New comics books and graphic novels
New comics books and graphic novels from Outisfumetti archives
New comics books and graphic novels from Outisfumetti archives
Xtina fifth birthday Xtina published for five years every week. And five volumes published. Centered on the life of Xtina, in her work as assistant in a Museum, Xtina’s chronicles ...
Once upon a time… salone internazionale del libro Torino the Reporters special book guest. The adventures of two T.V. journalists – in the 1980s – whose jobs lead them to ...
Blek #100 with giant poster art Manlio Truscia Il Grande Blek is an Italian western comic book, first published in Italy on October 3, 1954 by Editoriale Dardo. Blek was ...
Ricordi pubblici e privati…raccolti a fianco. Luglio 1975. Un caldo pomeriggio d’estate. Come consuetudine, mi fermo all’edicola in cerca di novità. Erano anni nei quali usciva molta roba buona. Non ...