Xtina Special two Comic Strips
Xtina Special two Comic Strips
Xtina Special two Comic Strips
Help ! The women are coming! Gynophobia or Misogyny ? In every country cartoonists has been jumping through hoops to draw women in comics. In USA, Italy, France. This is ...
Fumetti italiani vintage Dixy Scott Testata: Dixy Scott Collana: Albi Mascotte Anno: 1949 Casa Editrice: Edizioni Juventus Periodicità: Settimanale Formato: striscia, 32 pagine + copertina Colore: Bianco e nero Prezzo: ...
Un Uomo Un’Avventura Inedito di Sergio Zaniboni. Soggetto e sceneggiatura Giancarlo Malagutti.
Superman reads Superman Bud Collyer (born Clayton Johnson Heermance Jr., June 18, 1908 – September 8, 1969) was an American radio actor/announcer who became one of the nation’s first major ...