOR , FILM EQUIPEMENT , Film Roman , FILM SPEED , FILM STOCK , Filmation , Filmauro , Filmmaster Television , First National , Flight 33 Productions , Focus Features , FOTOGRAFIE DI SCENA.  STILLS , FOTOGRAFO DI SCENA , Fox Atomic , Fox Searchlight Pictures , Franchise Pictures , franco paludetti , Frederator Studios , FremantleMedia , Giancarlo Malagutti , Gracie Films , Hanna-Barbera , Happy Madison Productions , Harmony Gold , Hemdale Film Corporation , Hill Street Blues , Hollywood Pictures , Hot House Entertainment , Icon Productions , IDEAZIONE , Illumination Entertainment , ilmiolibro , IM Global , ImageMovers Digital , Imagine Entertainment , Independent Moving Pictures , Indigo Film , Industrial Light & Magic , Infinitum Nihil , ITALY , Iwerks Studio , Jersey Films , Jim Henson Productions , Jim Henson Television , Kalem Company , Keystone Pictures Studio , Kojak , L-KO Kompany , LABORATORY , Laika Entertainment , Lakeshore Entertainment , Laura Messora , Legendary Pictures , Liberty Films , LIGHT HOLDERS , LIGHTING CAMERAMENT , Lightstorm Entertainment , Lions Gate Entertainment , LOCATION , LOGISTICA , Lubin Manufacturing Company , Lucas Entertainment , Lucas Kazan Productions , Lucasfilm , Lucasfilm Animation , luigi bernardi , Lux Vide , MACCHINE DA PRESA , MAGNETIC TAPE , Magnolia , Magnolia Pictures , Mandalay Entertainment , Marilyn Monroe Production , Marvel Studios , MATERIALE FOTOGRAFICO , MATERIALE TECNICO , Maverick Films , Mayflower Photoplay Company , Mediavivere , Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , MGM Television , Miramax , Miramax Films , Monica Ferrone , Monogram Pictures , MONTAGGIO , MOTORINO VARIABILE , MTV Films , MUSIC RECORDING MANAGEMENT , Mutant Enemy , NASTRO MAGNETICO , NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA , NBCUniversal , NEGATIVE , NEGATIVO , Nestor Film Company , New Deal Studios , new line cinema , Newmarket Films , nfb , npdb frank furillo , Nu Image , October Films , Offspring Entertainment , One Race Films , OPERATORE , ORGANIZZAZIONE GENERALE , Orient Express , ORIGINAL IDEA , Orion Pictures , outisfumetti , Overbrook Entertainment , Pacific Data Images , Pallas Pictures , Palm Pictures , Paramount Pictures , Paramount Vantage , PELLICOLA , Peter P. Jones Film Company , PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS , PIANO DI LAVORAZIONE , Picturehouse , Pilgrim Films & Television , PINZE ( per le luci) , Pixar‎ , Pixar Animation Studios , Plan B Entertainment , Platinum Studios , Polygram Filmed Entertainment , PRE-MONTAGGIO , PREVENTIVO , PRINTING , PRODUCER IN CHARGE , PRODUCTION , PRODUCTION BREAKDOWN BOARD , PRODUZIONE , Publispei , Raging Stallion Studios , Rai Cinema , RAW CUT , Red Light District Video , REGIA , Renaissance Pictures , Republic Pictures , Reti Televisive Italiane , Reveille Productions , Revolution Studios , RIPRESE AEREE , RIVER. CASSETTE VHS , RIVER. DVD , RIVERSAMENTO IN TELECINEMA , RKO Pictures , Rodeo Drive , Rogue Pictures , roma , Ruby-Spears , Saban Entertainment , SANFORD/SKOURAS/GROSS , SARNOFF & CO , SASCO HILL & ASSOC , Saturn Films , Savoy Pictures , SCAGNETTI TALENT AGENCY , SCALETTA RIPRESE , SCENEGGIATURA , SCHECHTER CO , SCHULTZ & ASSOC , sciuscià , Screen Gems , screenplay , SD Cinematografica , Section Eight Productions , Selig Polyscope , Sergio Bonelli , Sergio Zaniboni , SESSION MANEGEMENT , SHA’LIN TALENT AGENCY , SHERMAN & ASSOC , Silver Pictures , Skywalker Sound , SMA LLC , Smokehouse Pictures , SOGGETTO , Sol Lesser Productions , Sono Art-World Wide Pictures , Sony Pictures Animation , Sony Pictures Classics , Sony Pictures Entertainment , SOPRALLUOGHI , SOUNDTRACK RECORDING , Spyglass Entertainment Group , STAMPA , STAMPA COPIA LAVORO , Stand by Me , STARWILL TALENT AGENCY , STEIN AGENCY , steven bochco , STILLS PHOTOGRAPHER- STILL MAN , Storm Entertainment , STORY , Summit Entertainment , SUMMIT TALENT & LITERARY , Sunbow , SVILUPPO DEL NEGATIVO , TALENT-WORKS , Tandem Productions , Taodue , TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION , Thanhouser Film Corporation , The Asylum , The Halcyon Company , The Ladd Company , The Mirisch Corporation , The Reporters , the shields , The Weinstein Company , Tiffany Productions , Titan Media , Touchstone Pictures , Triangle Film Corporation , TriBeCa Productions , TriStar Pictures , Triumph Films , Troma , Turner Entertainment , TURNI , TURNI COLONNA INTERNAZION. , TURNI MONTAGGIO , TURNI RIVERSAMENTO MUSICHE , TURTLE AGENCY , TV series , Twisted Pictures , UNDERWATER EQUIPAMENT , United Artists , United Productions of America , Universal Studios , UNIVERSAL TALENT AGENCY , Universal Television , Vanguard Animation , VCA Pictures , Victor Film Company , Visual Effects Society , Vitagraph , vittorio de sica , Vivid Entertainment , Walden Media , Walt Disney Pictures , Warner Bros. , Warner Bros. Animation , Warner Independent Pictures , WHS COPY , Wicked Pictures , WORKING PRINT , World Film Company , ww2 , WWE Studios ,

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