Sciuscia the movie & the comic book
Sciuscia movie, Shoeshine (Italian: Sciuscià [ʃuʃˈʃa], from Italian pronunciation of the English) is a 1946 Italian film and the first major work directed by Vittorio De Sica. In it, two shoeshine boys get into trouble with the police after trying to find the money to buy a horse. Shoeshine is among the first of the Italian neorealist films. In 1948, it received an Honorary Award at the Academy Awards for its high quality. This award was the precursor of what would later become the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
Vittorio De Sica 7 July 1901 – 13 November 1974) was an Italian director and actor, a leading figure in the neorealist movement.
Four of the films he directed won Academy Awards: Sciuscià and Bicycle Thieves were awarded honorary Oscars, while Ieri, oggi, domaniand Il giardino dei Finzi Contini won the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar. Indeed, the great critical success of Sciuscià (the first foreign film to be so recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) and Bicycle Thieves helped establish the permanent Best Foreign Film Oscar. These two films generally are considered part of the canon of classic cinema.[1] Bicycle Thieves was cited by Turner Classic Movies as one of the 15 most influential films in cinema history.
The comic serial SCIUSCIA’ (from the english “Shoe shine”), originally published in Italy from 1948 to 1957 was ispired from the movie Sciuscià of 1946.