Frank Zappa biopic graphic novel
Frank Zappa biopic graphic novel
Nelle prossime settimane uscirà (per Paginauno La Casa Editrice) nelle librerie e sarà acquistabile su tutte le piattaforme librarie e-commerce, il volume “Zappa – il fumetto”. Racconto della vita del grande musicista americano Frank Zappa. Ideato e sceneggiato da Giuseppe Ciarallo e illustrato (con tavole a colori e in b/n) da Manlio Truscia. A impreziosire il libro ci sono 14 tavole a colori di altrettanti illustratori.

Melanie Gillman ,
Evan Dahm ,
All Ages ,
Wondermark ,
Stand Still Stay Silent ,
Check ,
O Human Star ,
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal ,
Kill Six Billion Demons ,
As The Crow Flies ,
Vattu ,
Hark! A Vagrant ,
Minna Sundberg ,
Ngozi Ukazu ,
Gunnerkrigg Court , , . Web Comics
The Nib , 2000AD , 2000AD Sci-Fi Special. 2000AD Winter Special ABC Show , A Contract With God , Abigail Bulmer , Aces Weekly , Action Comics , Action Man , Adam Eterno , Adam West , Adrian Alphona and G. Willow Wilson , Adrian Salmon , advertisements , After Image , Akira , Al Ewing , Alan Class , Alan Craddock , Alan Davis , Alan Digby , Alan Grant , Alan Hebden , Alan Moore , Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons , Alan Ryan , Albert Holroyd , Albert Pease , Albion , Alex Akerbladh , Alex Collier , Alex de Campi , Alexander Matthews , Alexandro Jodorowsky and Moebius , Alf Tupper , Alfie the Air Tramp , Alfredo Marculeta , Ali Ha-Ha , Alison Bechdel , All Star Superman , Allan Morely , Ally Sloper , American comics , Amulet , Andi Watson , Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell , Andrew Wildman , Andy Capp , Andy Fanton , Andy Hutton , Angry Birds Magazine , Angus McKie , annual , annuals , Antimatter Hari , Apollo , Arena , Armageddon Patrol , Arnold Book Company , Arrow , ART SPIEGELMAN , Arthir Ranson , Arthur Ferrier , Arthur Martin , Artie Jackson , Astro City , auctions , Australian comics , Avengers , Avengers Universe , Avery Hill Publishing , Bad Company , Bambos Georgiou , Banana Bunch , Bananagirl , Bananaman , Banx , Barrie Appleby , Barrie Mitchell , Barry Kitson , Basil Reynolds , batman , Batman:Arkham , Batsowl , Battle , Baz and Co , BBC , Beano , Beano Annual , Beano Christmas Special , Beano Summer Special , Beano. Dandy , BeanoMax , Bear Alley , Beezer , Belardinelli , Bem , Ben Hatke , Ben Passmore , Berke Breathed , Bertie Brown , BHP Comics , Biffo the Bear , Big Eggo , Big Head and Thick Head , Big Issue North , Bill Hill , Bill Holroyd , Bill Lacey , Bill Mevin , Bill Ritchie , Bill Titcombe , Bill Watterson , Billy Bunter , Billy the Cat , Billy's Boots , Bimbo , Birdman , Birmingham , Birmingham Comic Art Show 1986 , Bitch Planet , Black Bob , Black Max , Black Panther , Black Shuck , Blackpool , Blighty , blog , Bloom County , Blunderbirds , Bob Dewar , Bob Hill , Bob Monkhouse , Bob Nixon , Bobby of the Blues , Bomb Scares 2015 , Bone , Books about comics , Boys' World , Braddock , Brassneck , Brendan McCarthy , Brett Ewins , Brian Bolland , Brian Boyd , Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples , Brian Lewis , Brian Walker , Brickman , Brickman Returns! , Bristol Comic Expo , British comics , Broons , Bruce Cornwell , bruce forsyth , Bryan Talbot , Buck Ryan , Buddy , Bullet , bunty , Buster , Butt Face , Butterfly , Calculus Cat , Calvin And Hobbes , Cam Kennedy , Captain America , Captain Britain , Captain Gross , Captain Hurricane , Captain Pugwash , Captain Scarlet , Captain Universe , Captain Wally , cardiff film and comic con , CARL BARKS , Carl Barks' Disney Ducks , Carl Critchlow , Carla Speed McNeil , Carlos Cruz , Carlos Ezquerra , Carlos Pino , Cartoon magazines , Cartoon Museum , Cartoon Network , cartooning , Casey Court , Castle Waiting , Cece Bell and David Lasky , Cecil Doughty , Cecil Orr , censorship , Chad Valley , Chamber of Chills , Champion , Charles M. Schulz , Charley's War , Charlie Adlard , Charlie Brooker , Charlie Chaplin , Charlie Grigg , Chas Sinclair , Chris Claremont and Brent Anderson , Chris Ware Blacksad , Chris Wildgoose , christmas , Chronos Commandos , cigarette cards , Cinema Pergatorio , Cintiq , Civil War , Classic Comics , Clint , Cloak , Colin MacNeill , collectables , Collectormania , Combat Colin , comic book alliance , Comic Cuts , Comic Expo , Comic Football , Comic Heroes , Comic Media News , Comic Review magazine , comic sales , comic shops , Comica , comicraft , comics , comics industry , comics show , Comics Uncovered , Comics Unmasked , comicscape , commando , Conan , convention , Cor , Corporal Clott , Cosmo White , Countdown , Crackers , Craig Thompson , Crikey , Crucible , Curly Hector , Cyril Price , D'Antonio , daily mirror , Daily Sketch , Daleks , Dan Cornwell , dan dare , Dan Whitehead , Dandy , Dandy Annual , Dandy Book , Dandy Summer Special , Dandy. Postman Prat , Danger Man , Danger Mouse , Danger! Len at work , Daniel Clowes Monstress , Dark Horse Comics , Dave Gibbons , Dave Hine , Dave Stewart and Darwyn Cooke , Dave Sutherland , Dave Taylor , Davey Jones , Davey Law , David Aja and Javier Pulido , David Hine , David Leach , David Leach Conquers the Universe , David Lloyd , David Petersen The MAD Archives , David Roach , David Torrie , Davy Francis , Davy Law , Daytripper , dc comics , DC: The New Frontier , Dead Universe Publishing , Deadline , Dean Ormston , Deathlok , decimalization , Denis Gifford , Denis McCloughlin , Denis McLoughlin , Dennis the Menace , Derek Marsden , Derek the Troll , Desperate Dan , Dez Skinn , Diana , Dick Millington , Dicky Howett , digital , Digital Dandy , disney , Doctor Peculliar , Doctor Strange , Doctor Who , Doctor Who Adventures , Doctor Who Classic Comics , Doctor Who Comic , Doctor Who Festival , Doctor Who Magazine , Doctor Who merchandise , Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor , Don Harley , Don Heck , Don Lawrence , Don Newhouse , Don Starr , DONALD DUCK , Doom Patrol , Doomlord , Dopey Dinosaur , Double Double Comics , Douglas Phillips , Dr What , Dracula , Draw the Marvel Way , Dreamy Dave and Dozy Dora , Dudley Watkins , Duncan Scott , Dykes To Watch Out For , Dylan Teague , E. C. Segar , Eagle , Eagle Awards , Eaglemoss , Easter , Ed Brubaker , Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark , Ed Piskor Fantasy And Science Fiction , Eddie Campbell , edizionipaginauno , Egmont , Eightball , Eiichiro Oda Fullmetal Alchemist , El Deafo , El Mestizo , Eleanor Davis , Electricomics , Elephantmen , Elfquest , Ellis Eringer , Elstree Studios , Emil Ferris Jimmy Corrigan , Emilio Frejo , Emily Carroll Blankets , Emma Chinnery , emma vieceli , Enid Blyton , enniskillen comic fest , Epic Magazine , Eric Bradbury , Eric Eden , Eric Roberts , Ernie Pook's Comeek , Essential Doctor Who , Etherington Brothers , Express , Falcon , Fantastic , Fantasy Advertiser , fanzines , Felix and his amazing underpants , Ferg Handley , Fighter , Fighting Fantasy , Film Fun , fireworks , First Age Comics , Flame O' The Forest , Fleetway , Fleetway flyer , Flintlock , football , Football Galaxy , Fox and Crow , Frank Bellamy , Frank Hampson , Frank Humphies , Frank Langford , Frank McDiarmid , frank miller , Frank Minnitt , Frankenthing , Frankie Stein , Fred Holmes , Freddie Adkins , free gifts , Fun Home , Funny Folks , Funny Monsters Comic , Funny Wonder , Fury , Future , Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon , Gabrille Noble , Gail Simone and Amanda Deibert , Garry Leach , garth , Garth Ennis , Gary Northfield , Gary Spencer Millidge , Gavin Ewing , Gene Colan , Gene Luen Yang , General Jumbo , Geoff Campion , George Heath , George Herriman , George Martin , George Parlett , George Wakefield , Gerald G. Swan , Gerry Anderson , Gerry Embleton , Gerry Haylock , Ghosts , Giancarlo Malagutti , girl , Girls Crystal , Giuseppe Ciarallo , Glenn Fabry , Goodies , Goodnight Punpun , Gordon Bell , Gordon Hill , Gordon Hogg , Goseki Kojima and Kazuo Koike , Gosh , Gotham , Gotham Central , Graham Allen , Graham Bleathman , Grammarman , Grandville , Grant Morrison , Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely , Grant Morrison and Richard Case , Grant Perkins , Green Arrow , Greg Rucka , Greg Rucka and Steve Lieber , Greg Staples , Grimly Feendish , Grindhouse , Gum Girl , H.C. Milburn , Hachette , halloween , Ham Dare , Hardware , Harlan Ellison , Harold Johns , Harry Banger , Harry Hargreaves , Harry Hill , Harry Lindfield , Harry North , Harvey Comics , harvey kurtzman , Hawkeye , Hayao Miyazaki , Hellboy , Herb Trimpe , Here , Herr Seele , Hibernia Comics , Hiromu Arakawa , Hookjaw , Horace , Horizon , horror comics , Hotspur , House of Hammer , How To Be Happy , Huckleberry Hound , Hugh Fowler , Hugh McNeill , Hulk , Hunt Emerson , Hurricane , Ian Edginton , Ian Jackson , Ian Kennedy , ICE International Comic Expo , IDW , Ilex Press , Illustrated Chips , Ilustrated Chips , Improper Books , In His Cups , independent comics , Infinity , Inio Asano Persepolis , Invisible Dick , IPC , Iron Fish , Iron Moon , Isabel Greenberg , It Girl , Ivy the Terrible , Jack Glass , Jack Greenall , jack kirby , Jack Oliver , Jack Pamby , Jack Varney , Jag , Jaime Hernandez and Gilbert Hernandez , Jake Lynch , James Clark , James Crichton , James Hodgkins , Jamie Smart , Jan Shepheard , Jane , Janus Stark , Jaqueline Rayner , Jay Gunn , jean giraud , Jeff Lemire , Jeff Smith , Jenni Scott , Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster , Jessica Martin , Jesus Blasco , Jet , Jim Alexander , Jim Baikie , Jim Petrie , Jim Starlin , Jim Watson , Jimmy Broxton , Jimmy Hansen , Jimmy Jinx , Jinty , Jinx , Joe 90 , Joe Colquhoun , Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez , Joe Maneely , Joe Matthews , John A. Short , John Allard , John Anderson , John Armstrong , John Bolton , John Burns , John Canning , John Cooper , John Freeman , John Geering , John Gillatt , John Higgins , John Jukes , John Lawrence , John Lewis , John M. Burns , John McCrea , John Reppion , John Ridgway , John Ross , John Ryan , John Short , John Stanley , John Vernon , John Wagner , Johnny Future , Johnny Red , joke mags , Joker , Jolly Comic , Jon Haward , Jon Pertwee , Jon Rushby , Jonah , Jordan Ezekude , Jordi Bernet , José Ortiz , Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido , Jubilee , Judge Dredd , Judy , Julius Sneezer , Julius Zebra , June , Kapow , Karen Rubins , Karl Dixon , Kat Nicholson , Katsuhiro Otomo , Katy Manning , Kazu Kibuishi , Keith Burns , Keith Page , Keith Page. Iron Moon , Keith Robson , Keith Watson , Kelly Sue Deconnick and Valentine De Landro , kelly's eye , Ken Barr , Ken Harrison , Ken Hunter , Ken Pyne , Ken Reid , Kev O'Neill , Kevin O'Neill , Keyhole Kate , Kickback , Kid Cops , Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie , Kim Dong HwaThe Encyclopedia Of Early Earth , Klanky , Klaus Janson and Lynn Varley , Knockabout , Knockout , Know How , Kobra , Korky , Korky the Cat , Krazy Kat , Kult Creations , Kung-Fu Cheesecake , Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson , L.Miller , Lady Penelope , Lakes International Comic Art Festival , Lancaster Comics Day , Larks , Laugh with Lola , Laura Howell , Laura Trinder , Leah Moore , Lee Sullivan , Leo Baxendale , leonard starr , Les Barton , Li'l House of Grind , Liam Sharp , Linda Medley American Born Chinese , lion , Lise Myhre , Little Lulu , Locke & Key , London Calling , London Comic Mart , London Film and Comic Con , Lone Wolf And Cub , Look and Learn , Look-in , Lord Snooty , Lorna Doone , Lorna Miller , Louis Briault , Love And Rockets , Love in a Kestle or Love in a Hut , Luis Bermejo , Lynda Barry , Lynne Triplett , Macc-Pow , Mail on Sunday , Malcolm Douglas , Malcolm Jones III and Sam Kieth , Malcolm Judge , Malta Comic Con 2014 , man in space , Manager Matt , Manchester Film and Comic Con , Manlio Truscia , marc jackson , March , Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki , Marjane Satrapi , Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda , Mark Bennigton , Mark Farmer , Mark Millar , Mark Rogers , Mark Stafford , Markosia , Marshal Law , Martha Washington , Martin Asbury , Martin Baines , Martin Barker , Martin Baxendale , Martin Garaghty , Martin Lock , Martin Skidmore , marvel , Marvel Action Hour , Marvel Fact Files , marvel legends , Marvel Pocket Books , Marvel UK , Marvelman , Mary Perkins - On Stage , Mary Talbot , Master of Kung Fu , Matt Fraction , Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky Finder , Maus: A Survivors Tale , MCM comic con , Meanwhile , media outrage , Megahex , Metamorph , Mick Anglo , Mick Austin , Mick McMahon , MICKEY MOUSE , Mighty Moth , Mighty World of Marvel , Mike Brown , Mike Collins , Mike Dringenberg , Mike Green , Mike Higgs , Mike Lacey , mike mignola , Mike Noble , mike western , Mike White , Miller Western Comic Books , Milo Manara , Minnie the Minx , mirabilis , Miracleman , Misty , moebius , Monkees , Monster Fun , Monster Mag , Moonsters , Moose Kid Comics , Mouse Guard , Ms. Marvel , multiverse , My Favorite Thing Is Monsters , Nadal , Naoki Urasawa , Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind , Neil Gaiman , Network , Neville Main , New Amazons , New Year , news trade , newsagent , Newspaper Strips , Nextwave , Nick Dyer , Nick Miller , Nick Percival , Nigel Auchterlounie , Nigel Dobbyn , Nigel Edwards , Nigel Parkinson , Nikki , Nimona , Noddy , Noelle Stevenson , Norman Light , Norman Mansbridge , Norman Wisdom , Norway , nothingbutafan , numskulls , Octobriana , Odhams , Oh Boy , oink , Okay Annual , om-nom-nom , On The Edge , One Piece , Oor Wullie , original artwork , Paddy Brennan , Paginauno La Casa Editrice , Panini UK , Pansy Potter , partworks , Pat Mills , Pat Nicolle , Pat Williams , Pathetic Sharks , Paul Gravett , Paul Grist , Paul Neary , Paul Palmer , Paul Travillion , Paulina Vassileva , peanuts , Penny , penny dreadful , Peppa Pig , Percy Cocking , Pete and his Pimple , Pete's Pimple , Peter Davidson , Peter Milligan and Chris Bachalo , Peter Richardson , Phil Elliott , Phil Millar , Phil Winslade , Phoenix , Pictorial Knowledge , Picture Libraries , Pigswilla , piracy , Planetary , playbox , Please! , PLUTO , Pogo , poot , Postman Prat , pow , Pow! Annual , Power Comics , Power Rangers , pre-code horror , Print Media , prints , Private Eye , Progenitor , promotion , PS Publishing , Psycho Gran , PUCK , Pulp Detective , Pulse , Pup Parade , R.Charles Roylance , R.M. Guéra , Rab Hamilton , racconto della vita del grande Frank Zappa , Rachael Smith , Rachael Stott , Radio Fun , Radio Fun. Reg Parlett , Raina Telgemeier , Rammie , Rasher , Ray Moore , Raymond Briggs , Red Wrecker , Redan , reference , Reg Bunn , Reg Carter , Reg Parlett , Reg Perrott , Reg Wooton , Requiem , retrospective of 2015 , Richard Elson , Richard Jennings , Richard McGuire , Rob Davis , Robbie Morrison , Robert Forrest , Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore , Robo Capers , Robot Archie , Rocket , Roger Langridge , Roger the Dodger , Rogue Trooper , Rok Comics , Rok of the Reds , romance , Ron Embleton , Ron Smith , Ron Spencer , Ron Turner , Rover , Roy of the Rovers , Roy Wilson , Royal Wedding , Rubberman , Rufus Dayglo , Ruggero Giovanni , Russ Leach , Ryan North and Erica Henderson , Saga , Saga Of The Swamp Thing , Sally , Sam Fair , Sandy Calder , Sandy James , Savage , scorcher , Score and Roar , Scorer , Scott Gray , Scott McCloud Hip Hop Family Tree , Scraps , Scream , Sean Phillips , SEARCHING THIS BLOG , Secret Service , SelfMadeHero , Sex Criminals (Adult Content) , Sexton Blake , Shade , Shane Oakley , Sheffield Film and Comic Con , Shirley Bellwood , Shiver and Shake , Shrewsbury Field Forever Festival , Sid Burgon , Simon Donald , Simon Ecob , Simon Hanselmann , Simon Thorp , Simon Williams , Simon's Cat , Skeleton Hand , Skipper , Slick Fun , Sloperian , small press , Smash , Smasher , Smasher robot , Smuzz , Snail-Man , Soaring Penguin Press , Soccernauts , solano lopez , Solo , Sonic the Comic , Space Ace , Spaceship Away , Spanish comics , Sparky , Spectrum , Speed , Spider , Spider-Man , Spike , spirit of hope , Splodge , stan lee , Stan McMurtry , Stan Sakai , Star Trek , StarCom , Starlord , statistics , Steadfast McStaunch , Steel Claw , Steve Bright , Steve Dillon , Steve Ditko , Steve Holland , Steve Kyte , Steve MacManus , Steve Moore , Steve Parkhouse , Steve R. Bissette and John Totleben , Stikkums , Stingray , stoke con trent , storing comics , story papers , Storytime , stringertoons , Strip Magazine , stuart Jennett , Suburban Satanists , Suicidal Syd , summer specials , Sunday Post , Sunday Times , Super Picture Library , Super School , Supercats , Supergirl , Superheroes , Superman , Superman Annual , Supermarionation , Surface Tension , sweeny toddler , Sweet Tooth , Sylvia Anderson , T.V. Boardman , Ta-Nehisi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze , Tales from Gimbley , Tammy , Tank Girl , Target , tarzan , Team Toxic , Ted Kearon , Terrific , Terry Bave , Terry Wakefield , Terry Willers , The Avengers , The Beano , The Beatles , The Birmingham Comics Festival , The Black Archer , The Bojeffries Saga , The Changing Man , The Cloak , The Clock , The Color Of Earth (Trilogy) , The Comet , The Crunch , The Daft Dimension , The Dalek World , The Dandy , The Daredevils , The Dark Knight Returns , The Dark Newt , The DFC , The Fade Out , The Flash , The Flutters , The Guardian , The Incal , The Independent , The Larks , The Nervs , The Perishers , The Phoenix , The Prisoner , The Q-Bikes , The Sandman , The Thirteenth Floor , The Tower King , The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl , The Unmutual , The Vision , The Walking Dead , The Wicked + The Divine , The Wizard , Thimble Theater , This One Summer , Thor , Through The Woods , Thrud the Barbarian , Thunderbirds , Thundercap , ThunderCats , Tiger , Tim Booth , Tim Perkins , Tim Quinn , Time Bomb Comics , Timeslip , Tingha and Tucker , Tip Top , Titan , Titan Comics , To Arms! , Today , Tom Bannister , Tom Kerr , Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez Walta , tom paterson , Tom Thug , Tony Harding , Tony Husband , Tony Luke , Tony Weare , Top Sellers , Top Spot , Topper , Tornado , Tough of the Track , Toxic , Toxic Annual 2015 , Transformers , Transmetropolitan , Treasure Island , Trevor Metcalfe , Trigan Empire , Triptoe Triers , Tripwire , True War , TV Action , TV Century 21 , TV Comic , TV Express , TV Fun , TV Tornado , TV21 , UFO , UKCAC , Umbrella Men , Understanding Comics , Unlucky Frank , Usagi Yojimbo , V for Vendetta , valiant , Vampire Brats , Vanessa Morgan , Vic Neill , Victor , Vincent Danks , Vivacity , Viz , Vulcan , Vulcan Holiday Special , Walker Books , Walking Dead , Wally Robertson , Walt Kelly , Walter Bell , Walter Booth , Walter Howarth , war , Warlord , Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson , Warren Ellis and John Cassaday , Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen , warrior , Watchmen , Wayfinders , Wayne Thompson , Wendy Pini and Richard Pini , wham , Wham! Annual , White Death , Whiteout , whizzer and chips , whoopee , Will Eisner , Willy the Kid , Wizard , Wonder Woman , Woodrow Phoenix , Wor Nicky , Worlds End , X-Men , Year of the Shark Men , Yishan Li , Yoe Books , Yogi Bear's Own , Your Black Friend , Your Comic Heroes , Zappa – il fumetto , Zaucer of Zilk , Zero-G , Zip , Zip Comics , Zita The Spacegirl , Zoony