Anna e Mathias leggono…?
Anna e Mathias leggono…?
Nic Cometa
Editore: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
48 pagine
Bianco e Nero
Lire: 150
Albi: 2,
(giugno 1968, La pista di fuoco)
(luglio 1968, Il ribelle)
Testo: Pier Carpi
Disegni: Sergio Zaniboni, in seguito: T. Antony (Enrico Bagnoli)
Above The Line Agency, AERIAL SHOTS , Agency For The Performing Arts , Albin Michel , Allensworth Entertainment , Alpern Group , American Media Artists , Andrea Brown Literary Agency , Anna e Mathias leggono , Annette Van Duren Agency , Aragi Inc , ASSISTANT CAMERA OPERATOR , ASSISTENTE OPERATORE , Atchity Entertainment International , ATTREZZATURE RIPRESE SUBACQUEE , Avail Tale , Ayesha Pande Literary , Bamboo , bande dessinnée , BATTERIA , BATTERY , Bédérama , best writer , Beth Bohn Management Inc. , Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises , BG Literary , BiCoastal Talent & Literary Agency , Blake Friedmann , blakefriedmann.co.uk , Bob Mecoy Literary Agency , Bobby Ball Talent Agency , Brady , Brannon & Rich , Brant Rose Agency , Brogan Agency , BUDGET , burbank , CAMERA , CAMERA OPERATOR , CAMERA TRIPOD , Candace Lake Agency , Carabas , Career Artists International , Carol Mann Agency , Casarotto Ramsay , casarotto.uk.com , Cavaleri & Associates , CAVALLETTO , Chasin Agency , Cheng Caplan Company , Coffre à BD , comics page , Contemporary Artists , Conville & Walsh Ltd. , Cornélius , Cornerstone Literary Agency , Creative Artists Agency , Criterion , Curtis Brown , Curtis Brown Literary and Talent Agency , curtisbrown.co.uk , D4EO Literary Agency , Dargaud , Darley Anderson , darleyanderson.com , David Hale Smith Literary , David Higham , David Shapira & Associates , davidhigham.co.uk , DECOUPAGE , DeFiore and Company , Delcourt , Dench Arnold , dencharnold.co.uk , DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY , DIRETTORE ALLE LUCI , Don Buchwald & Associates , Doug Grad Literary Agency , Dravis Agency , DVD COPY , EDITING , EDITING SESSION MANEGEMENT , Éditions FLBLB , EDIZIONE , Emmanuel Proust éditions , enrico bagnoli , Equitable Stewardship for Artists , Eric Ruben , Featured Artists Agency , FILM COPY , FILM DIRECTOR , FILM EQUIPEMENT , FILM SPEED , FILM STOCK , Filmtrix Agency , Folio Literary Management , formula 1 , FOTOGRAFIE DI SCENA. STILLS , FOTOGRAFO DI SCENA , Foundry Literary and Media , Fox Literary , Frances Goldin Literary Agency , Frank Elliott Shapiro Agency , Full Circle Literary , Futuropolis , Gernert Company , Gersh Agency , Giancarlo Malagutti , Glénat – 5 P • 3 C
Les Humanoïdes Associés , Glendale , Global Talent Agency , Grand Design Communications , Grant , Gregory David Mayo Representing the Performing Arts , Herman Agency , Hollywood View Agency , how to sell screenplay , Howard Morhaim Literary Agency , ICM Partners , icmtalent.com , IDEAZIONE , Inc. , informazione , Inkwell Management , Innovative Artists , International Creative Management , International Creative Management (ICM) , Irene Goodman Literary Agency , Irv Schechter Company , JABberwocky Literary Agency , Jack Lenny Associates , jane friedman , Janklow & Nesbit Associates , Jill Grinberg Literary Management , Jim Preminger Agency , JKA Talent & Literary Agency , Joker éditions , Jud Laghi , Judge of the annual Kodansha International Comics Competition , Judith Hansen , Kaplan Stahler Agency , Kathleen Schultz Associates , Kitchen , Kopaloff & Associates , L'Association , La Cafetière , la nuova cronaca di mantova , LABORATORY , Larchmont Literary Agency , Laura Dail Literary Agency , Laya Gelff Agency , Le Vaisseau d'Argent , Lenhoff & Lenhoff , LIGHT HOLDERS , LIGHTING CAMERAMENT , Lind & Associates , Lippincott Massie McQuilkin , Lisa Callamaro Literary Agency , Literary Agent LLC , Litopia Corporation , litopia.com , LLC , LOCATION , LOGISTICA , Ltd. , Lynne & Reilly Agency , MACCHINE DA PRESA , Maggie Roiphe Agency , MAGNETIC TAPE , marjacq.com , Marjaq Scripts , Markson Thoma Literary Agency , MATERIALE FOTOGRAFICO , MATERIALE TECNICO , mathias , MBA Literary Agents , mbalit.co.uk , McIntosh & Otis , McVeigh Agency , Media Artists Group , Metropolitan Talent Agency , Michael Lewis & Associates , michel vaillant , Miriam Altshuler , Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates , Mon journal , MONTAGGIO , MOTORINO VARIABILE , MUSIC RECORDING MANAGEMENT , Nancy Chaidez Agency , Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation , Nancy Gallt Literary Agency , Nancy Yost Literary Agency , NASTRO MAGNETICO , NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA , Natural Talent , NEGATIVE , NEGATIVO , nfb , Nic Cometa , OPERATORE , ORGANIZZAZIONE GENERALE , ORIGINAL IDEA , Pamela D. Scoville Literary Agency , paninicomics , Pantheon , Paradigm , Paradigm Talent Agency , Paul Kohner , PELLICOLA , Peters Fraser & Dunlop , pfd.co.uk , PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS , PIANO DI LAVORAZIONE , pier carpi , PINZE ( per le luci) , Pippin Properties , PRE-MONTAGGIO , Preferred Artists , PREVENTIVO , PRINTING , PRODUCER IN CHARGE , PRODUCTION , PRODUCTION BREAKDOWN BOARD , PRODUZIONE , quotidiano , RAW CUT , Rebel Entertainment Partners , Red Sofa Literary , Regal Literary , REGIA , Richard Henshaw Group , RIPRESE AEREE , RIVER. CASSETTE VHS , RIVER. DVD , RIVERSAMENTO IN TELECINEMA , RLR Associates , Robert Astle & Associates Literary Management , Rodeen Literary Management , rodhallagency.com , Rothman Brecher Agency , RPM Talent , Sanford J. Greenburger Associates , SANFORD/SKOURAS/GROSS , Santa Monica California , SARNOFF & CO , Sarnoff Company , SASCO HILL & ASSOC , Savage Agency , Savic , SCAGNETTI TALENT AGENCY , SCALETTA RIPRESE , SCENEGGIATURA , SCHECHTER CO , SCHULTZ & ASSOC , screenplay , Semic , Sergio Zaniboni , SESSION MANEGEMENT , SHA’LIN TALENT AGENCY , Sheldon Fogelman Agency , SHERMAN & ASSOC , Signature Literary Agency , Silver Bitela Agency , SMA LLC , Société parisienne d'édition , SOGGETTO , Soleil Productions , SOPRALLUOGHI , SOUNDTRACK RECORDING , STAMPA , STAMPA COPIA LAVORO , Stars , Starwil Prods Talent Agency , STARWILL TALENT AGENCY , Stein Agenc Stuart M. Miller Co , STEIN AGENCY , STILLS PHOTOGRAPHER- STILL MAN , Stimola Literary Studio , Storm Entertainment , STORY , Suite A Management Talent & Literary Agency , SUMMIT TALENT & LITERARY , Summit Talent & Literary Agency , Susan Rabiner Literary Agency , SVILUPPO DEL NEGATIVO , TALENT-WORKS , TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION , Téméraire , tenagy.co.uk , The Agency , The Bent Agency , The Knight Agency , The Literary Group , The Rights Factory , The Rodd Hall Agency , The Strothman Agency , The Tennyson Agency , The Wendy Weil Agency , The Zack Company Inc , theagency.co.uk The Agency alanbrodie.com Alan Brodie apwatt.co.uk A.P. Watt , Transatlantic Literary Agency , Trident Media Group , Triskel , TURNI , TURNI COLONNA INTERNAZION. , TURNI MONTAGGIO , TURNI RIVERSAMENTO MUSICHE , TURTLE AGENCY , UNDERWATER EQUIPAMENT , United Talent Agency , UNIVERSAL TALENT AGENCY , Ute Körner , Vents d'Ouest , Venture Literary , Veritas Literary Agency , Vertige Graphic , Verve Talent & Literary Agency LLC , Vicky Bijur Literary Agency , Victoria Sanders , Warden Group , Waxman Literary Agency , werther gorni , WHS COPY , William Kerwin Agency , William Morris Agency , Wilson & Associates , wma.com , WME Entertainment , WORKING PRINT , World Manga , Writers House , www.nfb.ca , Xtina , Zenda