Happy B’day Leonardo da Vinci
Happy B’day Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo was born on April 15,1452 in Anchiano, near Vinci (in the province of Florence). Illegitimate son of the notary, ser Piero and a young peasant woman. Leonardo spends his childhood and early adolescence in Anchiano and Vinci. He lives with his father who, in the meantime, marries Albiera degli Amadori

“It Didn't Hurt a Bit”, “Tom Teaser” and Muldoon , ) La trilogia di Paperin Sigfrido e l'oro del Reno , ) Topolino & Pippo in: I predatori del tempio perduto , 1976 , 19th Century Peep-Show , 2700 , A “Literary Tavern” Visit with a Peep at Some “Punch” People , A Broadside Ballad and the New York Draft Riots , A Caricaturist of the First Water , A Cartoon Puzzler , A Century of The Era , A D Condo. A Genius of the Comic Page , A Great Artist , A Journey Due North , A Monster in the Human Form , A Notable Man: Edwin J. Brett , A Panda piace , A Panda piace l'avventura , A Rambling Life , A Shillings Worth of Phiz , A Strange Story , A Tale of two Roberts , A Temperance Meeting , A tour of the Funny Pages , A. B. Frost , A. Lattuada , A. Merritt , A. Paul Weber , A.C. Corbould , A.S. Boyd , A.W. Thompson , Abbie an' Slats , Abc dei ragazzi , Abraham Lincoln , Accept No Imitations , Ace O'Hara , Adah Isaacs Mencken , Adalbert J. Volck , Adam Ames , Adam Wild , Adolf Willette , Adrian Dingle , Adventures of Jeremiah Oldpot , African American Cartoonists , Age of Disfigurement , Agenzia investigativa Carlo Lorenzini , Aiace il fantasma che vuole pace , Aida al confine , Air Hawk , akim , Al Capp , Al Kilgore , Al Williamson , alack sinner , Alain Saint-Ogan , Alain-Rene LeSage , alan ford , alan mistero , Albéric Bourgeois , Alberico Motta , Alberto Breccia , Alberto Giolitti , Alberto Salinas , Albi a striscia di Tex , Albi a striscia di Zagor , Albi d'Oro , Albi dell'Audacia , Albi tascabili di Topolino , Albiera degli Amadori , Aldine Publishing , Alex Colville , Alexander E. Sweet , Alexander Raymond , Alexandre Dumas , Alfonso , Alfred Bryan , Alfred Bunn , Alfred Concanen , Alfred E. Neuman , Alfred Harmsworth , Alfred Pearse , Alfred S. Burrage , Alfred Sherrington Burrage , Alfred Thompson , Alice Dark , All Star Western , Allen , Allen Saunders , Alley Oop , Alley Oop Sundays , Ally Sloper , Ally Sloper's Half-Holiday , Almanacco Topolino , Altai & Jonson , alterlinus , Amadora BD 22 , Ambrose Bierce , America's First Color Newspaper Supplement , America’s Social Bandits Part I , America’s Social Bandits Part II , American Advertisements in Woodcut , American Bloods , American Comic Book Chronicles , American Comic Weeklies , American Cornball , American Highwaymen , American Judy , American Propaganda in World War I , American Sporting Cartoons , amok , An Artist in the Wilds of Northern Canada , An Engraved Memorial to King William III , Anchiano , Ancient and Modern Times , André Castaigne , André Galland , Andy Bleck , Angel's Friends , Angoulême Festival , Animated Cartoons , Animated History , ANIMATION , Anonyma , Another Trojan Bit The Dust , Anti Comics , Antonio Martin , Anubi , Archibald Chasemore , Archie and Mehitabel , Archimede e la nascita di Edi , Aristide Perré , Armand Welcker , Arriva Paperetta Yè Yè , Arrivederci Roma , Art Young , Arthur "Bugs" Baer , Arthur B. Reeve , Arthur Brisbane , Arthur Conan Doyle , Arthur Folwell , Arthur G. Racey , Arthur Heming , Arthur King , Arthur Lortie , Arthur M. Horwood , Artists of the Strand , Ash Ketchum , Assassinations Conspiracies and Secret Service Weekly , Asso di Picche , Asthma Simpson the Village Queen , At the Movies , Atomik , Atroce vendetta , Attanasio cavallo vanesio , attore italiano , Aubert et Cie. , Aubrey Beardsley , Auguste Liquois , Aunt Judy , AureaComix , Austin B. Payne , Australian Cartoonists , Australian Comic Strips , Ava , Baby Rocket , Bad Moon , Bagford Ballads , Bagradas , Baldo , Ballad of Sam Hall , Balloons , Barnabé Cabard the French Sweeney Todd , Barnard Gregory , Baron Bean , Barry Ono , Basil Blackaller , Battaglia , Bayeux Tapestry , Beech-Nut Gum , Before Ever After , Bella & Bronco , Belles Images , Ben Day Coloring Process , Ben Martin , Benjamin Davy Cousins , Benjamin Rabier , Bernard Gillam , Bernard Partridge , Bert Bushell , Bert the Turtle , Bert Williams , Bessie Smith , Best For Boys Publishing Company , Biancaneve , Bible Comics , Bibliography of Slang , Big Budget , Big Chief Wahoo , Big George , Big Robot , Big Rock Candy Mountains , Big Sleeping , Bilbolbul , Bill Blackbeard , Bill Breck , Bill Bunk by Everett E. Lowry , Bill Buxton , Bill Conselman , Bill Lacey , Bill McGeehan , Bill Nye , Bill Tidy , Bill Watterson , Bill Wenzel , Billy Bis , Billy Bunter , Billy DeBeck , Billy Ireland , Billy Liverpool , Billy the Cartwheeler , Binnacle Jim by Everett E. Lowry , Bird’s-eye Views , Black Bess , Black Bess Library , Black Dwarf , Black Highwayman , Black Patti , Blue Belle , Blue Dwarf , Bluecap , Bob Addams , Bob Edgren , Bob Lubbers , Bob Minor , Bob Rousem’s Epistle , Bob Schoenke , Bob Scott , Bobo , Booth Tarkington , Bourlekrane , Bow-Wows , Boy Detectives , Boy Pirate , Boy's Herald , Boy's Own Paper , Boy’s Jubilee Journal , Boys from Clerkenwell , Boys of Bircham School , Boys of the United Kingdom , Boys' Periodicals of the Nineties , Braccio di ferro , Bracebridge Heming , Bracebridge Hemyng , Brain-openers , Brainy Bowers , Brian Walker , Bricktop , British Authors , British Caricaturists , British Comic Newspapers , British Comic Strip , British Story Papers , Broadsides , Brok Windsor , Broncho Billy , brooke shields , Brother Jonathan , Brotherhood of Death , Bruce Bairnsfather , Brussels , Buck Ryan , Bud Fisher , Bud Fisher A Captain of Comic Industry , Buffalo Bill , Bulldog , Buster Brown , C. C. Beck , C. D. Small , C. E. Brock , C. E. Toles , C. H. Hazlewood , C. J. Grant , C. J. Grant: The Political Drama , C.J. Howard , C'è spazio per tutti , C'era una volta in America , Cacciatori nelle tenebre , Calvert H. Smith , Camillo Mastrocinque , Canadian Authors Society , Canadian Cartoonists , Canadian Comic Book Publishers , Canadian Sketches , Cannibale , Capitaine Fantôme , capitan miki , Capitan Rogers , Captain Flame , Captain Fortune , Captain Frederick Whittaker , Captain Jack , Captain Midnight , Captain Power , Captain Shaw , Caput Mundi - I Mostri di Roma , CARL BARKS , Carl Pfeuffer , Carlo the Comic Strip , Carmine Infantino , Carnera , Cartoon Jamboree , Cartoonist Autographs , Cartoonists of 1925 , Cartoonists of the Chicago Tribune , CARTOONMUSEUM BASEL , Casey Jones , Casey Ruggles , Cattivik , Century Illustrated , Chalk Talk , Cham , Cham Sketch Book , Chap-book Literature , Charles August Nichols , Charles Biro , Charles Bragin , charles dickens , Charles Forbell , Charles G. Bush , Charles Henry Bennett , Charles Henry Ross , Charles Keene , Charles O. Jones , charles peace , Charles Philipon , Charles Saalburg , Charles Stevens , Charles W. Kahles , Charles W. Saalburg , Charley and Tim , Charley Wag , Charlie Peace , Charlie Plumb , Charlotte Charke , Charlton , Chester Gould , chi sei? , Chicago Tribune , Children of Adam , Ching-Ching , Ching-Ching’s Own , Chip and His Dogs , Chip Bellew , Chris Beneke , Christmas Cartoons , Christopher Miller , Chronicles of Crime , Chums , Ciacci , Ciccio & Franco , CineMAH , Circulation magazine , Circulation of Newspapers , Civil War Relic Paperback Book , Clan , Clare Briggs , Clarkes of Paternoster Row , Classici Audacia , Cleave's Comic Art , Cliff Sterrett , Cocco Bill , Cockeyed , Cockney Adventures , Col. Prentiss Ingraham , Cold War and Vietnam , Cold War Comics , Collana Audace , Collana Eroica , Collected Doug Wright , Colley Cibber , Colley Cibber's Daughter , Colombo , Colonel Monstery Soldier of Fortune , Colonel Thomas Hoyer Monstery , comandante mark , Comic Advertising , Comic Art , comic books , Comic Cuts , Comic History , Comic Journal Circulation , Comic Natural History of the Human Race , Comic Periodicals , Comic Periodicals of America , Comic Strip Westerns , Comicalities , Comickers and Their Characters , Comics — And Their Creators , Comics as Art , Comics Criticism Criticised , Comix , Commissario Ricciardi , Comrades , Confederate Caricaturist , Confessions of a Dime Novelist , Connie , Continental Crimes Illustrated , Corporal Punishment , corriere dei piccoli , corriere dei ragazzi , corto maltese , Corto Maltese (rivista) , Cory's Kids , Cosmos , Coxeman , craig yoe , Cream of FUN , Crime Photos , Criminal Investigation , Crist-031 , Cronache dal Pianeta T , Cronache del dopobomba , Cruikshank's Comic Strips , Cucciolo e Beppe , Cultural Aspects of Serial Cartoons , Culver , Cuori grassi , Cuthbert Bede , Cy Bell , Cy Hungerford , Cybersix , Dagon , Daily Comics March 3 , Daily Graphic , Daily Graphic (New York) , Daily Graphic Strips , daily mail , daily mirror , Daily Mirror Comic Strips , Daily Mirror Comics , Damon Runyon , Dan Leno , Dan M’Carthy , Dan Smith , Dan Spiegle , Dan Thompson , Dance of Death , Daniel , Dark Laughter , Darkenblot , Darrell McClure , Dart , Dave Hepburn , David Low , David Murphy - 911 , David Roberts , Day's we'll Never Forget , Daydreams and Night Things , Deadwood Dick , Dean and Son , Death and Mr Pickwick – a novel , Demon Hunter , demoniak , Denis Gifford , Dennis Cobb - Agente SS018 , Dennis the Menace , Derek C. Eyles , Detective Dante , detto Fernet , Deutsche Comicforschung , diabolik , Diane Hayes , Dibbuk , Dick and Fitzgerald , Dick Cavalli , Dick Dauntless , Dick Drago , Dick Fletcher , dick fulmine , Dick Tracy , Die Karikatur , Dime Novel Detectives , Dime Novel Makers , Dime Novel Roundup , Dime Novels , Dimentica il mio nome , Dimmi che non vuoi morire , Dinosaurs , Djustine , Doctor Nefasto , Dodici (fumetto) , Dodo & Cocco , Doggone That Train , Don Komisarow , Don Kurtz , DON ZAUKER , Donald McKee , Dorman Henry Smith , Douglas Edmund Jerrold , Dr. Tobias George Smollett , Dracula di Bram Topker , Draftie , Dragon and the Dazzle , Dream of a Lobster Fiend , Dream of the Rarebit Fiend , Dream Strip , Druuna , Dumb Crambo Jr. , Dutch Cartoonists , Dying Hobo , E. E. Barclay , E. Harcourt Burrage , E. Newton Bungey , E. Simms Campbell , E. W. Kemble , E. Woolf , E.D.E.N.Southworth , E.M. Sanchez-Saavedra , Eadweard Muybridge , Eagle , Early California Cartoonists , Early Days with the NEA , Early Illustrated Newspapers , Early Negro Minstrelsy , Ed Carey , Ed Mack , Edd Cartier , Eddie Campbell , Editorial Cartoonists of America , editoriale corno , edizioni bianconi , Eduard Fuchs , Éduard Guillaume , Eduardo Teixeira Coelho , Educational Comics , Edward Duncombe , Edward E. Ten Eyck , Edward Greey (1835-1888) , Edward Harrison , Edward J. Smeltzer , Edward L. Wheeler , Edward Lloyd , EDWARD N. HINES , Edward Stratemeyer , Edward Streeter , Edward Viles , Edwin J. Brett , Edwin S. Hope , Edwina , Edwy Searles Brooks , El Gaucho (fumetto) , El Gringo , Ela the Outcast , Eliza Grimwood , Elizabeth Caroline Grey , Elzie Segar , Émile Bravo , Emile Gaboriau , Emmett Miller , Endless Mirth , Engaso 0.220 , Entr'acte Almanack , Erastus Elmer Barclay , Erinn , Ernest Hogan the Unbleached American , Ernest Thompson Seton , Ernest Warren , Ernie Bushmiller , Erwin L. Hess , Esq. , Essay RG , Esterno notte , Eugene 'Zim' Zimmerman , Eugene Stratton , Eugène Sue , Euracomix , Euramaster , Eureka (rivista) , EVER MEULEN , Every Picture Tells a Story , Every Week , EXEM , Eye of the Police , Eye Shock , F. Opper , Facsimile Confederate Money Used as Advertising Handbills , Fairy Tales , Falcon Swift , Family Herald , Famous Artists Schools , Famous Fights , Fantacomix day , Fantax , Fantômas , Fatty Finn , Favola di Venezia , Fearless Fosdick , Felix , Ferdinand F. Fissi , Fetter Lane Fiend , Film Picture Stories , Filmland , Fineheimer Twins. Irresistible Rag , Fisietto , Flash Songs , Flibbertys , Florence , FLOYD GOTTFREDSON , Fontaine Fox , FOO , Fooling with Fireworks , forza john! , Fosdyke Saga , Fouché (fumetto) , Fougasse , Four Watercolors by Walter M. Dunk , Fourth of July , Francis Burnand , Francis Grose , Francis W. Doughty , Francis Worcester Doughty , Frank A. Nankivell , Frank and Burt Leighton , Frank Beard , Frank Beck , Frank Bellamy , Frank Bellew , Frank Dowling , Frank Frazetta , frank giacoia , Frank Godwin , Frank Hampson , Frank Holland , Frank Hopkins , Frank Jay , Frank King , Frank Leslie , Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper , Frank Merriwell , Frank Richards , Frank Tousey , Frank Willard , Frank Wing , Frankie and Johnny , Frankie Laine , Franklin's Miscellany , Frans Masereel , Franz Johnston , Freak (fumetto) , Fred B. Watson , Fred Fearnot , Fred Meagher , Fred Neher , Fred Rhoads , Fred Shafer , Fred T. Singleton , Frédéric Soulié , Frederick Barnard , Frederick Burr Opper , Frederick Gilbert , Frederick Gleason , Frederick Hazleton , Frederick Opper A Cartoonist of Democracy , French Caricature , French Comic Gallery , Frid’Rick , Frigidaire (rivista) , From the Penny Dreadful to the Ha’penny Dreadfuller , Full Moon Project , fumetto , Fumetto nero italiano , Fun , Funny Folks , Funny Pictures , G. A. Sala , G. Gentilomo , G. Gilberty , G. RI , G. W. M. Reynolds , G&G , Gaar Williams , Gabriel Laderman , Gag Cartoons , Gaie Fantasie , Gallagher , Gallows Literature , Game of Death , Garrett and Co , garth , Gas Attack , Gas Buggies , Gasoline Alley Sundays , Gasoline Gus , Gaston Leroux , Gavin Rymer , Gay Thirties , Gazzetta dei Piccoli , Gene Ahern , Gene Byrnes , Gene Carr , genius , Gennarino Tarantella , Gentleman Jack , Gentleman’s Journal , George Adcock , George Ade , George Augustus Sala , George Baker , George Berger , George Biggs , George Bridgeman , George C. Jenks , George Catlin , George Clark , George Cruikshank , George Cruikshank Junior , George du Maurier , George Emmett , George Frink , George G. Small , George Herriman , George Herriman Remembers , George Hutchinson , George Lichty , George Lippard , George Luks , George McManus , George Mercer , George Morland , George Moutard Woodward , George Purkess Jun. , George Roller , George Stiff , George Stokes , George Storm , George Swanson , George W. Johnson , George W. Rehse , George Wittenborn , George Woodbridge , George-Édouard Desbarats , geppo , Gerald Campion , Gerard Hoffnung , Germ of the Detective Novel , German Caricature , German comic research , Gerry Brown , Gershon Legman , gesebel , Gesù di Nazareth , Ghost of Buster Brown , Gianconiglio , Gil Kane , Gilbert Frankau , Gim Toro , Gimcrack , Gionni Galassia , Giornale dei Ragazzi , giubba rossa , Gleanings , Gleason's Contributors , Gli Albi dell'Ardimento , Gli albi di Occidente , Gli Albi di Topolino , Gli Aristocratici , Gli intaccabili , Gli scorpioni del deserto , Globulo Rosso , Gloria , Gluyas Williams , Gogol , Golden Days , Goldrake , Gommapane , Good For What Ails You , Good Morning , Goofey Movies , Gosh , Goya , Graham Coton , Grandfather's Picture Books , Grangerization , Grant E. Hamilton , Grantland Rice , Graphic Novels , Graphic Statues , Great American Bum , Great Vance , Griffith and Farran , Gripsack Si , Grub Street , Guerra d'Eroi , Guerra dei mondi , Guerra e pace (fumetto) , Gulf Funny Weekly , Gus Bofa , Gus Dirks , Gus Mager , Gustave Dore , Gustave Flaubert , Guy Rayner , Gypsography , H! Historietas , H. K. Shackleford , H. L. Stephens , H. M. Brock , H. M. Wilder , H. T. Webster after the War , H. W. Phillips , H. W. Twyman , H.A. MacGill , H.H. Kohlsaat , H.M. Bateman , H.T. Webster , Hal Foster , Hallucinations of Horace , Ham Fisher , Hammer (fumetto) , Hannah Maria Jones , Happy B'day , Happy Hooligan , Hard-boiled Heroines , Hard'N'Steel , Harlan Ellison , Harlan P. Halsey , Harlan Page Halsey , Harley , Harold C. Earnshaw , Harold Furniss , Harold Gray , Harold Knerr , Harold Lloyd , Harpo (fumetto) , Harrigan and Hart , Harrison Cady , Harry and Harold Furniss , Harry C. Greening , Harry Cornell Greening , Harry Furniss , Harry Hazleton , Harry Hershfield , Harry I. Wildenberg , Harry J. Tuthill , Harry Maguire , Harry Murphy , Harry Warner , Harry Wood , Hawkshaw the Detective , Haywire Mac McClintock , Hearst Building , Hearst's Yellow Cabinet , Heath Robinson , Heavenly Daze , Héctor Oesterheld , Heinrich Kley , Helen Jewett and Mary Surratt , Henry "Hank" Barrow , Henry Downes Miles , Henry Dumay , Henry Emmett , Henry Hetherington , Henry L. Stephens , Henry Llewellyn Williams , Herbert Edmund Crowley , hergé , Heroes of the Home Front , Hessa , Highland Jessie Brown , Highlights of History , Highwayman Ballads , Highwayman Literature , Homicidal Heroines , Honoré Daumier , Hopalong Cassidy , Hope Nicholson , Horatio Alger , Horatio Alger Jr. , Horror (periodico) , Horse Radish and Vin Mariani , How Did You Put It Over? , How to Read Nancy , How You Help Draw Comic Strips , Hugh O'Neil , HUIB VAN OPSTAL , Humbug Hero , Humor in the Trenches , Hype Igoe , I bis-bis di Pippo , I Borgia , I Classici di Walt Disney , I Come With Dulcem Strain , I custodi del maser , I Dinamici , I GRANDI CLASSICI DISNEY , I grandi miti greci a fumetti , I paperi di Paperopoli alla conquista del mitico ticket , I promessi paperi , I promessi topi , I protagonisti , I quaderni del fumetto italiano , I racconti di padre Brown (fumetto) , I Reporters , I tre porcellini , Il Balilla , il cacciatore , Il cappotto , Il cartoccino dei piccoli , Il dottor Oss , Il Dottor Paperus , Il Giornale di Cino e Franco , Il Giornaletto , Il Giorno dei Ragazzi , Il grande Blek , Il grande Diabolik , Il grande ricatto , Il grande splash , Il Grifo , il Maestro , Il Mago , il mago della foresta morta , il male , Il matrimonio di Zio Paperone , Il mistero dei candelabri , Il Morto , Il nonno selvaggio , Il papero del mistero , Il porto proibito , Il re del terrore , Il suono del mondo a memoria , Il viaggio di G. Mastorna , Illingworth , Illustrated Dime Novel Price Guide , Illustrated Journalism its past and its future , Illustrated London News , Illustrated Newspapers , Illustrated Police News , Illustration , Illustrative Art , Illustrators and Cartoonists of the Present Day (1906) , Impeesa - La grande avventura di Baden Powell , Imperial Cigarette Advertisements , In a Pirate City , In Italia sono tutti maschi , In The Grip of Terror , Induction of the Sycophant , Inspector Dick Mansfield , Ipnos (personaggio) , Irving “Knick” Knickerbocker , Is Vicksburg Ours? , Isa & Bea - Streghe tra noi , Isaac Cruikshank , Isabella , Isola gentile , Italian strips , Italino , Ivan Kocmarek , J. A. Shepherd , J. B. Engl , J. Carroll Mansfield , J. Edward Leithead , J. F. Smith , J. Frank Bradley , J. Millar Watt , J. N. Pentelow , J. P. Quaine , J. R. Williams , J.N. Ding , J.W. Bengough , Jack Armstrong , Jack B. Yeats , Jack Cole , Jack Harkaway , Jack Harkaway in America , Jack Johnson , Jack Kerouac , Jack Ketch , Jack Monk , Jack O'Brien , Jack Sheppard , Jack Speed , Jack the Ripper , Jacob Green , Jacques Callot , Jacques Gagnier , Jacula , Jaguarina , Jailbait Street , Jak Mandolino , James A. Bland , James A. Wales , James Bond , James Brown , James Catnatch , james dyan , James Earl Taylor , James F. Sullivan , James F. Watson , James Frank Sullivan , James Gillray , James Grant , James Greenwood , James Henderson , James L. Jeffries , James Malcolm Rymer , James Payn , James Skipp Borlase , Jane , Jane Arden , Jane by Norman Pett , JAPANESE MAGAZINES 1931-1945 , Jean-Claude Claeys , Jean-Philippe Bramanti , Jed Cooper , Jeff Davis , Jena , Jenus , Jerry Robinson , Jerry Scott , Jesse James , Jesse Marsh , Jet Scott , Jim Edgar , Jim Masterson , Jim Russell , Jimmie Rodgers , Jimmy Frise , Jimmy Rodgers , Jimmy Swinnerton , Jnfernal , Joaquín Xaudaró , Joe Farren , Joe Galaxy , Joe Hill , Joe McGurk , Joe Palooka , Joe Shuster , John Adcock , John Allard , John Brougham , John Camden Hotten , John Campbell Cory , John Cleave , John Clymer , John Dixon , John Doe , John Doyle , John Duncombe , John F. Knott , John Gordon Thomson , John H. Manning , John Hassall , John Jacob Niles , John James Wilson , John Johnston , John Kendrick Bangs , John Leech , John Maxwell , John Payne Collier , John Proctor , John Stanley , John T. McCutcheon , John Tallis , John Tenniel , John Wells , Johnny Canuck , Johnny Gruelle , Johnny Reb and Billy Yank , Jon St. Ables , Jonas Fink , Jonny Logan , JOOST SWARTE , José Luis Salinas , José Ortiz , Joseph I.C. Clarke , Joseph Keppler , Joseph Rainone , Jr. , Judy's Jolly Books , Jugend , Jules Feiffer , Jules Mary , Jungle Definitions , Jungle Jinks , Just Humans , Justine , Kako (fumetto) , Kamasultra , Katzenjammer Kids , Katzies , Katzies Dailies , Katzies Ghost , Kerry Kross , Keyholes and Confessionals , Killing , Kin Platt , King Arthur , king features syndicate , King Kong , Kinowa , Kit Carson Jr , Kitty Lee , Knockout Comics , Know-Nothing Press , Kobane Calling , Kocis (fumetto) , Kolosso (fumetto) , Kosaku Anakubo , Krazy and Ignatz , Krazy Kat , Krazy Kat in France , KRAZY–A Life in Black and White , kriminal , Kriss Boyd , Kronprinz Wilhelm Randolph von Hearst , Kuifje en Bobbie , Kylion , L.D. Bradley , L'arresto di Diabolik , L'Audace , L'elenco telefonico degli accolli , L'Eternauta (rivista) , L'inafferrabile criminale , L'inferno di Paperino , L'Inferno di Topolino , L'Insonne , L'Ombra , L'Omino Bufo , L'onorevole Tarzan , L'ultima burba , L'uomo delle nevi , L'uomo di carta , L'Uomo Ragno , L’Œil de la Police , La Baïonnette , La Bionda , La Caricature , la compagnia della forca , La feuille , La grande dinastia dei paperi , La Legione del Mistero , La lunga notte del commissario Manetta , La lunga notte dell'investigatore Merlo , La passeggiata , La Pimpa , La profezia dell'armadillo , La rivolta dei racchi , La secchia rapita , La Storia Universale , Lance , lanciostory , Lange Gabriel , Laredo Crockett , Larry Horak , larry yuma , Last of the Black Flag , Lawrence Lariar , Lawson Wood , Le Charivari , Le ciccione volanti , Le due tigri (fumetto) , Le Feuilleton Illustré , Le Grandi Parodie Disney , Le leggendarie imprese di Topolino Kid , Le meraviglie (fumetto) , Le Petit Moniteur , Le più belle storie Disney , Le Rire , Le sconvolgenti origini del Rat-Man , Le storie della baia , Lee Falk , Lee W. Stanley , Lemmy Caution , Len Norris , Leo O'Mealia , Leo O’ Mealia , Léo Taxil , Leon Lewis , Leonardo , leonardo da vinci , Leonardo De Sá , Léonce Petit , Les Damnées de Paris , Les Pionniers de L'esperance , les tablettes , Lesley Shane , Leslie’s Weekly Illustrated , Lev Gleason , Lewis Baumer , Lewis Hine , Li'l Abner , Life in London , Lightning Cartoonists , Lilith , Lilliput Magazine Cartoons , Line and Style , Linley Sambourne , linus , Lionel Feininger , Listen to the Birds , Literature of Vice , Lithographed Victorian Trade Cards , Little Ego , Little Nemo , Little Nemo's Pa , Little Orphan Annie , Little Willie’s Dream , Livingston Hopkins , LMVDM - La mia vita disegnata male , Lo scimmiotto , Lo Scolaro , lo sconosciuto , London Art Schools 1925 , London Journal , London Saturday Journal , London Street Views , London's Ha'Penny Comics , Long Wei , Lord Shark , Lost at the North Pole , Lou Fine , Louis Armstrong , Louis Biedermann , Louis M. Glackens , Louis Raemaekers , Louisa Henrietta Sheridan , Lucifera , Lucrezia , Luis Bermejo , Luis Senarens , Lupettino , Lupin III Millennium , Lupo Alberto , Lupo Alberto Collection , Lyonel Feininger , Lys , M. Quad , Macerie prime , Mad Sonja , Magasin Général , Maghella , Magic Boy , Magic Girl , Magnetique , Mago Merlotto , Major Richardson , Making the Movie Cartoon Move , Mal Eaton , Man from Pogo , Mandrake , manga , Marc Voline , marc'aurelio , Marco Pellitteri , Marie Duval , Marie Léger-St-Jean , Mario Soldati , mark Twain , Mark Twain Autobiography , Marmittone , Marty Robbins , Mary Braddon , Mary Elizabeth Braddon , Mary Tourtel , Mary Worth , Marzolino Tarantola , maschera nera , Masokis , Massimo Zanardi , Mastercomix , Masters of the Feuilleton , Mathew Crowther , Matt Morgan , Max Bachmann , Max Pemberton , Maxmagnus , Maxwell Charles Gaines , Maxwell Grant , Maxwell Scott , May Irwin Queen of Ragtime , Mazeppa , McArone , McDougall’s Good Stories for Children , McNab of that Ilk , Mell Lazarus , Men of Comics , Mercurio Loi , Mervyn Peake , Messaggero dei Ragazzi Messalina (fumetto) , Messer Papero , Metamorphic , Michael Eaton , Michael Holmes , Michael Tisserand , Michael Woolf , Miciolino , Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine , Microciccio Spaccavento , Microfilm , Milo Marat , Milord (fumetto) , Milt Gross , milton caniff , Minni & Company , Miron Murcury , Mischief and Mayhem , mister x , Modesty Blaise , Mokeanna , Molly and the Bear , Mondo Naif , Mono (periodico) , Monotipia , Monster Allergy , Moon Mullins , Moonshine , Morbid Books for Babes , morgan lost , Morgan: La Sacra Ruota , Mornings at Bow Street , Mort Walker , Morti di sonno , Morton Thayer , Morty Meekle , Mostrip , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tit , Mr. Briggs , Mr. Briggs Has A Day's Salmon Fishing , Mr. Grossmith’s Compliments , Mr. Magoo , Mr. Peewee , Mrs. Ann Stephens , Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth , Mrs. Mary Anne Keeley , Munsey’s Magazine , Mutt and Jeff , My Hero , Mysteries of London , Mysteries of the People , Mysterious Truelove , Mytico! , Nadar , Naissances de la bande dessinée , Nancy Dawson , National Police Gazette , Necron (fumetto) , Ned Buntline , Ned Kelly , Nell Brinkley , Nelvana of the Northern Lights , Nerofumo , Neutron , New Newgate Calendar , New York , New York Journal , Newsboys , Newsboys Spasm Band , Newspaper Boys , Newspaper Serials , Newspaper Wood-Engraving , Nicholas Afonsky , Nick Carter , Nick Turbine , Nicolas Bentley , Niel , Nilus , Nip and Tuck , Nirvana , No Name , No. 2 GIVEN AWAY WITH No. 1 , Nonna Abelarda , Norman Munro , Norman Pett , Norman Rockwell , Nova Express , Novel-Based Victorian Melodrama , Now Listen Mabel , Nye and Opper’s History of the United States , O. Smith , Obadiah Oldbuck , Odd Fellow , Odd Stuff , Odds and Ends of Caricature , Offset Printing , Ogden Whitney , Ogni maledetto lunedì su due , Old Boys Book Collectors (9) Old Boys' Book Collectors Index , Oliver Passingham , Oliver W. Harrington , Olivier Schwartz , Oltretomba (fumetto) , Operation Blonde , Orient Express , Origin of “Blues” (or Jazz) , Origin of the Hot Dog , Original Art From the Sloperies , Origins of Ragtime Music , Orizzonti perduti , Osgar and Adolf , Otto Soglow , Our Boys , Our Boys’ Novelist , Our Caricaturists and Cartoonists , Our Ernie , Our Moving Pictures , Our Young Folks’ Weekly Budget , Out of the Hurly-Burly , Outlaw Brothers , Painless McPhee , palcoscenico , Palmer Cox The Brownie Man , panini comics , Panorama , Pantera Bionda , Paolino Paperino e il mistero di Marte , Paolo Aldighieri , Paperetta Yè-Yè e i gatti indossatori , Paperiade , Paperin Meschino , Paperina di Rivondosa , Paperinik contro tutti , Paperinik Cult , Paperinik e altri supereroi , Paperinik e il tempio indiano , Paperinik e l'arca dimenticata , Paperinik il diabolico vendicatore , Paperinika e il filo di Arianna , paperino , Paperino calciatore , Paperino di Bergerac , Paperino Don Chisciotte , Paperino e i gamberi in salmì , Paperino e il calumet della pace , Paperino e il conte di Montecristo , Paperino e il razzo interplanetario , Paperino e il seguito della storia , Paperino e il vento del Sud , Paperino e l'aspirapolvere fatato , Paperino e l'uomo del West , Paperino e l'uomo di Ula-Ula , Paperino e la leggenda dello Scozzese Volante , Paperino e le 20mila beghe sotto i mari , Paperino e le lenticchie di Babilonia , Paperino fornaretto di Venezia , Paperino spia , Paperobot contro i Paperoidi , Paperodissea , Paperon de' Paperoni visir di Papatoa , Paperopoli liberata , Pappagone , Paralipomeni della dinastia dei paperi , partworks , Passing of the American Comic , Paul Bransom , Paul Fogarty , Paul Hardy , Paul Hiebert , Paul Nash , Pazzo d'amore , Peard Sutherland , Pecos Bill , Pee Wee , Peeps into our Sub-Literary Past , Pennies , Penny Awfuls , Penny Bibliography , Penny Bloods , Penny Dreadfuls (17) Penny Fiction , Penny Satirist , Pentothal , Percy and Ferdie , Percy B. St. John , Perils of Pauline , Pernicious Illustration , Personaggi del Grande Blek , Pertica e Palla , Pete Alvarado , Peter Cheyney , Peter Haining , Peter Pen , Peter Punch and the New Year , Peter Scratch , Petroleum V. Nasby , Phantom , Phil Davis , Phil May , Philip Richards , Phiz , Phonograph Funnies , Photojournalism , piccolo ranger , piccolo sceriffo , Pick-Me-Up , Pictorial Mastheads , Pictorial Wag , Picture Papers , Picture Rhyme , Pictures and Words , Pictures from Puck 1914 , Pier Cloruro de' Lambicchi , Pierce Egan , Pierre-Henry Lenfant , Pinocchio (fumetto) , pippo , Pippo e i parastinchi di Olympia , Pippo e il mistero della mummia raffreddata , Pippo e la fattucchiera , Pippo Reporter , PK , PK - Cronaca di un ritorno , PK - Gli argini del tempo , PK - Il marchio di Moldrock , PK - Il raggio nero , PK - L'orizzonte degli eventi , PK - Paperinik New Adventures , PK - Paperinik New Era , PK - Pikappa , PK - Potere e Potenza , PK vs DD - Timecrime , PK² , Platinum Comic Strips , Playcolt , Playhour , Poema a fumetti , Pogo Primers , Points of Humour , Pokemon Graphics , Policarpo ufficiale di scrittura , Police Gazette , political cartoon sculptures in clay , Pompeo (fumetto) , Ponson du Terrail , Poor Boys of London , Poor Man's Guardian , Popeye's Boss , Popini , Popular Heroes , Porte-Crayon , Portraits of Hangmen , Posada Art Books , Postcards Wartime Japan , Posy Simmonds , Powder River Jack Lee , Poy , PP8 - Paperino Paperotto , Premiata ditta Filo&Brigitta , Prezzemolo (fumetto) , Prince Errant , Print Engraving , Private Eye , Professor Ingraham , Profits and Poverty , Protest and Propaganda , Provolino , PUCK , Pugacioff , Pugilistica , Pulp and Paper 1912 , Pulps , Punch , Punch à Paris , Punch Letters , Punch's Almanack Comics , Punch's Fancy Portraits , Punch’s Opinion of the American War , Purchasing Pop Culture , Purkess Family of Dean Street , Quackery self medication and reckless advertising , Quacklight - Vampiri fascinosi a Paperopoli , Quadratino , Quelli di Parma , R. F. Outcault , R. H. Brock , R. W. Taylor , R.T. Lowery , Race Record Advertisements , Rachel Richey , Raeburn Van Buren , Ragnar le Viking , Ralph Adimari , Ralph Rollington , Ralph Springer , Randolph Caldecott , Ranxerox , Ratsey's Ghost , Ratty and Algy , Raymond Chandler , Raymond Poïvet , Rebecca Rebo , Red Ralph , Red White and Blue , Reed Crandall , Reg Parlett , Reg'lar Fellers , Reginald Cleaver , Remembering Dime Novels , Renato Rascel favole per grandi e piccini , renato rascel. R. Ranucci , René Pellos , Renton Nicholson , Rex Morgan M.D. , Reynolds's Miscellany , Richard Doyle , Richard F. Outcault , Richard Kyle Fox , Richard Samuel West , Rick Brant and the Case of the Baffling Book , Rick Marschall , Rigel (fumetto) , Rigor Mortis (fumetto) , Rin Tin Tin , Ring Lardner , Rip Haywire , Robert Bonner , Robert Cabral , Robert Carter , Robert Crumb , Robert H. Elton , Robert J. Kirkpatrick , Robert Justin Lambe , robert louis stevenson , Robert M. De Witt , Robert M. De Witt Catalog , Robert Prowse Jr. , Robert Prowse Sr. , Robert S. Pious , Robert Seymour , Robert W. Satterfield , Robin Alone , Robotics , Rocambole , Rocky and Bullwinkle , Rocky Mountain Sam , Rodolphe Töpffer , Rogue’s Gallery , Romancing the Bushrangers , Romantica , Ron Embleton , Ron Ferdinand , Ronald Searle , Rosco e Sonny , Rose O’Neill , Rourke (fumetto) , Rover , Rovers of the Sea , Roving Jack , Roy Crane , Roy L. McCardell , Rube Goldberg , Rube Merrifield , Ruben Moreir , Rudolph Dirks , Rupert , Ruth the Betrayer , RX storie di vita vissuta , S. , S. Dacre Clark , S.K.1 , sadik , Saga della spada di ghiaccio , Salammbo , Salesman Sam , Sam Hunter , Sam Lucas , Samantha , Samuel W. Pearce , Samuel Walkey , San Francisco , Sandopaper e la perla di Labuan , Sangue reale , Sarah Binks , Saruzzo , Satanik , Satellite Images 1960 , Satirist , Saturno contro la Terra , Sceriffo Fox , School of Caricature , sciuscià , Sepolto vivo! , Septimus E. Scott , ser Piero , Serafino , Serendipitous Bookmarks , Sexton Blake , sgt kirk , Shadow , Shake Raggers and Buzzard Roosters , Sharaz-de , Sheldon Stark , Shenanigan Kids , Sherlock Holmes , Sidney Smith , Sidney Strube , Signatures , Signor Bonaventura , Signora Carlomagno , Silas Finn , Simple & Madama , Simplicissimus , Sir George Newnes , Sir John Gilbert , Sirois , Skittles , skorpio , Sky Doll , Smilin' Jack , Snoodles , Socialist Cartoons , Sol Hess , solano lopez , soldino , Sons of Britannia , Sons of Merry England , Sor Pampurio , Sorrows of Satan , Sounding the Doom of the Comics , Spaghetti manga , Spettrus , spiderman , Spirit Dailies 1941 , spirou , Sprayliz , Spring Heeled Jack , Squeak the Mouse , Stacey Blake , Stale Bread , Stan Cross , stan drake , Stan Schendel , Stanley Pitt , Star Top - Terza Generazione , Stationery , Steam Men and Electric Horses , Steamboat Bill , Stefi , Stephen H. Horgan , Stephen L. Harris , Stephen Leacock , steve canyon , Steve Holland , Steve Roper , Steve Stiles , Stew Cameron , Stewart Evans , Storia d'Italia a fumetti di Enzo Biagi , Storia e gloria della dinastia dei paperi , Straight Arrow , Strand , Street & Smith , Street Ballads of the War , StrongBow the Mighty , Sturmtruppen , Sukia , Sunday Funnies , Super Almanacco Paperino , Super Women , Superman , Suppressed Cartoons , Surprising Adventures of a Clumsy Boy Crusoe , Sweeney Todd , Syd B. Griffin , Syd Griffin , Syd Nicholls , T. C. H. Jacobs , T. E. Powers , T. H. Wilson , T. Paine of Holywell Street , T. S. Sullivant , TAD Dorgan , Tales of Highwaymen , Tales of the Incredible , Tarzanetto , Teaching Made Easy , Tears and Flapdoodle , teddy bob , Teddy Shearer , Telezecchino , Tex Rickard , Tex Ritter , Texas Jack , Texas Jack Omohundro , Texas Siftings , That Superbeing Philosophy , The ‘Orrible ‘Unston Brothers , The Boys’ Champion , The Cloggies , The Comic Life of Horace Greeley , The Comic Paper , The Cory Binder , The Crisis , The Criterion (1896-1905) , The Cuckoo Song , The Curious Cyclists , The Dancing School , The Demon Cat , The Detective 1888 , The Devil’s Omnibus , The Duncombes of Holborn , The Egg Poacher , The Eldorado of British Columbia 1894 , The Evolving Front Page , The First Comic Papers Published in America , The Funnies , The Gambols , The Graphic , The Gumps , The Heroic Adventures of M. Boudin , The History of Nelson , The Inside on Mutt and Jeff , The Inter Ocean , The Iron Teacher , The Jester (1845) , The Kingdom of Jones , The Liberty Boys of ’76 , The London Miscellany , The London Sketch Club , The Making of a Funny , The Mask , The Masses , The Monster Man , The Moon , The Most Famous Cartoonist in the World , The Nebbs , the new boy , The New World , The Pirate's Isle , The Preparatory School , The Real Alfred E. Neuman? , The Rise of the Comic Paper , The Satchel , The Shadow , The Soaps on Sunday , The Songs my Mother never Taught Me , The South , The SPIRIT , The Tale of a Belgian Hare , The War of 1812 and its Publications , The War Question in Cartoons , The Wiggle Much , The Wipers Times , Them Were the Days , Theodore Lane , They Don’t Speak Our Language , Thierry Smolderen , Thieves' Literature , This Canada of Ours , This Man is Dangerous , Thomas Eakins , Thomas Frost , Thomas Hood , Thomas Nast , Thomas Peckett Prest , Thomas Rowlandson , Thomas Tegg , Thomas Worth , Three-fingered Jack , Thrilling Wonder Biographies , Tiger Moody , Tiger Tim , Tillie Clapsaddle , Tim Eckhorst , Timid Soul , Timothée Trimm , Ting-Lings , tintin , Tintin et Milou , tiramolla , Tod Browning , Tolstoy’s Prophecy Hoax , Tom Browne , Tom Ficcanaso , Tom Merry , Tom Noddy , Tom Tartar , Tom Thurlby , Tom Tracy , Tom Wildrake , Tom Worth , Tomahawk , Topolinia 20802 , Topolino , Topolino e Bip Bip alle sorgenti mongole , Topolino e Gambadilegno in: La lunga fuga , Topolino e i dolci segreti di Twin Pipps , Topolino e i grilli atomici , Topolino e il cobra bianco , Topolino e il doppio segreto di Macchia Nera , Topolino e il mistero del Nautilus , Topolino e il mistero della voce spezzata , Topolino e il mondo che verrà , Topolino e l'imperatore d'America , Topolino e l'unghia di Kalì , Topolino e l'uomo di Altacraz , Topolino e la collana Chirikawa , Topolino e la dimensione Delta , Topolino e la grande impresa di "Lascia o t'accoppo” , Topolino e la marea dei secoli , Topolino e la rapina del millennio , Topolino e la spada del tempo , Topolino e la spada invincibile , Topolino e le cronache della frontiera , Topolino imperatore della Calidornia , Topolino Limited De Luxe Edition , Topolino nella valle dell'incanto , Topolino presenta: La Strada , Tops Stories , Totem , Townshend the Runner , Treasury of Terror , Tribulations of a Special Correspondent , TRIGGER , trottolino , True Crime Picture Stories , Truth , Truth Advertisement , Turpin's Ride to York , Tutti i milioni di Paperone , Tutto ricominciò con un'estate indiana , Tutto West , Tying a Knot in the Devil’s Tail , U.S. and C. S. Periodicals , Ulrica Wheeler , Ulrich Merkl , Ultraheroes , Un polpo alla gola , Uncle Dudley Takes a Peep , UNCLE TOM'S CABIN , Under the Pirate Flag , Unexpurgated Penrod , United Kingdom Press , Universal Pamphleteer , Unknown , Up-to-date Boys , Upside Down , V.T. Hamlin , Valentina , Valentina Mela Verde , Vampires of Paris , Vane Ireton St. John , Vanity Fair , Vartàn , Vaughan Shoemaker , VE Day , Venerdì 12 , Vernon Greene Bringing Up Father , Vernon Miller , Vertigine , Viaggio a Tulum , Vice Society , Victor Mousselet , Victor S. Fox , Victorian Comics , Victorian Speech Bubbles , Vidoq , Vignettes of Life , Vinci , Virgil Finlay , Virgil Partch , Virus , VOLPETTO , W. Gordon Nye , W. H. Thwaites , W. Heath Robinson , W. Howard Baker , W. K. Haselden , W. L. Emmett , W. M. Goodes , W. Ralston , W.A. Dwiggins , W.A. Rogers , W.H. Shelton , W.I.T.C.H. , W.M. Thackeray , Wallace Morgan , Wally Wallgren , Wally Wood , walt disney , Walt Kelly , Walt McDougall , Walter Booth , Walter C. Hoban , Walter Crane , Walter M. Dunk , Walter R. Allman , Walter Trier , Walter Viles , wanted , War Cartoons , War Sketches , Ward Greene , Warren Tufts , Wash Tubbs , Wayne Boring , Wayne Vansant , Weary Willie , Weird , Wes Slade , Wesley Bradshaw , What America Thinks , Whisky e Gogo , Who Shall be Leader? , Who was “Captain Jack”? , Wild Boys of London , Wild Boys of Paris , Wild Oats , Wild Will , Wilhelm Busch , Wilhelm Schulz , Will Eisner , Will Elder , WILLEM , William A. Leggo Jr. , William Baxter , William Boucher , William Emmett , William Galbraith , William Gander , William Gilbert Patten , William Heath , William Hogarth , William Hone , William Juhre , William Leach , William Randolph Hearst , William Reynolds , William Stephens Hayward , William Stevens , William Strange , William Thomas , Window-Shopping for Penny Dreadfuls , Wings Winfair , Winsor McCay , Winsor McCay Takes to the Stage , Wizards of Mickey , Wobblies IWW , Wondercity , Wood Cowan , Woodcut , Woodcuts , Woody Gelman , Worden Wood , Work Girls of London , world war I , World War I Postcards , World War II Comics , Wreck of the Old ’97 , X-Mickey , XIX Strange Days , Yann , Yellow Kid , Yesterday's Waste Paper , Yesterday’s Papers Greatest Hits. , Yesterday’s Papers. Today’s Views. , Yor , Yorick , Young Folks , Zack Mosley , zakimort , Zannablù , Zeffirelli , Zigomar , zio paperone , Zio Paperone e il deposito piramidale , Zio Paperone e il ratto di Brigitta , Zio Paperone e il tuffo nel black hole , Zio Paperone e l'ultimo Balabù , Zio Paperone e la Giostra del Saracino , Zio Paperone e le guerre planetarie , Zio Paperone in chicchi di riso e monete d'oro , Zio Paperone in.. Un altro Natale sul Monte Orso , Zola , Zora la vampira , Zorflick , ZORRO , zorry kid