Jeff Arnold from Eagle to Editrice Dardo via Il Giorno dei Ragazzi
Jeff Arnold from Eagle to Editrice Dardo via Il Giorno dei Ragazzi
Published in Eagle in the UK
translated in Italy on the il Giorno dei Ragazzi
and collected in the comic book by Editrice Dardo
Anno pubblicazione: 1963
Casa Editrice Dardo
Periodicità: Settimanale > Quindicinale
Albi: 34
2000AD, 2000AD Sci-Fi Special. 2000AD Winter Special ABC Show , Abigail Bulmer , Aces Weekly , Action Man , Adam Eterno , Adam West , Adrian Salmon , advertisements , After Image , Al Ewing , Alan Class , Alan Craddock , Alan Davis , Alan Digby , Alan Grant , Alan Hebden , Alan Moore , Alan Ryan , Albert Holroyd , Albert Pease , Albion , Alex Akerbladh , Alex Collier , Alex de Campi , Alexander Matthews , Alf Tupper , Alfie the Air Tramp , Alfredo Marculeta , Ali Ha-Ha , Allan Morely , Ally Sloper , American comics , Andi Watson , Andrew Wildman , Andy Capp , Andy Fanton , Andy Hutton , Angry Birds Magazine , Angus McKie , annual , annuals , Antimatter Hari , Apollo , Arena , Armageddon Patrol , Arnold Book Company , Arrow , Arthir Ranson , Arthur Ferrier , Arthur Martin , Artie Jackson , auctions , Australian comics , Avengers , Avengers Universe , Avery Hill Publishing , Bad Company , Bambos Georgiou , Banana Bunch , Bananagirl , Bananaman , Banx , Barrie Appleby , Barrie Mitchell , Barry Kitson , Basil Reynolds , batman , Batman:Arkham , Batsowl , Battle , Baz and Co , BBC , Beano , Beano Annual , Beano Christmas Special , Beano Summer Special , Beano. Dandy , BeanoMax , Bear Alley , Beezer , Belardinelli , Bem , Bertie Brown , BHP Comics , Biffo the Bear , Big Eggo , Big Head and Thick Head , Big Issue North , Bill Hill , Bill Holroyd , Bill Lacey , Bill Mevin , Bill Ritchie , Bill Titcombe , Billy Bunter , Billy the Cat , Billy's Boots , Bimbo , Birdman , Birmingham , Birmingham Comic Art Show 1986 , Black Bob , Black Max , Black Panther , Black Shuck , Blackpool , Blighty , blog , Blunderbirds , Bob Dewar , Bob Hill , Bob Monkhouse , Bob Nixon , Bobby of the Blues , Bomb Scares 2015 , Books about comics , Boys' World , Braddock , Brassneck , Brendan McCarthy , Brett Ewins , Brian Bolland , Brian Boyd , Brian Lewis , Brian Walker , Brickman , Brickman Returns! , Bristol Comic Expo , British comics , Broons , Bruce Cornwell , bruce forsyth , Bryan Talbot , Buck Ryan , Buddy , Bullet , bunty , Buster , Butt Face , Butterfly , Calculus Cat , Cam Kennedy , Captain America , Captain Britain , Captain Gross , Captain Hurricane , Captain Pugwash , Captain Scarlet , Captain Universe , Captain Wally , cardiff film and comic con , Carl Critchlow , Carlos Cruz , Carlos Ezquerra , Carlos Pino , Cartoon magazines , Cartoon Museum , Cartoon Network , cartooning , Casey Court , Cecil Doughty , Cecil Orr , censorship , Chad Valley , Chamber of Chills , Champion , Charley's War , Charlie Adlard , Charlie Brooker , Charlie Chaplin , Charlie Grigg , Chas Sinclair , Chris Wildgoose , christmas , Chronos Commandos , cigarette cards , Cinema Pergatorio , Cintiq , Civil War , Classic Comics , Clint , Cloak , Colin MacNeill , collectables , Collectormania , Combat Colin , comic book alliance , Comic Cuts , Comic Expo , Comic Football , Comic Heroes , Comic Media News , Comic Review magazine , comic sales , comic shops , Comica , comicraft , comics , comics industry , comics show , Comics Uncovered , Comics Unmasked , comicscape , commando , Conan , convention , Cor , Corporal Clott , Cosmo White , Countdown , Crackers , Crikey , Crucible , Curly Hector , Cyril Price , D'Antonio , daily mirror , Daily Sketch , Daleks , Dan Cornwell , dan dare , Dan Whitehead , Dandy , Dandy Annual , Dandy Book , Dandy Summer Special , Dandy. Postman Prat , Danger Man , Danger Mouse , Danger! Len at work , Dark Horse Comics , Dave Gibbons , Dave Hine , Dave Sutherland , Dave Taylor , Davey Jones , Davey Law , David Hine , David Leach , David Leach Conquers the Universe , David Lloyd , David Roach , David Torrie , Davy Francis , Davy Law , dc comics , Dead Universe Publishing , Deadline , Dean Ormston , Deathlok , decimalization , Denis Gifford , Denis McCloughlin , Denis McLoughlin , Dennis the Menace , Derek Marsden , Derek the Troll , Desperate Dan , Dez Skinn , Diana , Dick Millington , Dicky Howett , digital , Digital Dandy , disney , Doctor Peculliar , Doctor Strange , Doctor Who , Doctor Who Adventures , Doctor Who Classic Comics , Doctor Who Comic , Doctor Who Festival , Doctor Who Magazine , Doctor Who merchandise , Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor , Don Harley , Don Heck , Don Lawrence , Don Newhouse , Don Starr , DONALD DUCK , Doomlord , Dopey Dinosaur , Double Double Comics , Douglas Phillips , Dr What , Dracula , Draw the Marvel Way , Dreamy Dave and Dozy Dora , Dudley Watkins , Duncan Scott , Dylan Teague , Eagle , Eagle Awards , Eaglemoss , Easter , Ed Brubaker , Eddie Campbell , Editrice Dardo , Egmont , El Mestizo , Electricomics , Elephantmen , Ellis Eringer , Elstree Studios , Emilio Frejo , Emma Chinnery , emma vieceli , Enid Blyton , enniskillen comic fest , Epic Magazine , Eric Bradbury , Eric Eden , Eric Roberts , Essential Doctor Who , Etherington Brothers , Express , Falcon , Fantastic , Fantasy Advertiser , fanzines , Felix and his amazing underpants , Ferg Handley , Fighter , Fighting Fantasy , Film Fun , fireworks , First Age Comics , Flame O' The Forest , Fleetway , Fleetway flyer , Flintlock , football , Football Galaxy , Fox and Crow , Frank Bellamy , Frank Hampson , Frank Humphies , Frank Langford , Frank McDiarmid , Frank Minnitt , Frankenthing , Frankie Stein , Fred Holmes , Freddie Adkins , free gifts , Funny Folks , Funny Monsters Comic , Funny Wonder , Fury , Future , Gabrille Noble , Garry Leach , garth , Garth Ennis , Gary Northfield , Gary Spencer Millidge , Gavin Ewing , Gene Colan , General Jumbo , Geoff Campion , George Heath , George Martin , George Parlett , George Wakefield , Gerald G. Swan , Gerry Anderson , Gerry Embleton , Gerry Haylock , girl , Girls Crystal , Glenn Fabry , Goodies , Gordon Bell , Gordon Hill , Gordon Hogg , Gosh , Gotham , Graham Allen , Graham Bleathman , Grammarman , Grandville , Grant Morrison , Grant Perkins , Green Arrow , Greg Staples , Grimly Feendish , Grindhouse , Gum Girl , H.C. Milburn , Hachette , halloween , Ham Dare , Hardware , Harlan Ellison , Harold Johns , Harry Banger , Harry Hargreaves , Harry Hill , Harry Lindfield , Harry North , Harvey Comics , Herb Trimpe , Herr Seele , Hibernia Comics , Hookjaw , Horace , Horizon , horror comics , Hotspur , House of Hammer , Huckleberry Hound , Hugh Fowler , Hugh McNeill , Hulk , Hunt Emerson , Hurricane , Ian Edginton , Ian Jackson , Ian Kennedy , ICE International Comic Expo , IDW , Il Giorno dei Ragazzi , Ilex Press , Illustrated Chips , Ilustrated Chips , Improper Books , In His Cups , independent comics , Infinity , Invisible Dick , IPC , Iron Fish , Iron Moon , It Girl , Ivy the Terrible , Jack Glass , Jack Greenall , jack kirby , Jack Oliver , Jack Pamby , Jack Varney , Jag , Jake Lynch , James Clark , James Crichton , James Hodgkins , Jamie Smart , Jan Shepheard , Jane , Janus Stark , Jaqueline Rayner , Jay Gunn , jean giraud , jeff arnold , Jenni Scott , Jessica Martin , Jesus Blasco , Jet , Jim Alexander , Jim Baikie , Jim Petrie , Jim Starlin , Jim Watson , Jimmy Broxton , Jimmy Hansen , Jimmy Jinx , Jinty , Jinx , Joe 90 , Joe Colquhoun , Joe Maneely , Joe Matthews , John A. Short , John Allard , John Anderson , John Armstrong , John Bolton , John Burns , John Canning , John Cooper , John Freeman , John Geering , John Gillatt , John Higgins , John Jukes , John Lawrence , John M. Burns , John McCrea , John Reppion , John Ridgway , John Ross , John Ryan , John Short , John Vernon , John Wagner , Johnny Future , Johnny Red , joke mags , Joker , Jolly Comic , Jon Haward , Jon Pertwee , Jon Rushby , Jonah , Jordan Ezekude , Jordi Bernet , José Ortiz , Jubilee , Judge Dredd , Judy , Julius Sneezer , Julius Zebra , June , Kapow , Karen Rubins , Karl Dixon , Kat Nicholson , Katy Manning , Keith Burns , Keith Page , Keith Page. Iron Moon , Keith Robson , Keith Watson , kelly's eye , Ken Barr , Ken Harrison , Ken Hunter , Ken Pyne , Ken Reid , Kev O'Neill , Kevin O'Neill , Keyhole Kate , Kickback , Kid Cops , Klanky , Knockabout , Knockout , Know How , Kobra , Korky , Korky the Cat , Kult Creations , Kung-Fu Cheesecake , L.Miller , Lady Penelope , Lakes International Comic Art Festival , Lancaster Comics Day , Larks , Laugh with Lola , Laura Howell , Laura Trinder , Leah Moore , Lee Sullivan , Leo Baxendale , Les Barton , Li'l House of Grind , Liam Sharp , lion , Lise Myhre , London Calling , London Comic Mart , London Film and Comic Con , Look and Learn , Look-in , Lord Snooty , Lorna Doone , Lorna Miller , Louis Briault , Luis Bermejo , Lynne Triplett , Macc-Pow , Mail on Sunday , Malcolm Douglas , Malcolm Judge , Malta Comic Con 2014 , man in space , Manager Matt , Manchester Film and Comic Con , marc jackson , Mark Bennigton , Mark Farmer , Mark Millar , Mark Rogers , Mark Stafford , Markosia , Marshal Law , Martha Washington , Martin Asbury , Martin Baines , Martin Barker , Martin Baxendale , Martin Garaghty , Martin Lock , Martin Skidmore , marvel , Marvel Action Hour , Marvel Fact Files , marvel legends , Marvel Pocket Books , Marvel UK , Marvelman , Mary Talbot , Master of Kung Fu , MCM comic con , Meanwhile , media outrage , Metamorph , Mick Anglo , Mick Austin , Mick McMahon , MICKEY MOUSE , Mighty Moth , Mighty World of Marvel , Mike Brown , Mike Collins , Mike Green , Mike Higgs , Mike Lacey , Mike Noble , mike western , Mike White , Miller Western Comic Books , Milo Manara , Minnie the Minx , mirabilis , Miracleman , Misty , moebius , Monkees , Monster Fun , Monster Mag , Moonsters , Moose Kid Comics , multiverse , Nadal , Neil Gaiman , Network , Neville Main , New Amazons , New Year , news trade , newsagent , Nick Dyer , Nick Miller , Nick Percival , Nigel Auchterlounie , Nigel Dobbyn , Nigel Edwards , Nigel Parkinson , Nikki , Noddy , Norman Light , Norman Mansbridge , Norman Wisdom , Norway , nothingbutafan , numskulls , Octobriana , Odhams , Oh Boy , oink , Okay Annual , om-nom-nom , On The Edge , Oor Wullie , original artwork , Paddy Brennan , Panini UK , Pansy Potter , partworks , Pat Mills , Pat Nicolle , Pat Williams , Pathetic Sharks , Paul Gravett , Paul Grist , Paul Neary , Paul Palmer , Paul Travillion , Paulina Vassileva , Penny , penny dreadful , Peppa Pig , Percy Cocking , Pete and his Pimple , Pete's Pimple , Peter Davidson , Peter Richardson , Phil Elliott , Phil Millar , Phil Winslade , Phoenix , Pictorial Knowledge , Picture Libraries , Pigswilla , piracy , playbox , poot , Postman Prat , pow , Pow! Annual , Power Comics , Power Rangers , pre-code horror , Print Media , prints , Private Eye , Progenitor , promotion , PS Publishing , Psycho Gran , PUCK , Pulp Detective , Pulse , Pup Parade , R.Charles Roylance , R.M. Guéra , Rab Hamilton , Rachael Smith , Rachael Stott , Radio Fun , Radio Fun. Reg Parlett , Rammie , Rasher , Ray Moore , Raymond Briggs , Red Wrecker , Redan , reference , Reg Bunn , Reg Carter , Reg Parlett , Reg Perrott , Reg Wooton , Requiem , retrospective of 2015 , Richard Elson , Richard Jennings , Rob Davis , Robbie Morrison , Robert Forrest , Robo Capers , Robot Archie , Rocket , Roger Langridge , Roger the Dodger , Rogue Trooper , Rok Comics , Rok of the Reds , romance , Ron Embleton , Ron Smith , Ron Spencer , Ron Turner , Rover , Roy of the Rovers , Roy Wilson , Royal Wedding , Rubberman , Rufus Dayglo , Ruggero Giovanni , Russ Leach , Sally , Sam Fair , Sandy Calder , Sandy James , Savage , scorcher , Score and Roar , Scorer , Scott Gray , Scraps , Scream , Sean Phillips , SEARCHING THIS BLOG , Secret Service , SelfMadeHero , Sexton Blake , Shane Oakley , Sheffield Film and Comic Con , Shirley Bellwood , Shiver and Shake , Shrewsbury Field Forever Festival , Sid Burgon , Simon Donald , Simon Ecob , Simon Thorp , Simon Williams , Simon's Cat , Skeleton Hand , Skipper , Slick Fun , Sloperian , small press , Smash , Smasher , Smasher robot , Smuzz , Snail-Man , Soaring Penguin Press , Soccernauts , solano lopez , Solo , Sonic the Comic , Space Ace , Spaceship Away , Spanish comics , Sparky , Spectrum , Speed , Spider , Spider-Man , Spike , spirit of hope , Splodge , stan lee , Stan McMurtry , Star Trek , StarCom , Starlord , statistics , Steadfast McStaunch , Steel Claw , Steve Bright , Steve Dillon , Steve Ditko , Steve Holland , Steve Kyte , Steve MacManus , Steve Moore , Steve Parkhouse , Stikkums , Stingray , stoke con trent , storing comics , story papers , Storytime , stringertoons , Strip Magazine , stuart Jennett , Suburban Satanists , Suicidal Syd , summer specials , Sunday Post , Sunday Times , Super Picture Library , Super School , Supercats , Supergirl , Superman , Superman Annual , Supermarionation , Surface Tension , sweeny toddler , Sylvia Anderson , T.V. Boardman , Tales from Gimbley , Tammy , Tank Girl , Target , tarzan , Team Toxic , Ted Kearon , Terrific , Terry Bave , Terry Wakefield , Terry Willers , The Avengers , The Beano , The Beatles , The Birmingham Comics Festival , The Black Archer , The Bojeffries Saga , The Cloak , The Clock , The Comet , The Crunch , The Daft Dimension , The Dalek World , The Dandy , The Daredevils , The Dark Newt , The DFC , The Fade Out , The Flash , The Flutters , The Guardian , The Independent , The Larks , The Nervs , The Perishers , The Phoenix , The Prisoner , The Q-Bikes , The Thirteenth Floor , The Tower King , The Unmutual , The Wizard , Thor , Thrud the Barbarian , Thunderbirds , Thundercap , ThunderCats , Tiger , Tim Booth , Tim Perkins , Tim Quinn , Time Bomb Comics , Timeslip , Tingha and Tucker , Tip Top , Titan , Titan Comics , To Arms! , Today , Tom Bannister , Tom Kerr , tom paterson , Tom Thug , Tony Harding , Tony Husband , Tony Luke , Tony Weare , Top Sellers , Top Spot , Topper , Tornado , Tough of the Track , Toxic , Toxic Annual 2015 , Transformers , Treasure Island , Trevor Metcalfe , Trigan Empire , Triptoe Triers , Tripwire , True War , TV Action , TV Century 21 , TV Comic , TV Express , TV Fun , TV Tornado , TV21 , UFO , UKCAC , Umbrella Men , Unlucky Frank , V for Vendetta , valiant , Vampire Brats , Vanessa Morgan , Vic Neill , Victor , Vincent Danks , Vivacity , Viz , Vulcan , Vulcan Holiday Special , Walker Books , Walking Dead , Wally Robertson , Walter Bell , Walter Booth , Walter Howarth , war , Warlord , warrior , Watchmen , Wayfinders , Wayne Thompson , wham , Wham! Annual , White Death , whizzer and chips , whoopee , Willy the Kid , Wizard , Wonder Woman , Woodrow Phoenix , Wor Nicky , Worlds End , X-Men , Year of the Shark Men , Yishan Li , Yoe Books , Yogi Bear's Own , Your Comic Heroes , Zaucer of Zilk , Zero-G , Zip , Zip Comics , Zoony