Outis coming soon

Outis coming soon

Outis coming soon, albums scheduled for 2016

Mathias, volume 2, italian, english, french, spanish, deutsch,

A.N.G.E.L.O. english

Xtina, italian,

Amazons, italian, english, french

Dizionario cinema/fumetto volume B, italian

Lupo, italian, english, french

Angie, italian, english,

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Alla books edited by Monica.

Monica Ferrone is a comic strip artist based in Milan. She was born in Washington D.C. as the daughter of artistic parents. After graduating she worked as a graphic artist and in 2014 became head of the Outis Publishing House. In 2015 also started as a cartoonist, creating own comic strip ‘Xtina’ which is published in Italian newspapers like La Nuova Cronaca di Mantova

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