Ferdinando Tacconi the Great

Ferdinando Tacconi the Great

Ferdinando Tacconi the Great

Ferdinando Tacconi (Milano, 27 dicembre 1922 – 11 maggio 2006) Alla fine degli anni quaranta disegna Sciuscià e Nat del Santa Cruz per l’editore Tristano Torelli.Realizza storie belliche per editori inglesi quali Fleetway Publication, Look and Learn, Junior Express.

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ferdinando_tacconi the great

Ferdinando Tacconi got his degree in Applied Arts from Castello Sforzesco. He started to pursue his artistic career after World War II, starting with illustration work for Mondadori’s women’s magazines Confidenze de Liala and Grazzia. He made his first comics for the publisher Paschal Giurleo, such as ‘Morgan il Pirata’, ‘Jack Pilota’, ‘Miss Devil’ and ‘Sciuscià’. He then moved on to Torelli, where he created ‘Nat del Santa Cruz’ with Dalmasso in 1951, followed by ‘El Bravo’ with Bignotti.

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