Born today Giovanni Sforza Boselli

Born today Giovanni Sforza Boselli

Born today Giovanni Sforza Boselli 

Giovanni Sforza Boselli (29 April 1924 – 24 June 2007)   

Giovanni Boselli Sforza was a comics artist, illustrator and animator, born in Asmara, in capital of the then-Italian colony of Eritrea. His family moved to Italy when Boselli was 10, where he began his art studies. He published his early work in satirical magazines like Marc’Aurelio, Don Basiglio and L’Umorista.

An early comic book creation by Boselli is the cat cowboy ‘Joe Felix’, who originally appeared in comic books like Lulù and the collection Albi del Quadrifoglio and then, from 1958, in his own comic books. He has also illustrated children’s books.

He was a longtime contributor to the children’s magazine Il Giornalino, starting in his early twenties with several editorial projects. Working in the humorous genre, has has since then created many comic series for this publication, such as ‘Susy la Rossa’ from 1969 and the gangster comic ‘Gec Sparaspara’ with scripts by Mario Basari from 1970.

Boselli and Basari were also responsible for the adventures of ‘Zia Rapunzia’ and ‘Pachito Olé’. New comics created by Boselli and writer Corrado Blasetti followed in the 1970s and 1980s, such as ‘Bellocchio e Leccamuffo’, ‘Il Signor Beniamino’ (1972), ‘Dodo & Cocco’ (1986) and ‘Quelli del West’ (1988). In 1995, he created ‘Topo Leonardo’ with Giuseppe Ramello.


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