Italian Spiderman or Uomo Ragno
Italian Spiderman or Uomo Ragno
Series published in the SuperGulp magazine, 1978
Art: Giancarlo Malagutti, Giorgio Montorio

1978, 2000AD , 2000AD Sci-Fi Special. 2000AD Winter Special ABC Show , 3-D Man , A.I.M. , Aaron Stack , Abigail Bulmer , Abner Jenkins , Abomination , Absorbing Man , Abyss , Aces Weekly , Action Man , Adam Destine , Adam Eterno , Adam Warlock , Adam West , Adrian Salmon , advertisements , Advertising , Aegis , After Image , Age of Apocalypse , Agent Brand , Agent X , Agent Zero , Agents of Atlas , Aginar , Air-Walker , Ajak , Ajaxis , Akemi , Al Ewing , Alain , Alan Class , Alan Craddock , Alan Davis , Alan Digby , Alan Grant , Alan Hebden , Alan Moore , Alan Ryan , Albert Cleary , Albert Holroyd , Albert Pease , Albion , Alex Akerbladh , Alex Collier , Alex de Campi , Alex Power , Alexa Mendez , Alexander Matthews , Alexander Pierce , Alf Tupper , Alfie the Air Tramp , Alfredo Marculeta , Ali Ha-Ha , Alice , Alicia Masters , Allan Morely , Allan Quatermain , Ally Sloper , Alpha Flight , Alvin Maker , Amadeus Cho , Amanda Sefton , Amazoness , American comics , American Eagle , Amiko , Amora , Amphibian , Amun , Ancient One , Andi Watson , Andrew Wildman , Andy Capp , Andy Fanton , Andy Hutton , Angel , Angry Birds Magazine , Angus McKie , Anita Blake , Anne Marie Hoag , Annihilus , annual , annuals , Anole , Ant-Man , Anthem , Antimatter Hari , Apocalypse , Apollo , Aqueduct , Arachne , Araña , Arcade , Arcana , Archangel , Arclight , Arena , Ares , Argent , Armadillo , Armageddon Patrol , Armor , Armory , Arnim Zola , Arnold Book Company , Arnoldo Mondadori , Arrow , Arsenic , Arthir Ranson , Arthur Ferrier , Arthur Martin , Artie Jackson , Artiee , Asgardian , Askew-Tronics , Asylum , Atlas , auctions , Aurora , Australian comics , Avalanche , Avengers , Avengers Alliance) , Avengers Universe , Avery Hill Publishing , Azazel , Bad Company , Bambos Georgiou , Banana Bunch , Bananagirl , Bananaman , Banshee , Banx , Baron Strucker , Baron Zemo , Baroness S'Bak , Barracuda , Barrie Appleby , Barrie Mitchell , Barry Kitson , Barry Norman Osborn , Bart Rozum , Basil Reynolds , Bastion , batman , Batman:Arkham , Batroc the Leaper , Batsowl , Battering Ram , Battle , Baz and Co , BBC , Beak , Beano , Beano Annual , Beano Christmas Special , Beano Summer Special , Beano. Dandy , BeanoMax , Bear Alley , Beast , Becatron , Bedlam , Beef , Beetle , Beezer , Belardinelli , Bem , Ben Grimm , Ben Parker , Ben Reilly , Ben Urich , Bengal , Bertie Brown , Beta-Ray Bill , Betty Brant , Betty Ross , Beyonder , BHP Comics , Bi-Beast , Biffo the Bear , Big Bertha , Big Eggo , Big Head and Thick Head , Big Issue North , Big Wheel , Bill Foster , Bill Hill , Bill Hollister , Bill Holroyd , Bill Lacey , Bill Mevin , Bill Ritchie , Bill Titcombe , Billy Brady , Billy Bunter , Billy the Cat , Billy's Boots , Bimbo , Birdman , Birmingham , Birmingham Comic Art Show 1986 , Bishop , Black Bird , Black Bob , Black Bolt , Black Cat , Black Crow , Black Knight , Black Max , Black Panther , Black Queen , Black Shuck , Black Tarantula , Black Tom , Black Widow , Blackheart , Blacklash , Blackout , Blackpool , Blade , Blastaar , Blazing Skull , Blighty , Blindfold , Blink , Blizzard , Blob , Blockbuster , blog , Blok , Bloke , Blonde Phantom , Bloodaxe , Bloodscream , Bloodstorm , Bloodstrike , Blue Blade , Blue Marvel , Blue Shield , Blunderbirds , Blur , Bob Agent of Hydra , Bob Dewar , Bob Hill , Bob Monkhouse , Bob Nixon , Bobby of the Blues , Bomb Scares 2015 , Bonvi , Books about comics , Boom Boom , Boomer , Boomerang , Box , Boys' World , Braddock , Brassneck , Brendan McCarthy , Brett Ewins , Brian Bolland , Brian Boyd , Brian Lewis , Brian Walker , Brickman , Brickman Returns! , Bride of Nine Spiders , Bristol Comic Expo , British comics , Bromley , Brood , Broons , Brother Voodoo , Brotherhood of Evil Mutants , Bruce Banner , Bruce Cornwell , bruce forsyth , Brute , Bryan Talbot , Buck Ryan , Bucky , Buddy , Bug , Bulldozer , Bullet , Bullseye , bunty , Bushwacker , Buster , Butt Face , Butterfly , Cable , Cable (Deadpool) , Calamity , Calculus Cat , Caliban , Callisto , Calypso , Cam Kennedy , Cammi , Cannonball , Cap'n Oz , Captain America , Captain Britain , Captain Cross , Captain Flint , Captain Gross , Captain Hurricane , Captain Marvel , Captain Midlands , Captain Pugwash , Captain Scarlet , Captain Stacy , Captain Universe , Captain Wally , Cardiac , cardiff film and comic con , Careers , Caretaker , Cargill , Carl Critchlow , Carlie Cooper , Carlo Raffaele Marcello , Carlos Cruz , Carlos Ezquerra , Carlos Pino , Carmella Unuscione , Carnage , Carol Danvers , Carol Hines , Cartoon magazines , Cartoon Museum , Cartoon Network , cartooning , Casey Court , Cassandra Nova , Catseye , Cattivik , Cecil Doughty , Cecil Orr , Cecilia Reyes , Celestials , censorship , Centennial , Centurions , Cerebro , Cerise , Ch'od , Chad Valley , Chamber , Chamber of Chills , Chameleon , Champion , Champions , Changeling , CHARACTERS , Charles Xavier , Charley's War , Charlie Adlard , Charlie Brooker , Charlie Campion , Charlie Chaplin , Charlie Grigg , Chas Sinclair , Chase Stein , Chat , Chimera , Chores MacGillicudy , Chris Wildgoose , Christian Walker , christmas , Chronomancer , Chronos Commandos , cigarette cards , Cinema Pergatorio , Cintiq , Civil War , ClanDestine , Classic Comics , Clea , Clint , Clint Barton , Cloak , Cloud 9 , Cobalt Man , Colin MacNeill , collectables , Collectormania , Colleen Wing , Colonel America , Colossus , Combat Colin , comic book alliance , Comic Cuts , Comic Expo , Comic Football , Comic Heroes , Comic Media News , Comic Review magazine , comic sales , comic shops , Comica , comicraft , comics , comics industry , comics show , Comics Uncovered , Comics Unmasked , comicscape , commando , Conan , Confederates of the Curious , Constrictor , Contessa , Controller , convention , Cor , Cornelius , Corporal Clott , Corsair , Cosmo , Cosmo White , Cottonmouth , Count Nefaria , Countdown , Countess , Crackers , Crikey , Crimson Crusader , Crimson Dynamo , Crimson King , Crossbones , Crucible , Crule , Crusher Hogan , Crystal , Cuckoo , Curly Hector , Curt Conners , Cuthbert , Cyber , Cyclops , Cypher , Cyril Price , D'Antonio , D'Ken Neramani , Dagger , Daily Bugle , daily mirror , Daily Sketch , Daimon Hellstrom , Daken , Dakota North , Daleks , Damage Control , Dan Cornwell , dan dare , Dan Whitehead , Dandy , Dandy Annual , Dandy Book , Dandy Summer Special , Dandy. Postman Prat , Danger Man , Danger Mouse , Danger! Len at work , Dani Moonstar , Daniel Ketch , Danny Rand , Daredevil , Dargo Ktor , Dark Avengers , Dark Beast , Dark Horse Comics , Dark Phoenix , Dark X-Men , Darkhawk , Darkstar , Darwin , Dave Gibbons , Dave Hine , Dave Sutherland , Dave Taylor , Davey Jones , Davey Law , David Hine , David Leach , David Leach Conquers the Universe , David Lloyd , David Roach , David Torrie , Davy Francis , Davy Law , Dazzler , dc comics , Deacon Frost , Dead Girl , Dead Universe Publishing , Deadline , Deadpool , Dean Ormston , Death , Deathbird , Deathcry , Deathlok , Debra Whitman , Debrii , decimalization , Deena Pilgrim , Defenders , Demogoblin , Denis Gifford , Denis McCloughlin , Denis McLoughlin , Dennis the Menace , Derek Marsden , Derek the Troll , Desperate Dan , Destiny , Detective Soap , Developer Portal , Deviants , Devil Dinosaur , Devos , Dexter Bennett , Dez Skinn , di Attilio Micheluzzi , Diablo , Diamondback , Diana , Dick Millington , Dicky Howett , digital , Digital Dandy , Dinah Soar , Dirk Anger , disney , Doc Justice , Doc Samson , Doctor Doom , Doctor Faustus , Doctor Octopus , Doctor Peculliar , Doctor Spectrum , Doctor Strange , Doctor Who , Doctor Who Adventures , Doctor Who Classic Comics , Doctor Who Comic , Doctor Who Festival , Doctor Who Magazine , Doctor Who merchandise , Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor , Dog Brother , Domino , Don Harley , Don Heck , Don Lawrence , Don Newhouse , Don Starr , Donald Blake , DONALD DUCK , Doomlord , Doomsday Man , Doop , Doorman , Dopey Dinosaur , Dorian Gray , Dormammu , Double Double Comics , Douglas Phillips , DOWNLOADS , Dr What , Dr. Strange , Dracula , Dragon Lord , Dragon Man , Draw the Marvel Way , Drax , Dreadnoughts , Dreaming Celestial , Dreamy Dave and Dozy Dora , Druig , Dudley Watkins , Dum Dum Dugan , Duncan Scott , Dust , Dylan Teague , Eagle , Eagle Awards , Eaglemoss , Earth-311 , Earth-712 , Earthquake , Easter , Echo , Ed Brubaker , Eddie Brock , Eddie Campbell , Eddie Lau , Edward "Ted" Forrester , Edwin Jarvis , Egmont , Ego , El Mestizo , Electricomics , Electro , Elektra , Elements of Doom , Elephantmen , Elite , Elixir , Ellis Eringer , Elloe Kaifi , Elsa Bloodstone , Elstree Studios , Emilio Frejo , Emma Chinnery , Emma Frost , emma vieceli , Empath , Emplate , Enchantress , Ender Wiggin , Energizer , Enid Blyton , enniskillen comic fest , Epic Magazine , Epoch , Eric Bradbury , Eric Eden , Eric O'Grady , Eric Roberts , Erik the Red , ernie pike , Essential Doctor Who , Eternals , Eternity , Etherington Brothers , Excalibur , Exiles , Exodus , Expediter , Express , Ezekiel , Ezekiel Stane , Fabian Cortez , Fabrizio Busticchi , Falcon , Falcon/Sam Wilson , Fallen One , Famine , Fantastic , Fantastic Four , fantastici quattro , Fantasy Advertiser , Fantomex , fanzines , Fat Cobra , Felicia Hardy , Felix and his amazing underpants , Fenris , Feral , ferdinando tacconi , Ferg Handley , Fighter , Fighting Fantasy , Film Fun , Fin Fang Foom , Firebird , Firebrand , Firedrake , Firelord , Firestar , fireworks , First Age Comics , Fixer , Flame O' The Forest , Flatman , Fleetway , Fleetway flyer , Flintlock , Flying Dutchman , Foggy Nelson , football , Football Galaxy , Force Works , Forearm , Forge , Forgotten One , Fox and Crow , Francisco Ibáñez , Frank Bellamy , Frank Castle , Frank Hampson , Frank Humphies , Frank Langford , Frank McDiarmid , Frank Minnitt , Frankenstein's Monster , Frankenthing , Frankie Stein , Franklin Richards , Franklin Storm , Fraternity of Raptors , Freak , Fred Holmes , Freddie Adkins , free gifts , Frightful Four , Frog Thor , Frog-Man , Funny Folks , Funny Monsters Comic , Funny Wonder , Fury , Future , Gabe Jones , Gabriel Lan , Gabrille Noble , Galactus , Galia , Gambit , Gamma Corps , Gamora , Gargoyle , Garia , Garrison Kane , Garry Leach , garth , Garth Ennis , Gary Northfield , Gary Spencer Millidge , Gateway , Gauntlet , Gavin Ewing , Geiger , Gene Colan , Gene Sailors , General Jumbo , Generation X , Genesis , Genis-Vell , Geoff Campion , George Heath , George Martin , George Parlett , George Stacy , George Wakefield , Gerald G. Swan , Gerry Anderson , Gerry Embleton , Gerry Haylock , Gertrude Yorkes , Ghost Rider , giancarlo alessandrini , Giancarlo Malagutti , Giant Girl , Giant Man , Giant-dok , Gideon , Gino D'Antonio , giorgio montorio , Giorgio Trevisan , girl , Girls Crystal , Git Hoskins , Gladiator , Glenn Fabry , Glenn Talbot , Glorian , Goblin Queen , Golden Guardian , Goliath , Goodies , Gordon Bell , Gordon Hill , Gordon Hogg , Gorgon , Gorilla Man , Gosh , Gotham , Graham Allen , Graham Bleathman , Grammarman , Grandmaster , Grandville , Grant Morrison , Grant Perkins , Gravity , Great Lakes Avengers , Green Arrow , Green Goblin , Greg Staples , Gressill , Grey Gargoyle , Greymalkin , Grim Reaper , Grimly Feendish , Grindhouse , Groot , Guardian , Guardians of the Galaxy , Guardsmen , Gum Girl , Gunslinger , GW Bridge , Gwen Stacy , H.A.M.M.E.R. , H.C. Milburn , H.E.R.B.I.E. , Hachette , Hairball , Half-Life , halloween , Ham Dare , Hammerhead , Hank Pym , Hannibal King , Happy Hogan , Hardball , Hardware , Harlan Ellison , Harley Davidson Cooper , Harold Johns , Harpoon , Harrier , Harry Banger , Harry Hargreaves , Harry Heck , Harry Hill , Harry Lindfield , Harry North , Harry Osborn , Harvey Comics , Hate-Monger , Havok , Hawkeye , Héctor Oesterheld , Hedge Knight , Heinrich Zemo , Hellcat , Hellfire Club , Hellion , Helmut Zemo , Hemingway , Henry Peter Gyrich , Hepzibah , Herb Trimpe , Hercules , Heroes For Hire , Herr Seele , Hex , Hibernia Comics , High Evolutionary , Hindsight Lad , Hiroim , Hisako Ichiki , Hitman , Hitomi Sakuma , Hobgoblin , Holy , Hookjaw , Hope Summers , Horace , Horizon , horror comics , Hotspur , House of Hammer , Howard Saint , Howard The Duck , Huckleberry Hound , Hugh Fowler , Hugh McNeill , hugo pratt , Hulk , Hulkling , Human Cannonball , Human Fly , Human Robot , Human Torch , Humbug , Hunt Emerson , Hurricane , Husk , Hussar , Hydra , Hydro-Man , Hyperion , Hypno-Hustler , Ian Edginton , Ian Jackson , Ian Kennedy , ICE International Comic Expo , Iceman , IDW , Ikaris , Ilex Press , Illuminati , Illustrated Chips , Illyana Rasputin , Ilustrated Chips , Ilyana Rasputin , Immortal Weapons , Imp , Imperfects , Imperial Guard , Impossible Man , Improper Books , In His Cups , In-Betweener , independent comics , Inertia , Infant Terrible , Infinity , Inhumans , Ink , Internships , Invaders , Invisible Dick , Invisible Woman , IPC , Iron Cross Army , Iron Fish , Iron Fist , Iron Lad , Iron Man , Iron Monger , Iron Moon , Iron Patriot , Ironclad , It Girl , Ivy the Terrible , J. Jonah Jameson , Jack Flag , Jack Glass , Jack Greenall , jack kirby , Jack Murdock , Jack O' Lantern , Jack Oliver , Jack Pamby , Jack Power , Jack Varney , Jackal , Jackpot , Jag , Jake Lynch , James Buchanan Barnes , James Clark , James Crichton , James Hodgkins , James Howlett , James Rhodes , Jamie Braddock , Jamie Smart , Jan Shepheard , Jane , Jane Foster , Janus , Janus Stark , Jaqueline Rayner , Jasper Sitwell , Jay Gunn , Jazinda , jean giraud , Jean Grey , Jean Ollivier , Jenni Scott , Jennifer Smith , Jeryn Hogarth , Jessica Drew , Jessica Jones , Jessica Martin , Jesus Blasco , Jet , Jetstream , Jigsaw , Jim Alexander , Jim Baikie , Jim Petrie , Jim Starlin , Jim Watson , Jimmy Broxton , Jimmy Hansen , Jimmy Jinx , Jimmy Woo , Jinty , Jinx , Joan the Mouse , Jocasta , Joe 90 , Joe Colquhoun , Joe Maneely , Joe Matthews , John A. Short , John Allard , John Anderson , John Armstrong , John Bolton , John Burns , John Canning , John Cooper , John Farson , John Freeman , John Geering , John Gillatt , John Higgins , John Jameson , John Jukes , John Lawrence , John M. Burns , John McCrea , John Porter , John Reppion , John Ridgway , John Ross , John Ryan , John Short , John Vernon , John Wagner , John Wraith , Johnny Blaze , Johnny Future , Johnny Red , Johnny Storm , joke mags , Joker , Jolly Comic , Jon Haward , Jon Pertwee , Jon Rushby , Jonah , Jordan Ezekude , Jordi Bernet , José Ortiz , Joseph , Joseph Green , Joshua Kane , Josiah X , Joystick , Jubilee , Judge Dredd , Judy , Juggernaut , Jule Carpenter , Julia Carpenter , Julian Keller , Julius Sneezer , Julius Zebra , June , Junta , Justice , Justin Hammer , Ka-Zar , Kabuki , Kallark , Kang , Kapow , Karen O'Malley , Karen Page , Karen Rubins , Karl Dixon , Karma , Karnak , Karolina Dean , Kat Farrell , Kat Nicholson , Kate Bishop , Katie Power , Katy Manning , Keith Burns , Keith Page , Keith Page. Iron Moon , Keith Robson , Keith Watson , kelly's eye , Ken Barr , Ken Ellis , Ken Harrison , Ken Hunter , Ken Pyne , Ken Reid , Kev O'Neill , Kevin O'Neill , Keyhole Kate , Khan , Kickback , Kid Colt , Kid Cops , kids , Kids Activities , Kids Games , Kids Videos , Killer Shrike , Killmonger , Killraven , King Bedlam , King Cobra , Kingpin , Kinsey Walden , Kitty Pryde , Klanky , Klaw , Knockabout , Knockout , Know How , Kobra , Komodo , Korath , Korg , Korky , Korky the Cat , Korvac , Kraven the Hunter , Kree , Krista Starr , Kronos , Kuan-Yin Xorn , Kulan Gath , Kult Creations , Kung-Fu Cheesecake , Kylun , L.Miller , La Nuit , Lady Bullseye , Lady Deathstrike , Lady Mastermind , Lady Penelope , Lady Ursula , Lady Vermin , Lake , Lakes International Comic Art Festival , Lancaster Comics Day , Landau , Larks , Laugh with Lola , Laura Howell , Laura Trinder , Lava-Man , Layla Miller , Leader , Leah Moore , Lee Sullivan , Leech , Legion , LEGO Marvel Super Heroes , Lei Kung , Lenny Balinger , Leo (Zodiac) , Leo Baxendale , Leopardon , Leper Queen , Les Barton , Lester , Lethal Legion , Li'l House of Grind , Liam Sharp , Lieutenant Marcus Stone , Lifeguard , Lightning Lords of Nepal , Lightspeed , Lila Cheney , Lilandra , Lilith , Lily Hollister , lion , Lionheart , Lise Myhre , Living Lightning , Living Mummy , Living Tribunal , Liz Osborn , Lizard , Lizard (Ultimate) , Loa , Lockheed , Lockjaw , Logan , Loki , London Calling , London Comic Mart , London Film and Comic Con , Loners , Longshot , Look and Learn , Look-in , Lord Hawal , Lord Snooty , Lord Tyger , Lords of Avalon , Lorna Dane , Lorna Doone , Lorna Miller , Louis Briault , Luckman , Lucky Pierre , Lucy in the Sky , Luis Bermejo , Luke Cage , Luminals , Lyja , Lynne Triplett , M (Monet St. Croix) , M.O.D.A.M. , M.O.D.O.G. , M.O.D.O.K. , Ma Gnuci , Mac Gargan , Macc-Pow , Mach IV , Machine Man , Mad Thinker , Madame Hydra , Madame Masque , Madame Web , Maddog , Madelyne Pryor , Madripoor , Madrox , Maelstrom , Maestro , Magdalene , Maggott , Magik , Maginty , Magma , Magneto , Magus , Mail on Sunday , Major Mapleleaf , Makkari , Malcolm Colcord , Malcolm Douglas , Malcolm Judge , Malice (Earth-161) , Malta Comic Con 2014 , man in space , Man-Thing , Man-Wolf , Manager Matt , Manchester Film and Comic Con , Mandarin , Mandrill , Mandroid , Manta , Mantis , Marauders , marc jackson , Marcus Van Sciver , Maria Hill , Mariko Yashida , Mark Bennigton , Mark Farmer , Mark Millar , Mark Rogers , Mark Stafford , Markosia , Marrow , Marshal Law , Marten Broadcloak , Martha Washington , Martin Asbury , Martin Baines , Martin Barker , Martin Baxendale , Martin Garaghty , Martin Li , Martin Lock , Martin Skidmore , marvel , Marvel Action Hour , Marvel Apes , Marvel Boy , Marvel Fact Files , Marvel Kids , marvel legends , Marvel Pocket Books , Marvel UK , Marvel Unlimited , Marvel War of Heroes , Marvel Zombies , Marvelman , Marvex , Mary Jane Watson , Mary Talbot , Masked Marvel , Masque , Master Chief , Master Mold , Master of Kung Fu , Mastermind , Masters of Evil , Mathemanic , Matsu'o Tsurayaba , Matthew Murdock , Mattie Franklin , Mauler , Maverick , Maximus , May Parker , MCM comic con , Meanwhile , media outrage , Medusa , Meggan , Melati Kusuma , Meltdown , Melvin Potter , Menace , Mentallo , Mentor , Mephisto , Mephistopheles , Mercury , Mesmero , Metal Master , Metamorph , Meteorite , MI: 13 , Mick Anglo , Mick Austin , Mick McMahon , MICKEY MOUSE , Micro/Macro , Microbe , Microchip , Micromax , Midnight (Earth-811) , Miek , Mighty Moth , Mighty World of Marvel , Mike Brown , Mike Collins , Mike Green , Mike Higgs , Mike Lacey , Mike Noble , mike western , Mike White , Mikhail Rasputin , Millenium Guard , Miller Western Comic Books , Millie the Model , Milo Manara , Mimic , Mindworm , Minnie the Minx , mirabilis , Miracleman , Miss America , Mister Fear , Mister Sinister , Misty , Misty Knight , Mobile Apps , Mockingbird , moebius , Moira MacTaggert , Mojo , Mole Man , Molecule Man , Molly Hayes , Molly Von Richtofen , Molten Man , Mongoose , Mongu , Monkees , Monster Badoon , Monster Fun , Monster Mag , Moon Knight , Moondragon , Moonsters , Moonstone , Moose Kid Comics , Morbius , Mordo , Morg , Morgan Stark , Morlocks , Morlun , Morph , Mortadelo y Filemón , Mother Askani , Mr. Bumpo , Mr. Fantastic , Mr. Fish , Mr. Fixit , Mr. Hyde , Mr. Immortal , Mr. Meugniot , Mr. Negative , Mr. Payback , Mr. X , Ms. Marvel , MS2 , Mulholland Black , Multiple Man , multiverse , MVP , Mysterio , Mystique , Nadal , Namor , Namora , Namorita , Naoko , Natasha Romanoff , Natasha Romanoff (MAA) , Nebula , Nehzno , Neil Gaiman , Nekra , Nemesis , Network , Neville Main , New Amazons , New Goblin , New Mutants , New Warriors , New X-Men , New Year , news trade , newsagent , Newton Destine , Next Avengers , Nextwave , Nick Carter Story , Nick Dyer , Nick Fury , Nick Miller , Nick Percival , Nico Minoru , Nicolaos , Nigel Auchterlounie , Nigel Dobbyn , Nigel Edwards , Nigel Parkinson , Night Nurse , Night Thrasher , Nightcrawler , Nighthawk , Nightmare , Nightshade , Nikki , Nine-Fold Daughters of Xao , Nitro , Nocturne , Noddy , Nomad , Norman Light , Norman Mansbridge , Norman Osborn , Norman Wisdom , Norrin Radd , Northstar , Norway , nothingbutafan , Nova , Nuke , numskulls , Obadiah Stane , Octobriana , Odhams , Odin , Ogun , Oh Boy , oink , Okay Annual , Old Lace , Old Story , om-nom-nom , Omega Flight , Omega Red , Omega Sentinel , Omega the Unknown , On The Edge , Onslaught , Oor Wullie , Oracle , Ord , original artwork , Orphan , Orphan-Maker , Otto Octavius , Outlaw Kid , Overlord , Owl , Ozymandias , Paddy Brennan , Paibok , Paladin , Pandemic , Panini UK , Pansy Potter , Paolo Ongaro , Paper Doll , Parallelo 5 , partworks , Pat Mills , Pat Nicolle , Pat Williams , Patch , Pathetic Sharks , Patriot , Patsy Walker , Paul Gravett , Paul Grist , Paul Neary , Paul Norbert Ebersol , Paul Palmer , Paul Travillion , Paulina Vassileva , Payback , Penance , Penny , penny dreadful , Peppa Pig , Pepper Potts , Percy Cocking , Pestilence , Pet Avengers , Pete and his Pimple , Pete Wisdom , Pete's Pimple , Peter Davidson , Peter Parker , Peter Quill , Peter Richardson , Phalanx , Phantom Reporter , Phil Elliott , Phil Millar , Phil Sheldon , Phil Winslade , Phoenix , Photon , Phyla-Vell , Pictorial Knowledge , Picture Libraries , Pigswilla , Piledriver , Pip , piracy , Pixie , playbox , Plazm , Podcasts , Polaris , poot , Post , Postman Prat , pow , Pow! Annual , Power Comics , Power Man , Power Pack , Power Rangers , Praxagora , pre-code horror , Preak , Pretty Boy , Pride , Prima , Prince of Orphans , Princess Powerful , Print Media , Print Subscriptions , prints , Prism , Private Eye , Prodigy , Proemial Gods , Professor Monster , Professor X , Progenitor , promotion , Proteus , Proudstar , Prowler , PS Publishing , Psycho Gran , Psycho-Man , Psylocke , PsyNapse , PUCK , Puff Adder , pug , Pulp Detective , Pulse , Puma , Punisher , Pup Parade , Puppet Master , Purifiers , Purple Man , Pyro , Quasar , Quasimodo , Queen Noir , Quentin Quire , Quicksilver , R.Charles Roylance , R.M. Guéra , Rab Hamilton , Rachael Smith , Rachael Stott , Rachel Grey , Rachel Leighton , Radio Fun , Radio Fun. Reg Parlett , Radioactive Man , Rafael Vega , Rage , Raider , Rammie , Randall , Randall Flagg , Random , Rasher , Rattler , Ravenous , Rawhide Kid , Ray Moore , Raymond Briggs , Raza , Reaper , Reavers , Red 9 , Red Ghost , Red Hulk , Red Shift , Red Skull , Red Wolf , Red Wrecker , Redan , Redeem Digital Copy , Redwing , reference , Reg Bunn , Reg Carter , Reg Parlett , Reg Perrott , Reg Wooton , Release Calendar , Reptil , Requiem , Retro Girl , retrospective of 2015 , Revanche , Rhino , Rhodey , Richard Deacon , Richard Elson , Richard Fisk , Richard Jennings , Rick Jones , Ricochet , Rictor , Riptide , Risque , Rob Davis , Robbie Morrison , Robbie Robertson , Robert Baldwin , Robert Forrest , Robin Chapel , Robo Capers , Robot Archie , Rocket , Rocket Raccoon , Rocket Racer , Rockslide , Roger Langridge , Roger the Dodger , Rogue , Rogue Trooper , Rok Comics , Rok of the Reds , Roland Deschain , romance , Romulus , Ron Embleton , Ron Smith , Ron Spencer , Ron Turner , Ronan , Roughhouse , Roulette , Rover , Roxanne Simpson , Roy of the Rovers , Roy Wilson , Royal Wedding , Rubberman , Rufus Dayglo , Ruggero Giovanni , Rumiko Fujikawa , Runaways , Russ Leach , Russian , S.H.I.E.L.D. , Sabra , Sabretooth , Sage , Salem's Seven , Sally , Sally Floyd , Salo , Sam Fair , Samantha Parrinton) , Sandman , Sandy Calder , Sandy James , santa claus , Saracen , Sasquatch , Satana , Sauron , Savage , Savage Land Mutate , Scalphunter , Scarecrow , Scarlet Spider , Scarlet Witch , scorcher , Score and Roar , Scorer , Scorpion , Scott Gray , Scott Lang , Scourge , Scrambler , Scraps , Scream , Screwball , Sean Phillips , SEARCHING THIS BLOG , Sebastian Shaw , Secret Service , Secret Warriors , Selene , SelfMadeHero , Senator Kelly , Sentinel , Sentinels , Sentry , Ser Duncan , Serpent Society , Sersi , Sexton Blake , Shadow King , Shadu the Shady , Shalla-bal , Shaman , Shane Oakley , Shane Yamada-Jones , Shang-Chi , Shanna the She-Devil , Shape , Shard , Sharon Carter , Sharon Ventura , Shatterstar , She-Hulk , Sheffield Film and Comic Con , Shen , Sheva Callister , Shi'Ar , Shinko Yamashiro , Shinobi Shaw , Shirley Bellwood , Shiva , Shiver and Shake , Shiver Man , Shocker , Shockwave , Shooting Star , Shop Digital Comics , Shotgun , Shrewsbury Field Forever Festival , Shriek , Sid Burgon , Sif , Silhouette , Silk Fever , Silver Centurion , Silver Fox , Silver Sable , Silver Samurai , Silver Surfer , Silverclaw , Silvermane , Simon Donald , Simon Ecob , Simon Thorp , Simon Williams , Simon's Cat , Sin , Sinister Six , Sir Percy of Scandia , Sir Ram , Siren , Sister Grimm , Skaar , Skeleton Hand , Skin , Skipper , Skreet , Skrulls , Skullbuster , Slapstick , Slayback , Sleeper , Sleepwalker , Slick Fun , Slipstream , Sloperian , Slyde , small press , Smash , Smasher , Smasher robot , Smiling Tiger , Smuzz , Snail-Man , Snowbird , Soaring Penguin Press , Soccernauts , solano lopez , Solo , Songbird , Sonic the Comic , Sons of the Tiger , Space Ace , Spaceship Away , Spacker Dave , Spanish comics , Sparky , Spectrum , Speed , Speed Demon , Speedball , Spencer Smythe , Sphinx , Spider , Spider-dok , Spider-Girl , Spider-Ham , Spider-Man , Spider-Woman , Spiderman or italian Uomo Ragno , Spike , Spiral , Spirit , spirit of hope , Spitfire , Splodge , Spot , Sprite , Spyke , Squadron Sinister , Squadron Supreme , Squirrel Girl , Stacy X , stan lee , Stan McMurtry , Star Brand , Star Trek , Star-Lord , Starbolt , StarCom , Stardust , Starfox , Starhawk , Starjammers , Stark Industries , Starlord , statistics , Stature , Steadfast McStaunch , Steel Claw , Steel Serpent , Stellaris , Stepford Cuckoos , Stephanie de la Spiroza , Stephen Strange , Steve Bright , Steve Dillon , Steve Ditko , Steve Holland , Steve Kyte , Steve MacManus , Steve Moore , Steve Parkhouse , Steve Rogers , Steve Vandam , Stick , Stikkums , Stilt-Man , Stingray , stoke con trent , Stone Men , storing comics , Storm , story papers , Storytime , Stranger , stringertoons , Strip Magazine , Strong Guy , Stryfe , stuart Jennett , Sub-Mariner , Suburban Satanists , Sue Storm , Sugar Man , Suicidal Syd , summer specials , Sumo , Sunday Post , Sunday Times , Sunfire , Sunset Bain , Sunspot , Super Hero Squad , Super Picture Library , Super School , Super-Adaptoid , Super-Skrull , Supercats , Supergirl , SuperGulp magazine , Superman , Superman Annual , Supermarionation , Supernaut , Supreme Intelligence , Surface Tension , Surge , Susan Delgado , Swarm , Sway , sweeny toddler , Switch , Swordsman , Sylvia Anderson , Sylvie Lushton , Sym , Synch , T.V. Boardman , T'Challa , Tales from Gimbley , Talisman ) , Talkback , Talon , Talos , Tammy , Tana Nile , Tank Girl , Tarantula , Target , Tarot , tarzan , Taskmaster , Tattoo , Team Toxic , Ted Forrester , Ted Kearon , Tempest , Tenebrous , Terrax , Terrific , Terror , Terry Bave , Terry Wakefield , Terry Willers , Texas Twister , Thaddeus Ross , Thanos , The 198 , The Anarchist , The Avengers , The Beano , The Beatles , The Birmingham Comics Festival , The Black Archer , The Bojeffries Saga , The Call , The Captain , The Cloak , The Clock , The Comet , The Crunch , The Daft Dimension , The Dalek World , The Dandy , The Daredevils , The Dark Newt , The DFC , The Enforcers , The Executioner , The Fade Out , The Fallen , The Flash , The Flutters , The Fury , The Guardian , The Hand , The Hood , The Howling Commandos , The Hunter , The Independent , The Initiative , The Larks , The Leader , The Liberteens , The Liberty Legion , the Nega-Man , The Nervs , The Order , The Perishers , The Phantom , The Phoenix , The Prisoner , The Professor , The Q-Bikes , The Renegades , The Santerians , The Shiver Man , The Spike , The Stranger , The Thirteenth Floor , The Thunderer , The Tower King , The Twelve , The Unmutual , The Watchers , The Wizard , Thena , Theresa Rourke , Thing , Thomas Raymond , Thor , Thor Girl , Thrud the Barbarian , Thunderball , Thunderbirds , Thunderbolt , Thundercap , ThunderCats , Thundra , Tiger , Tiger Shark , Tiger's Beautiful Daughter , Tigra , Tim Booth , Tim Perkins , Tim Quinn , Time Bomb Comics , Timeslip , Tingha and Tucker , Tinkerer , Tip Top , Titan , Titan Comics , Titania , Titanium Man , To Arms! , Toad , Toad Men , Today , Tom Bannister , Tom Kerr , tom paterson , Tom Thug , Tomas , Tombstone , Tomorrow Man , Tony Harding , Tony Husband , Tony Luke , Tony Masterson , Tony Stark , Tony Weare , Top Sellers , Top Spot , Topper , Tornado , Toro , Tough of the Track , Toxic , Toxic Annual 2015 , Toxin , Transformers , Trauma , Treasure Island , Trevor Metcalfe , Triathlon , Trigan Empire , Triptoe Triers , Tripwire , Trish Tilby , Triton , True Believers , True War , Turbo , Tusk , TV Action , TV Century 21 , TV Comic , TV Express , TV Fun , TV Tornado , TV21 , Two-Gun Kid , Tyger Tiger , Typhoid Mary , Tyrannus , U-Foes , U-Go Girl , U.S. Agent , Uatu The Watcher , UFO , UKCAC , Ulik , Ultimate Spider-Man , Ultimates , Ultimatum , Ultimo , Ultra-Adaptoid , Ultragirl , Ultron , Umar , Umbrella Men , Unicorn , Union Jack , Universe Wiki , Unlucky Frank , Unus , Uomo Ragno , V for Vendetta , Valeria Richards , valiant , Valkyrie , Vampire Brats , Vampiro , Vance Astro , Vanessa Morgan , Vanisher , Vapor , Vargas , Vector , Veda , Vengeance , Venom , Venus , Venus Dee Milo , Vera Vidal , Vermin , Vertigo , Vic Neill , Victor , Victor Mancha , Victor Von Doom , Vin Gonzales , Vincent Danks , Vindicator , Violations , Viper , Virginia Dare , Vision , Vivacity , Vivisector , Viz , Vulcan , Vulcan Holiday Special , Vulture , Walker Books , Walking Dead , Wallflower , Wallop , Wallow , Wallpaper , Wally Robertson , Walter Bell , Walter Booth , Walter Howarth , war , War Machine , Warbird , Warbound , Warhawk , Warlock , Warlord , Warpath , Warren Worthington III , warrior , Warstar , Wasp , Watchmen , Wayfinders , Wayne Thompson , Weapon Omega , Weapon X , Wendell Rand , Wendell Vaughn , Wendigo , Werewolf By Night , wham , Wham! Annual , Whiplash , Whirlwind , Whistler , White Death , White Queen , White Tige , Whizzer , whizzer and chips , whoopee , Wiccan , wikipedia , Wild Child , Wild Pack , Wildside , William Stryker , Willy the Kid , Wilson Fisk , Wind Dancer , Winter Soldier , Wither , Wizard , Wolf Cub , Wolfpack , Wolfsbane , Wolver-dok , Wolverine , Wonder Man , Wonder Woman , Wong , Woodrow Phoenix , Wor Nicky , Worlds End , Wraith , Wrecker , Wrecking Crew , X-23 , X-51 , X-Babies , X-Cutioner , X-Factor , X-Factor Investigations , X-Force , X-Man , X-Men , X-Ray , X-Statix , X.S.E. , Xavin , Xorn , Year of the Shark Men , Yellow Claw , Yellowjacket , Yishan Li , Yoe Books , Yogi Bear's Own , Young Avengers , Young X-Men , Your Comic Heroes , Zaladane , Zaran , Zarda , Zarek , Zaucer of Zilk , Zeigeist , Zemo , Zero-G , Zip , Zip Comics , Zodiak , Zombie , Zoony , Zuras , Zzzax