Born today Francesco Gamba

Born today Francesco Gamba

Born today Francesco Gamba

Born in La Spezia, Francesco Gamba (15 October 1926 – 13 February 2012)  came from an artistic family. His cousin was the comic artist Pietro Gamba. He began his career in 1947, drawing ‘Razzo Bill’ for Edizioni Alpe. In 1949, he drew ‘Musetta’ for Edizini Ippocampo’, and he took over ‘Yorga’, a series previously created by Gianluigi Bonelli and Antonio Canale. Between 1950 and 1954, he was one of the regular artists of ‘Pecos Bill’ stories, scripted by Guido Marina, and published by Mondadori. He additionally made illustrations for fairytale books for Editrice Bosschi, as well as adventure books.


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