Bitter people/Better people Bo Derek
continues from here, here, here
Bitter people/Better people Bo Derek
“…What about the fabulous Bo Derek? Here too the genesis is particular. In 1979 his 10th film had been released. A couple of years went by and on a summer morning while going to get the car behind the Chinese Theater on Sunset Boulevard, we came across a young man unloading packs of a magazine about cinema. Chatting about this and that, we agreed on a comic page dedicated to a star of the moment. The alternative ultimately boiled down to Tom Selleck and Bo Derek. Easy choice: Bo. The panels became two of a mini-mini spread entitled Madonna Bo. It was published (we think there are no copies) and the tables were put away in a chest of drawers. One day it reappeared (we are always looking for things that we cannot find and other forgotten ones pop up). So why not send them to Madonna Bo? We packed and shipped them and forgot about it. But it was she who reminded us about it with a beautiful autographed letter. Class is class.”