Erio Nicolò, i Laramy della valle
Erio Nicolò, i Laramy della valle
Erio Nicolo was born in Florence in 1919 and studied graphics at the Art Institute. He made his professional comics debut in 1939, in magazine Giungla! After the war, Nicolo started collaborating with writer Luigi Grecchi, on titles such as ‘Forza John’, ‘Prince Chiomadoro’, ‘Karate il Lupo Bianco’, ‘I Laramy della Valle’ and the humorous ‘Superbone’. For the studio of Roy d’Ami, Nicolò created ‘Battler Britton’, aimed at the English market. From 1964, he worked for Bonelli on the famous series ‘Tex Willer’, creating around 150 stories until his death in 1983.

1492 Pictures,
National LampoonAERIAL SHOTS , . Medusa Film , 01 Distribution , 2000AD , 2000AD Sci-Fi Special. 2000AD Winter Special ABC Show , 2000AD Sci-Fi Special. 2000AD Winter Special ABC Show , 20th Century Fox , 20th Century Fox Animation , 3-D Man , 40 Acres & a Mule Filmworks , A Band Apart , A.I.M. , Aaron Stack , Abigail Bulmer , Abigail Bulmer , Abner Jenkins , Abomination , Above The Line Agency , Absorbing Man , Abyss , Aces Weekly , Aces Weekly , Action Man , Adam Destine , Adam Eterno , Adam Eterno , Adam Warlock , Adam West , Adam West , Adrian Salmon , Adrian Salmon , advertisements , advertisements , Advertising , Aegis , AERIAL SHOTS , afnews , After Image , After Image , Age of Apocalypse , Agency For The Performing Arts , Agent Brand , Agent X , Agent Zero , Agents of Atlas , Aginar , Air-Walker , Ajak , Ajaxis , Akemi , Al Ewing , Al Ewing , Alain , Alan Class , Alan Class , Alan Craddock , Alan Craddock , Alan Davis , Alan Davis , Alan Digby , Alan Digby , Alan Grant , Alan Grant , Alan Hebden , Alan Hebden , Alan Moore , Alan Moore , Alan Ryan , Alan Ryan , Albatross Entertainment , Albert Cleary , Albert Holroyd , Albert Holroyd , Albert Pease , Albert Pease , Albin Michel , Albion , Albion , Alex Akerbladh , Alex Akerbladh , Alex Collier , Alex Collier , Alex de Campi , Alex de Campi , Alex Power , Alexa Mendez , Alexander Matthews , Alexander Matthews , Alexander Pierce , Alf Tupper , Alf Tupper , Alfie the Air Tramp , Alfie the Air Tramp , Alfredo Marculeta , Alfredo Marculeta , Ali Ha-Ha , Ali Ha-Ha , Alice , Alice Wilder , Alicia Masters , Allan Morely , Allan Morely , Allensworth Entertainment , Allison Hellegers , ALLOY ENTERTAINMENT , Ally Sloper , Ally Sloper , Alpern Group , Alpha Flight , Alvin Maker , Amadeus Cho , Amanda Sefton , AMAZON STUDIOS , Amazoness , Amblin Entertainment , American comics , American comics , American Eagle , American Empirical Pictures , American Film Manufacturing Company , American Media Artists , American Mutoscope and Biograph Company , American Zoetrope , Amiko , Amora , Amphibian , Amun , Amy Berkower , Ancient One , Andi Watson , Andi Watson , Andrea Brown Literary Agency , Andrew Wildman , Andrew Wildman , Andy Capp , Andy Capp , Andy Fanton , Andy Fanton , Andy Hutton , Andy Hutton , Angel , Angry Birds Magazine , Angry Birds Magazine , Angus McKie , Angus McKie , Anita Blake , Anne Marie Hoag , Annette Van Duren Agency , Annihilus , annual , annual , annuals , annuals , Anole , Ant-Man , Anthem , Antimatter Hari , Antimatter Hari , AP Newsfeatures , Apatow Productions , Apocalypse , Apollo , Apollo , Aqueduct , Arachne , Aragi Inc , Araña , Arcade , ArcaMax Publishing , Arcana , Archangel , Arclight , Arena , Arena , Ares , Argent , Armadillo , Armageddon Patrol , Armageddon Patrol , Armor , Armory , Arnim Zola , Arnold Book Company , Arnold Book Company , Arrow , Arrow , Arsenic , Arthir Ranson , Arthir Ranson , Arthur Ferrier , Arthur Ferrier , Arthur Martin , Arthur Martin , Artie Jackson , Artie Jackson , Artiee , Artisan Entertainment , Asgardian , Ashleigh Gardner , Askew-Tronics , ASSISTANT CAMERA OPERATOR , ASSISTENTE OPERATORE , Asylum , Atchity Entertainment International , Atlas , ATTREZZATURE RIPRESE SUBACQUEE , auctions , auctions , Aurora , Australian comics , Australian comics , Avail Tale , Avalanche , Avengers , Avengers , Avengers Alliance) , Avengers Universe , Avengers Universe , Avery Hill Publishing , Avery Hill Publishing , Ayesha Pande Literary , Azazel , Bad Company , Bad Company , Bad Robot Productions , Balboa Amusement Producing Company , Ballandi Multimedia , Bamboo , Bambos Georgiou , Bambos Georgiou , Banana Bunch , Banana Bunch , Bananagirl , Bananagirl , Bananaman , Bananaman , Banshee , Banx , Banx , Barbara Marcus , Baron Strucker , Baron Zemo , Baroness S'Bak , Barracuda , Barrie Appleby , Barrie Appleby , Barrie Mitchell , Barrie Mitchell , Barry Kitson , Barry Kitson , Barry Norman Osborn , Bart Rozum , Basil Reynolds , Basil Reynolds , Bastion , batman , Batman , Batman:Arkham , Batman:Arkham , Batroc the Leaper , Batsowl , Batsowl , BATTERIA , Battering Ram , BATTERY , Battle , Battle , Baz and Co , Baz and Co , BBC , BBC , Beak , Beano , Beano , Beano Annual , Beano Annual , Beano Christmas Special , Beano Christmas Special , Beano Summer Special , Beano Summer Special , Beano. Dandy , Beano. Dandy , BeanoMax , BeanoMax , Bear Alley , Bear Alley , Beast , Becatron , Bédérama , Bedlam , Beef , Beetle , Beezer , Beezer , Belardinelli , Belardinelli , Bell Syndicate , Bem , Bem , Ben Grimm , Ben Parker , Ben Reilly , Ben Urich , Bengal , Bertie Brown , Bertie Brown , best writer , Beta-Ray Bill , Beth Bohn Management Inc. , Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises , Betty Brant , Betty Ross , Beyonder , BG Literary , BHP Comics , BHP Comics , Bi-Beast , biagio leone , Bic Production , BiCoastal Talent & Literary Agency , Biffo the Bear , Biffo the Bear , Big Bertha , Big Eggo , Big Eggo , Big Head and Thick Head , Big Head and Thick Head , Big Issue North , Big Issue North , Big Wheel , Bill Foster , Bill Hill , Bill Hill , Bill Hollister , Bill Holroyd , Bill Holroyd , Bill Lacey , Bill Lacey , Bill Mevin , Bill Mevin , Bill Ritchie , Bill Ritchie , Bill Titcombe , Bill Titcombe , Billy Bunter , Billy Bunter , Billy the Cat , Billy the Cat , Billy's Boots , Billy's Boots , Bimbo , Bimbo , Birdman , Birdman , Birmingham , Birmingham , Birmingham Comic Art Show 1986 , Birmingham Comic Art Show 1986 , Bishop , Bison Motion Pictures , Black Bird , Black Bob , Black Bob , Black Bolt , Black Cat , Black Crow , Black Knight , Black Max , Black Max , Black Panther , Black Panther , Black Queen , Black Shuck , Black Shuck , Black Tarantula , Black Tom , Black Widow , Blackheart , Blacklash , Blackout , Blackpool , Blackpool , Blade , Blake Friedmann , blakefriedmann.co.uk , Blastaar , Blazing Skull , Blighty , Blighty , Blindfold , Blink , Blizzard , Blob , Block10 , Blockbuster , blog , blog , Blok , Bloke , Blonde Phantom , Bloodaxe , Bloodscream , Bloodstorm , Bloodstrike , Blue Blade , Blue Marvel , Blue Shield , Blunderbirds , Blunderbirds , Blur , Bob Agent of Hydra , Bob Dewar , Bob Dewar , Bob Hill , Bob Hill , Bob Mecoy Literary Agency , Bob Monkhouse , Bob Monkhouse , Bob Nixon , Bob Nixon , Bobby Ball Talent Agency , Bobby of the Blues , Bobby of the Blues , BOLOGNA CHILDREN'S BOOKFAIR Joelle Hobeika , Bomb Scares 2015 , Bomb Scares 2015 , Books about comics , Books about comics , Boom Boom , Boomer , Boomerang , Box , Boys' World , Boys' World , Braddock , Braddock , Brady , Brannon & Rich , Brant Rose Agency , Brassneck , Brassneck , BRAZIL , Brendan McCarthy , Brendan McCarthy , Brett Ewins , Brett Ewins , Brian Bolland , Brian Bolland , Brian Boyd , Brian Boyd , Brian Lewis , Brian Lewis , Brian Walker , Brian Walker , Brickman , Brickman , Brickman Returns! , Brickman Returns! , Bride of Nine Spiders , Bristol Comic Expo , Bristol Comic Expo , British comics , British comics , Brogan Agency , Bromley , Brood , Broons , Broons , Brother Voodoo , Brotherhood of Evil Mutants , Bruce Banner , Bruce Cornwell , Bruce Cornwell , bruce forsyth , bruce forsyth , Brute , Bryan Talbot , Bryan Talbot , Buck Ryan , Buck Ryan , Bucky , Buddy , Buddy , BUDGET , Bug , built-in audiences , Bulldozer , Bullet , Bullet , Bullseye , bunty , bunty , burbank , Bushwacker , Buster , Buster , Butt Face , Butt Face , Butterfly , Butterfly , C2 Pictures , Cable , Cable (Deadpool) , Calamity , Calculus Cat , Calculus Cat , Caliban , California Motion Picture Corporation , Callisto , Calypso , Cam Kennedy , Cam Kennedy , CAMERA , CAMERA OPERATOR , CAMERA TRIPOD , Cammi , Candace Lake Agency , Cannonball , Cap'n Oz , Captain America , Captain America , Captain Britain , Captain Britain , Captain Cross , Captain Flint , Captain Gross , Captain Gross , Captain Hurricane , Captain Hurricane , Captain Marvel , Captain Midlands , Captain Pugwash , Captain Pugwash , Captain Scarlet , Captain Scarlet , Captain Stacy , Captain Universe , Captain Universe , Captain Wally , Captain Wally , Carabas , Cardiac , cardiff film and comic con , cardiff film and comic con , Career Artists International , Careers , Caretaker , Cargill , Carl Critchlow , Carl Critchlow , Carlie Cooper , Carlos Cruz , Carlos Cruz , Carlos Ezquerra , Carlos Ezquerra , Carlos Pino , Carlos Pino , Carmella Unuscione , Carnage , Carol Danvers , Carol Hines , Carol Mann Agency , Carolco Pictures , Cartoon magazines , Cartoon magazines , Cartoon Museum , Cartoon Museum , Cartoon Network , Cartoon Network , Cartoon Network Studios , CartoonArts International , cartooning , cartooning , Casanova Multimedia , Casarotto Ramsay , casarotto.uk.com , Casey Court , Casey Court , Cassandra Nova , Catseye , Cattleya , Cavaleri & Associates , CAVALLETTO , CBS Television Studios , Cecil Doughty , Cecil Doughty , Cecil Orr , Cecil Orr , Cecilia de la Campa , Cecilia Reyes , Celestials , censorship , censorship , Centennial , Centurions , Century Film , Cerebro , Cerise , Ch'od , Chad Valley , Chad Valley , Chamber , Chamber of Chills , Chamber of Chills , Chameleon , Champion , Champion , Champion Film Company , Champions , Changeling , CHARACTERS , Charles Kim , Charles Xavier , Charley's War , Charley's War , Charlie Adlard , Charlie Adlard , Charlie Brooker , Charlie Brooker , Charlie Campion , Charlie Chaplin , Charlie Chaplin , Charlie Grigg , Charlie Grigg , Chas Sinclair , Chas Sinclair , Chase Stein , Chasin Agency , Chat , Cheng Caplan Company , Chimera , Chores MacGillicudy , Chris Wildgoose , Chris Wildgoose , Christian Walker , christmas , Christmas , Christopher Franceschelli , Chronomancer , Chronos Commandos , Chronos Commandos , cigarette cards , cigarette cards , Cinema Pergatorio , Cinema Pergatorio , Cinergi Pictures , Cintiq , Cintiq , Civil War , Civil War , ClanDestine , Classic Comics , Classic Comics , Clea , Clint , Clint , Clint Barton , Cloak , Cloak , Cloud 9 , Cobalt Man , Coffre à BD , Colin MacNeill , Colin MacNeill , collectables , collectables , Collectormania , Collectormania , Colleen Wing , Colonel America , Colossus , COLT Studio Group , Columbia Pictures , columbo , Combat Colin , Combat Colin , comic book alliance , comic book alliance , comic books , Comic Cuts , Comic Cuts , Comic Expo , Comic Expo , Comic Football , Comic Football , Comic Heroes , Comic Heroes , Comic Media News , Comic Media News , Comic Review magazine , Comic Review magazine , comic sales , comic sales , comic shops , comic shops , Comica , Comica , comicraft , comicraft , comics , comics , comics for kids , comics industry , comics industry , comics page , comics show , comics show , Comics Uncovered , Comics Uncovered , Comics Unmasked , Comics Unmasked , comicscape , comicscape , commando , commando , COMPREHENSIVE PUBLISHING , Comx Box Comics Syndicate , Conan , Conan , Concord Production Inc , Confederates of the Curious , Constrictor , Contemporary Artists , Contessa , Controller , convention , convention , Conville & Walsh Ltd. , Cor , Cor , Corìma , Cornélius , Cornelius , Cornerstone Literary Agency , Corporal Clott , Corporal Clott , Corsair , Cosmo , Cosmo White , Cosmo White , Cottonmouth , Count Nefaria , Countdown , Countdown , Countess , Crackers , Crackers , Creative Artists Agency , Creators Syndicate , Crikey , Crikey , Crimson Crusader , Crimson Dynamo , Crimson King , Criterion , Crossbones , Crucible , Crucible , Cruel and Unusual Films , Crule , Crusher Hogan , Crystal , Cuckoo , Culver Studios , Curly Hector , Curly Hector , Curt Conners , Curtis Brown , Curtis Brown Literary and Talent Agency , curtisbrown.co.uk , Cuthbert , Cyber , Cyclops , Cypher , Cyril Price , Cyril Price , D'Antonio , D'Antonio , D'Ken Neramani , D4EO Literary Agency , Dagger , Daily Bugle , daily mirror , Daily Mirror , Daily Sketch , Daily Sketch , Daimon Hellstrom , Daken , Dakota North , Daleks , Daleks , Damage Control , Dan Cornwell , Dan Cornwell , dan dare , Dan Dare , Dan Whitehead , Dan Whitehead , Dan Yaccarino , Dandy , Dandy , Dandy Annual , Dandy Annual , Dandy Book , Dandy Book , Dandy Summer Special , Dandy Summer Special , Dandy. Postman Prat , Dandy. Postman Prat , Danger Man , Danger Man , Danger Mouse , Danger Mouse , Danger! Len at work , Danger! Len at work , Dani Moonstar , Daniel Ketch , Daniel Nayeri , Danny Rand , Daredevil , Dargaud , Dargo Ktor , Dark Avengers , Dark Beast , Dark Castle Entertainment , Dark Horse Comics , Dark Horse Comics , Dark Phoenix , Dark X-Men , Darkhawk , Darkstar , Darley Anderson , darleyanderson.com , Darwin , Dave Gibbons , Dave Gibbons , Dave Hine , Dave Hine , Dave Sutherland , Dave Sutherland , Dave Taylor , Dave Taylor , Davey Jones , Davey Jones , Davey Law , Davey Law , David Hale Smith Literary , David Higham , David Hine , David Hine , David Leach , David Leach , David Leach Conquers the Universe , David Leach Conquers the Universe , David Lloyd , David Lloyd , David Roach , David Roach , David Shapira & Associates , David Torrie , David Torrie , davidhigham.co.uk , Davis Entertainment , Davy Francis , Davy Francis , Davy Law , Davy Law , Dazzler , dc comics , DC Comics , De Laurentiis Entertainment Group , Deacon Frost , Dead Girl , Dead Universe Publishing , Dead Universe Publishing , Deadline , Deadline , Deadpool , Dean Ormston , Dean Ormston , Death , Deathbird , Deathcry , Deathlok , Deathlok , Debra Joester , Debra Whitman , Debrii , decimalization , decimalization , DECOUPAGE , Deena Pilgrim , Defenders , DeFiore and Company , Delcourt , Demogoblin , Dench Arnold , dencharnold.co.uk , Denis Gifford , Denis Gifford , Denis McCloughlin , Denis McCloughlin , Denis McLoughlin , Denis McLoughlin , Dennis the Menace , Dennis the Menace , Derek Marsden , Derek Marsden , Derek the Troll , Derek the Troll , Desperate Dan , Desperate Dan , Destiny , Detective Soap , Developer Portal , Deviants , Devil Dinosaur , Devos , Dexter Bennett , Dez Skinn , Dez Skinn , Diablo , diabolik , Diamondback , Diana , Diana , Dick Millington , Dick Millington , dick wolf , Dicky Howett , Dicky Howett , digital , digital , Digital Dandy , Digital Dandy , Digital Domain , Digital Playground , Dimension Films , Dinah Soar , DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY , DIRETTORE ALLE LUCI , Dirk Anger , disney , Disney , Disney , Doc Samson , Doctor Doom , Doctor Faustus , Doctor Octopus , Doctor Peculliar , Doctor Peculliar , Doctor Spectrum , Doctor Strange , Doctor Strange , Doctor Who , Doctor Who , Doctor Who Adventures , Doctor Who Adventures , Doctor Who Classic Comics , Doctor Who Classic Comics , Doctor Who Comic , Doctor Who Comic , Doctor Who Festival , Doctor Who Festival , Doctor Who Magazine , Doctor Who Magazine , Doctor Who merchandise , Doctor Who merchandise , Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor , Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor , Dog Brother , Dog Eat Dog Films , Dolores Prades , Domino , Don Buchwald & Associates , Don Harley , Don Harley , Don Heck , Don Heck , Don Lawrence , Don Lawrence , Don Newhouse , Don Newhouse , Don Starr , Don Starr , Donald Blake , DONALD DUCK , Donald Duck , Doomlord , Doomlord , Doomsday Man , Doop , Doorman , Dopey Dinosaur , Dopey Dinosaur , Dorian Gray , Dormammu , Double Double Comics , Double Double Comics , Doug Grad Literary Agency , Douglas Phillips , Douglas Phillips , DOWNLOADS , Dr What , Dr What , Dr. Strange , Dracula , Dracula , Dragon Lord , Dragon Man , drama , Dravis Agency , Draw the Marvel Way , Draw the Marvel Way , Drax , Dreadnoughts , Dreaming Celestial , dreamworks , Dreamy Dave and Dozy Dora , Dreamy Dave and Dozy Dora , Druig , Dudley Watkins , Dudley Watkins , Dum Dum Dugan , Duncan Scott , Duncan Scott , Dust , DVD COPY , Dylan Teague , Dylan Teague , Eagle , Eagle , Eagle Awards , Eagle Awards , Eagle Pictures , Eaglemoss , Eaglemoss , Earth-311 , Earth-712 , Earthquake , Easter , Easter , Echo , Ed Brubaker , Ed Brubaker , Eddie Brock , Eddie Campbell , Eddie Campbell , Eddie Gamarra , Eddie Lau , Edison Studios , EDITING , EDITING SESSION MANEGEMENT , Éditions FLBLB , EDIZIONE , Edward "Ted" Forrester , Edwin Jarvis , Egmont , Egmont , Ego , El Mestizo , El Mestizo , Electricomics , Electricomics , Electro , Elegant Angel , Elektra , Elements of Doom , Elephantmen , Elephantmen , Elite , Elixir , Ellis Eringer , Ellis Eringer , Elloe Kaifi , Elsa Bloodstone , Elstree Studios , Elstree Studios , EMÍLIA INSTITUTE , Emilio Frejo , Emilio Frejo , Emma Chinnery , Emma Chinnery , Emma Frost , emma vieceli , emma vieceli , Emmanuel Proust éditions , Empath , Emplate , Enchantress , Endemol Italia , Ender Wiggin , Energizer , Enid Blyton , Enid Blyton , enniskillen comic fest , enniskillen comic fest , Epic Magazine , Epic Magazine , Epoch , Equitable Stewardship for Artists , Eric Bradbury , Eric Bradbury , Eric Eden , Eric Eden , Eric O'Grady , Eric Roberts , Eric Roberts , Eric Ruben , Erik the Red , Erin Clarke , erio nicolò , Essanay Film Manufacturing Company , Essential Doctor Who , Essential Doctor Who , Eternals , Eternity , Etherington Brothers , Etherington Brothers , EUE/Screen Gems , EVERAFTER BOOKS , Evil Angel , Excalibur , Exiles , Exodus , Expediter , Express , Express , Ezekiel , Ezekiel Stane , Fabian Cortez , Falcon , Falcon , Falcon Entertainment , Falcon/Sam Wilson , Fallen One , Famine , Famous Players Film Company , Famous Players-Lasky Corporation , Fandango , Fantastic , Fantastic , Fantastic Four , Fantasy Advertiser , Fantasy Advertiser , Fantomex , fanzines , fanzines , Fascino PGT , Fat Cobra , Featured Artists Agency , Felicia Hardy , Felix and his amazing underpants , Felix and his amazing underpants , Fenris , Feral , Ferg Handley , Ferg Handley , Fighter , Fighter , Fighting Fantasy , Fighting Fantasy , FILM COPY , FILM DIRECTOR , FILM EQUIPEMENT , Film Fun , Film Fun , Film Roman , FILM SPEED , FILM STOCK , Filmation , Filmauro , Filmmaster Television , Filmtrix Agency , Fin Fang Foom , Firebird , Firebrand , Firedrake , Firelord , Firestar , fireworks , fireworks , First Age Comics , First Age Comics , First National , Fixer , Flame O' The Forest , Flame O' The Forest , Flatman , Fleetway , Fleetway , Fleetway flyer , Fleetway flyer , Flight 33 Productions , Flintlock , Flintlock , Flying Dutchman , Focus Features , Foggy Nelson , Folio Literary Management , football , football , Football Galaxy , Football Galaxy , Force Works , Forearm , Forge , Forgotten One , FOTOGRAFIE DI SCENA. STILLS , FOTOGRAFO DI SCENA , Foundry Literary and Media , Fox and Crow , Fox and Crow , Fox Atomic , Fox Literary , Fox Searchlight Pictures , Frances Goldin Literary Agency , Franchise Pictures , Frank Bellamy , Frank Bellamy , Frank Castle , Frank Elliott Shapiro Agency , Frank Hampson , Frank Hampson , Frank Humphies , Frank Humphies , Frank Langford , Frank Langford , Frank McDiarmid , Frank McDiarmid , Frank Minnitt , Frank Minnitt , Frankenstein's Monster , Frankenthing , Frankenthing , Frankie Stein , Frankie Stein , Franklin Richards , Franklin Storm , Fraternity of Raptors , Freak , Fred Holmes , Fred Holmes , Freddie Adkins , Freddie Adkins , Frederator Studios , free gifts , free gifts , FremantleMedia , Frightful Four , Frog Thor , Frog-Man , Full Circle Literary , Funny Folks , Funny Folks , Funny Monsters Comic , Funny Monsters Comic , Funny Wonder , Funny Wonder , Fury , Fury , Future , Future , Futuropolis , Gabe Jones , Gabriel Lan , Gabrille Noble , Gabrille Noble , Galactus , Galia , Gambit , Gamma Corps , Gamora , Gargoyle , Garia , Garrison Kane , Garry Leach , Garry Leach , garth , Garth , Garth Ennis , Garth Ennis , Gary Northfield , Gary Northfield , Gary Spencer Millidge , Gary Spencer Millidge , Gateway , Gauntlet , Gavin , Gavin Ewing , Gavin Ewing , Geiger , Gene Colan , Gene Colan , Gene Sailors , General Jumbo , General Jumbo , Generation X , Genesis , Genis-Vell , Geoff Campion , Geoff Campion , George Heath , George Heath , George Martin , George Martin , George Matthew Adams Service , George Parlett , George Parlett , George Stacy , George Wakefield , George Wakefield , Gerald G. Swan , Gerald G. Swan , Gernert Company , Gerry Anderson , Gerry Anderson , Gerry Embleton , Gerry Embleton , Gerry Haylock , Gerry Haylock , Gersh Agency , Gertrude Yorkes , Ghost Rider , Giancarlo Malagutti , Giant Girl , Giant Man , Giant-dok , Gideon , Ginger Clark CURTIS BROWN LTD. , girl , Girl , Girls Crystal , Girls Crystal , Git Hoskins , Gladiator , Glénat – 5 P • 3 C
Les Humanoïdes Associés , Glénat – 5 P • 3 C
Les Humanoïdes Associés , Glendale , Glenn Fabry , Glenn Fabry , Glenn Talbot , Global Kids Connect , Global Talent Agency , Glorian , Goblin Queen , Golden Guardian , Goliath , Goodies , Goodies , GOODREADS , Gordon Bell , Gordon Bell , Gordon Hill , Gordon Hill , Gordon Hogg , Gordon Hogg , Gorgon , Gorilla Man , Gosh , Gosh , Gotham , Gotham , Gracie Films , Graham Allen , Graham Allen , Graham Bleathman , Graham Bleathman , Grammarman , Grammarman , Grand Design Communications , Grandmaster , Grandville , Grandville , Grant , Grant Morrison , Grant Morrison , Grant Perkins , Grant Perkins , graphic novels. Original ideas for screen/television created , Gravity , Great Lakes Avengers , Green Arrow , Green Arrow , Green Goblin , Greg Staples , Greg Staples , Grégoire Halbout , Gregory David Mayo Representing the Performing Arts , Gressill , Grey Gargoyle , Greymalkin , Grim Reaper , Grimly Feendish , Grimly Feendish , Grindhouse , Grindhouse , Groot , Guardian , Guardians of the Galaxy , Guardsmen , Gum Girl , Gum Girl , Gunslinger , GW Bridge , Gwen Stacy , H.A.M.M.E.R. , H.C. Milburn , H.C. Milburn , H.E.R.B.I.E. , Hachette , Hachette , Hairball , Half-Life , halloween , halloween , Ham Dare , Ham Dare , Hammerhead , HANDPRINT BOOKS , Hank Pym , Hanna-Barbera , Hannibal King , Happy Hogan , Happy Madison Productions , Hardball , Hardware , Hardware , Harlan Ellison , Harlan Ellison , Harley Davidson Cooper , Harmony Gold , Harold Johns , Harold Johns , HARPERCOLLINS CHILDREN'S BOOKS , Harpoon , Harrier , Harry Banger , Harry Banger , Harry Hargreaves , Harry Hargreaves , Harry Heck , Harry Hill , Harry Hill , Harry Lindfield , Harry Lindfield , Harry North , Harry North , Harry Osborn , Harvey Comics , Harvey Comics , Hate-Monger , Havok , Hawkeye , Hedge Knight , Heinrich Zemo , Hellcat , Hellfire Club , Hellion , Helmut Zemo , Hemdale Film Corporation , Hemingway , Henry Peter Gyrich , Hepzibah , Herb Trimpe , Herb Trimpe , Hercules , Herman Agency , Heroes For Hire , Herr Seele , Herr Seele , Hex , Hibernia Comics , Hibernia Comics , High Evolutionary , Hill Street Blues , Hindsight Lad , Hiroim , Hisako Ichiki , Hitman , Hitomi Sakuma , Hobgoblin , Hollywood Pictures , Hollywood View Agency , Holy , Hookjaw , Hookjaw , Hope Summers , Horace , Horace , Horizon , Horizon , horror comics , horror comics , Hot House Entertainment , Hotspur , Hotspur , House of Hammer , House of Hammer , how to sell screenplay , Howard Morhaim Literary Agency , Howard Saint , Howard The Duck , Huckleberry Hound , Huckleberry Hound , Hugh Fowler , Hugh Fowler , Hugh McNeill , Hugh McNeill , Hulk , Hulk , Hulkling , Human Cannonball , Human Fly , Human Robot , Human Torch , Humbug , Hunt Emerson , Hunt Emerson , Hurricane , Hurricane , Husk , Hussar , Hydra , Hydro-Man , Hyperion , Hypno-Hustler , i Laramy della valle , Ian Edginton , Ian Edginton , Ian Jackson , Ian Jackson , Ian Kennedy , Ian Kennedy , ICE International Comic Expo , ICE International Comic Expo , Iceman , ICM Partners , icmtalent.com , Icon Productions , IDEAZIONE , IDW , IDW , Ikaris , Ilex Press , Ilex Press , Illuminati , Illumination Entertainment , Illustrated Chips , Illustrated Chips , Illyana Rasputin , ilmiolibro , Ilustrated Chips , Ilustrated Chips , Ilyana Rasputin , IM Global , ImageMovers Digital , Imagine Entertainment , Immortal Weapons , Imp , Imperfects , Imperial Guard , Impossible Man , Improper Books , Improper Books , In His Cups , In His Cups , In-Betweener , Inc. , independent comics , independent comics , Independent Moving Pictures , Indigo Film , Industrial Light & Magic , Inertia , Infant Terrible , Infinitum Nihil , Infinity , Infinity , informazione , Inhumans , Ink , Inkwell Management , Innovative Artists , International Creative Management , International Creative Management (ICM) , Internships , Invaders , Invisible Dick , Invisible Dick , Invisible Woman , IPC , IPC , Irene Goodman Literary Agency , Iron Cross Army , Iron Fish , Iron Fish , Iron Fist , Iron Lad , Iron Man , Iron Monger , Iron Moon , Iron Moon , Iron Patriot , Ironclad , Irv Schechter Company , It Girl , It Girl , Ivy the Terrible , Ivy the Terrible , Iwerks Studio , J. Jonah Jameson , JABberwocky Literary Agency , Jack Flag , Jack Glass , Jack Glass , Jack Greenall , Jack Greenall , jack kirby , Jack Kirby , Jack Lenny Associates , Jack Murdock , Jack O' Lantern , Jack Oliver , Jack Oliver , Jack Pamby , Jack Pamby , Jack Power , Jack Varney , Jack Varney , Jackal , Jackpot , Jag , Jag , Jake Lynch , Jake Lynch , James Buchanan Barnes , James Clark , James Clark , James Crichton , James Crichton , James Hodgkins , James Hodgkins , James Howlett , James Rhodes , Jamie Braddock , Jamie Smart , Jamie Smart , Jan Shepheard , Jan Shepheard , Jane , Jane , Jane Foster , jane friedman , Janklow & Nesbit Associates , Janus , Janus Stark , Janus Stark , Jaqueline Rayner , Jaqueline Rayner , Jasper Sitwell , Jay Gunn , Jay Gunn , Jazinda , jean giraud , Jean Giraud , Jean Grey , Jenni Scott , Jenni Scott , Jennifer Smith , Jersey Films , Jeryn Hogarth , Jessica Drew , Jessica Jones , Jessica Martin , Jessica Martin , Jesus Blasco , Jesus Blasco , Jet , Jet , Jetstream , Jigsaw , Jill Grinberg Literary Management , Jim Alexander , Jim Alexander , Jim Baikie , Jim Baikie , Jim Henson Productions , Jim Henson Television , Jim Petrie , Jim Petrie , Jim Preminger Agency , Jim Starlin , Jim Starlin , Jim Watson , Jim Watson , Jimmy Broxton , Jimmy Broxton , Jimmy Hansen , Jimmy Hansen , Jimmy Jinx , Jimmy Jinx , Jimmy Woo , Jinty , Jinty , Jinx , Jinx , JKA Talent & Literary Agency , Joan the Mouse , Jocasta , Joe 90 , Joe 90 , Joe Colquhoun , Joe Colquhoun , Joe Maneely , Joe Maneely , Joe Matthews , Joe Matthews , John A. Short , John A. Short , John Allard , John Allard , John Anderson , John Anderson , John Armstrong , John Armstrong , John Bolton , John Bolton , John Burns , John Burns , John Canning , John Canning , John Cooper , John Cooper , John Farson , John Freeman , John Freeman , John Geering , John Geering , John Gillatt , John Gillatt , John Higgins , John Higgins , John Jameson , John Jukes , John Jukes , John Lawrence , John Lawrence , John M. Burns , John M. Burns , John McCrea , John McCrea , John Porter , John Reppion , John Reppion , John Ridgway , John Ridgway , John Ross , John Ross , John Ryan , John Ryan , John Short , John Short , John Vernon , John Vernon , John Wagner , John Wagner , John Wraith , Johnny Blaze , Johnny Future , Johnny Future , Johnny Red , Johnny Red , Johnny Storm , joke mags , joke mags , Joker , Joker , Joker éditions , Jolly Comic , Jolly Comic , Jon Haward , Jon Haward , Jon Pertwee , Jon Pertwee , Jon Rushby , Jon Rushby , Jonah , Jonah , Jordan Ezekude , Jordan Ezekude , Jordi Bernet , Jordi Bernet , José Ortiz , José Ortiz , Joseph , Joseph Green , Joshua Kane , Josiah X , Joystick , Jubilee , jubilee , Jud Laghi , Judge Dredd , Judge Dredd , Judge of the annual Kodansha International Comics Competition , Judith Hansen , Judy , Judy , Juggernaut , Jule Carpenter , Julia Carpenter , Julia Eccleshare , Julian Keller , Julius Sneezer , Julius Sneezer , Julius Zebra , Julius Zebra , June , June , Junta , Justice , Justin Hammer , Ka-Zar , Kabuki , Kalem Company , Kallark , Kang , Kaplan Stahler Agency , Kapow , Kapow , Karen O'Malley , Karen Page , Karen Rubins , Karen Rubins , Karl Dixon , Karl Dixon , Karma , Karnak , Karolina Dean , Kat Farrell , Kat Nicholson , Kat Nicholson , Kate Bishop , Kathleen Schultz Associates , Katie Power , Katy Manning , Katy Manning , Keith Burns , Keith Burns , Keith Page , Keith Page , Keith Page. Iron Moon , Keith Page. Iron Moon , Keith Robson , Keith Robson , Keith Watson , Keith Watson , Kelly Farber , kelly's eye , kelly's eye , Ken Barr , Ken Barr , Ken Ellis , Ken Harrison , Ken Harrison , Ken Hunter , Ken Hunter , Ken Pyne , Ken Pyne , Ken Reid , Ken Reid , Kev O'Neill , Kev O'Neill , Kevin O'Neill , Kevin O'Neill , Keyhole Kate , Keyhole Kate , Keystone Pictures Studio , KF LITERARY SCOUTING , Khan , Kickback , Kickback , Kid Colt , Kid Cops , Kid Cops , kids , Kids Activities , Kids Games , Kids Videos , Killer Shrike , Killmonger , Killraven , King Bedlam , King Cobra , King features , king features syndicate , Kingpin , Kinsey Walden , Kitchen , Kitty Pryde , Klanky , Klanky , Klaw , Knockabout , Knockabout , Knockout , Knockout , KNOPF BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS , Know How , Know How , Kobra , Kobra , Kojak , Komodo , Kopaloff & Associates , Korath , Korg , Korky , Korky , Korky the Cat , Korky the Cat , Korvac , Kraven the Hunter , Kree , Krista Starr , Kronos , Kuan-Yin Xorn , Kulan Gath , Kult Creations , Kult Creations , Kung-Fu Cheesecake , Kung-Fu Cheesecake , Kylun , L-KO Kompany , L.Miller , L.Miller , L'Association , l'intrepido , La Cafetière , La Nuit , la nuova cronaca di mantova , LABORATORY , Lady Bullseye , Lady Deathstrike , Lady Mastermind , Lady Penelope , Lady Penelope , Lady Ursula , Lady Vermin , LaFave Newspaper Features , Laika Entertainment , Lake , Lakes International Comic Art Festival , Lakes International Comic Art Festival , Lakeshore Entertainment , Lancaster Comics Day , Lancaster Comics Day , Landau , Larchmont Literary Agency , Larks , Larks , Laugh with Lola , Laugh with Lola , Laura Dail Literary Agency , Laura Howell , Laura Howell , Laura Messora , Laura Trinder , Laura Trinder , Lava-Man , Laya Gelff Agency , Layla Miller , Le Vaisseau d'Argent , Leader , Leah Moore , Leah Moore , Lee Sullivan , Lee Sullivan , Leech , Legendary Pictures , Legion , LEGO Marvel Super Heroes , Lei Kung , Lenhoff & Lenhoff , Lenny Balinger , Leo (Zodiac) , Leo Baxendale , Leo Baxendale , Leonard Marcus , Leopardon , Leper Queen , Les Barton , Les Barton , Lester , Lethal Legion , Li'l House of Grind , Li'l House of Grind , Liam Sharp , Liam Sharp , Liberty Films , Lieutenant Marcus Stone , Lifeguard , LIGHT HOLDERS , LIGHTING CAMERAMENT , Lightning Lords of Nepal , Lightspeed , Lightstorm Entertainment , Lila Cheney , Lilandra , Lilith , Lily Hollister , Lind & Associates , lion , lion , Lionheart , Lions Gate Entertainment , Lippincott Massie McQuilkin , Lisa Callamaro Literary Agency , Lisa Fragner , Lise Myhre , Lise Myhre , Literary Agent LLC , Litopia Corporation , litopia.com , Living Lightning , Living Mummy , Living Tribunal , Liz Osborn , Lizard , Lizard (Ultimate) , LLC , Loa , LOCATION , Lockheed , Lockjaw , Logan , LOGISTICA , Loki , London Calling , London Calling , London Comic Mart , London Comic Mart , London Film and Comic Con , London Film and Comic Con , Loners , Longshot , Look and Learn , Look and Learn , Look-in , Look-in , Lord Hawal , Lord Snooty , Lord Snooty , Lord Tyger , Lords of Avalon , Lorna Dane , Lorna Doone , Lorna Doone , Lorna Miller , Lorna Miller , Louis Briault , Louis Briault , Ltd. , Lubin Manufacturing Company , Lucas Entertainment , Lucas Kazan Productions , Lucasfilm , Lucasfilm Animation , Luckman , Lucky Pierre , Lucy in the Sky , luigi bernardi , Luis Bermejo , Luis Bermejo , Luke Cage , Luminals , lupo , Lux Vide , Lyja , Lynne & Reilly Agency , Lynne Triplett , Lynne Triplett , M (Monet St. Croix) , M.O.D.A.M. , M.O.D.O.G. , M.O.D.O.K. , Ma Gnuci , Mac Gargan , Macc-Pow , Macc-Pow , MACCHINE DA PRESA , Mach IV , Machine Man , Mad Thinker , Madame Hydra , Madame Masque , Madame Web , Maddog , Madelyne Pryor , Madripoor , Madrox , Maelstrom , Maestro , Magdalene , Maggie Roiphe Agency , Maggott , Magik , Maginty , Magma , MAGNETIC TAPE , Magneto , Magnolia , Magnolia Pictures , Magus , Mail on Sunday , Mail on Sunday , Major Mapleleaf , Makkari , Malcolm Colcord , Malcolm Douglas , Malcolm Douglas , Malcolm Judge , Malcolm Judge , Malice (Earth-161) , Malta Comic Con 2014 , Malta Comic Con 2014 , man in space , man in space , Man-Thing , Man-Wolf , Manager Matt , Manager Matt , Manchester Film and Comic Con , Manchester Film and Comic Con , Mandalay Entertainment , Mandarin , Mandrill , Mandroid , Manta , Mantis , Marauders , marc jackson , marc jackson , Marcus Van Sciver , Maria Hill , Mariko Yashida , Marilyn Monroe Production , marjacq.com , Marjaq Scripts , Mark Bennigton , Mark Bennigton , Mark Farmer , Mark Farmer , Mark Millar , Mark Millar , Mark Rogers , Mark Rogers , Mark Stafford , Mark Stafford , Markosia , Markosia , Markson Thoma Literary Agency , Marrow , Marshal Law , Marshal Law , Marten Broadcloak , Martha Washington , Martha Washington , Martin Asbury , Martin Asbury , Martin Baines , Martin Baines , Martin Barker , Martin Barker , Martin Baxendale , Martin Baxendale , Martin Garaghty , Martin Garaghty , Martin Li , Martin Lock , Martin Lock , Martin Skidmore , Martin Skidmore , marvel , Marvel , Marvel Action Hour , Marvel Action Hour , Marvel Apes , Marvel Boy , Marvel Fact Files , Marvel Fact Files , Marvel Kids , marvel legends , marvel legends , Marvel Pocket Books , Marvel Pocket Books , Marvel Studios , Marvel UK , Marvel UK , Marvel Unlimited , Marvel War of Heroes , Marvel Zombies , Marvelman , Marvelman , Marvex , Mary Jane Watson , Mary McAveney , Mary Talbot , Mary Talbot , Masked Marvel , Masque , Master Chief , Master Mold , Master of Kung Fu , Master of Kung Fu , Mastermind , Masters of Evil , MATERIALE FOTOGRAFICO , MATERIALE TECNICO , Mathemanic , mathias , Matsu'o Tsurayaba , Matthew Murdock , Mattie Franklin , Mauler , Maverick , Maverick Films , Maximus , May Parker , Mayflower Photoplay Company , MBA Literary Agents , mbalit.co.uk , McCay Feature Syndicate , McClure Newspaper Syndicate , McIntosh & Otis , MCM comic con , MCM comic con , McNaught Syndicate , McVeigh Agency , Meanwhile , Meanwhile , Media Artists Group , media outrage , media outrage , Mediavivere , Medusa , Meggan , Melati Kusuma , Meltdown , Melvin Potter , Menace , Mentallo , Mentor , Mephisto , Mephistopheles , Mercury , Mesmero , Metal Master , Metamorph , Metamorph , Meteorite , Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , Metropolitan Talent Agency , MGM Television , MI: 13 , Michael Lewis & Associates , Mick Anglo , Mick Anglo , Mick Austin , Mick Austin , Mick McMahon , Mick McMahon , MICKEY MOUSE , Mickey Mouse , Micro/Macro , Microbe , Microchip , Micromax , Midnight (Earth-811) , Miek , Mighty Moth , Mighty Moth , Mighty World of Marvel , Mighty World of Marvel , Mike Brown , Mike Brown , Mike Collins , Mike Collins , Mike Green , Mike Green , Mike Higgs , Mike Higgs , Mike Lacey , Mike Lacey , Mike Noble , Mike Noble , mike western , mike western , Mike White , Mike White , Mikhail Rasputin , Millenium Guard , Miller Western Comic Books , Miller Western Comic Books , Millie the Model , Milo Manara , Milo Manara , Mimic , Mindworm , Minnie the Minx , Minnie the Minx , mirabilis , mirabilis , Miracleman , Miracleman , Miramax , Miramax Films , Miriam Altshuler , Miss America , Mister Fear , Mister Sinister , Misty , Misty , Misty Knight , Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates , Mobile Apps , Mockingbird , moebius , Moebius , Moira MacTaggert , Mojo , Mole Man , Molecule Man , Molly Hayes , Molly Von Richtofen , Molten Man , Mon journal , Mongoose , Mongu , Monica Ferrone , Monkees , Monkees , Monogram Pictures , Monster Badoon , Monster Fun , Monster Fun , Monster Mag , Monster Mag , MONTAGGIO , Moon Knight , Moondragon , Moonsters , Moonsters , Moonstone , Moose Kid Comics , Moose Kid Comics , Morbius , Mordo , Morg , Morgan Stark , Morlocks , Morlun , Morph , Mother Askani , MOTORINO VARIABILE , Mr. Bumpo , Mr. Fantastic , Mr. Fish , Mr. Fixit , Mr. Hyde , Mr. Immortal , Mr. Meugniot , Mr. Negative , Mr. Payback , Mr. X , Ms. Marvel , MS2 , MTV Films , Mulholland Black , Multiple Man , multiverse , multiverse , MUSIC RECORDING MANAGEMENT , Mutant Enemy , MVP , Mysterio , Mystique , Nadal , Nadal , Namor , Namora , Namorita , Nancy Chaidez Agency , Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation , Nancy Gallt Literary Agency , Nancy Yost Literary Agency , Naoko , NASTRO MAGNETICO , Natasha Romanoff , Natasha Romanoff (MAA) , NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA , Natural Talent , NBCUniversal , Neal Hoskins , Neal Porter , NEAL PORTER BOOKS AT ROARING BROOK PRESS , Nebula , NEGATIVE , NEGATIVO , Nehzno , Neil Gaiman , Neil Gaiman , Nekra , Nemesis , Nestor Film Company , Network , Network , Neville Main , Neville Main , New Amazons , New Amazons , new characters , New Deal Studios , New Goblin , new line cinema , New Mutants , new storiies , new story , New Warriors , New X-Men , New Year , New Year , Newmarket Films , news trade , news trade , newsagent , newsagent , Newspaper Enterprise Association , Newton Destine , Next Avengers , Nextwave , nfb , NI Syndication , Nick Dyer , Nick Dyer , Nick Fury , Nick Miller , Nick Miller , Nick Percival , Nick Percival , Nico Minoru , Nicolaos , Nigel Auchterlounie , Nigel Auchterlounie , Nigel Dobbyn , Nigel Dobbyn , Nigel Edwards , Nigel Edwards , Nigel Parkinson , Nigel Parkinson , Night Nurse , Night Thrasher , Nightcrawler , Nighthawk , Nightmare , Nightshade , Nikki , Nikki , Nine-Fold Daughters of Xao , Nitro , Nocturne , Noddy , Noddy , Nomad , Norman Light , Norman Light , Norman Mansbridge , Norman Mansbridge , Norman Osborn , Norman Wisdom , Norman Wisdom , Norrin Radd , Northstar , Norway , Norway , nothingbutafan , nothingbutafan , Nova , npdb frank furillo , Nu Image , Nuke , numskulls , numskulls , Obadiah Stane , October Films , Octobriana , Octobriana , Odhams , Odhams , Odin , Offspring Entertainment , Ogun , Oh Boy , Oh Boy , oink , oink , Okay Annual , Okay Annual , Old Lace , om-nom-nom , om-nom-nom , Omega Flight , Omega Red , Omega Sentinel , Omega the Unknown , On The Edge , On The Edge , One Race Films , Onslaught , Oor Wullie , Oor Wullie , OPEN ROAD INTEGRATED MEDIA , OPERATORE , Oracle , Ord , ORGANIZZAZIONE GENERALE , Orient Express , original artwork , original artwork , original characters , ORIGINAL IDEA , original movie stories , Original screenplays , original stories , original televison plays , Orion Pictures , Orphan , Orphan-Maker , Otto Octavius , outis , outisfumetti , Outlaw Kid , Overbrook Entertainment , Overlord , Owl , Ozymandias , Pacific Data Images , Paddy Brennan , Paddy Brennan , Paibok , Paladin , Pallas Pictures , Palm Pictures , Pamela D. Scoville Literary Agency , Pandemic , Panini UK , Panini UK , paninicomics , Pansy Potter , Pansy Potter , Pantheon , Paper Doll , Paperboy Comics , Paradigm , Paradigm Talent Agency , Paramount Pictures , Paramount Vantage , partworks , partworks , Pat Mills , Pat Mills , Pat Nicolle , Pat Nicolle , Pat Williams , Pat Williams , Patch , Pathetic Sharks , Pathetic Sharks , Patrick Brown , Patriot , Patsy Walker , Paul Gravett , Paul Gravett , Paul Grist , Paul Grist , Paul Kohner , Paul Neary , Paul Neary , Paul Norbert Ebersol , Paul Palmer , Paul Palmer , Paul Travillion , Paul Travillion , Paulina Vassileva , Paulina Vassileva , Payback , PELLICOLA , Penance , Penny , Penny , penny dreadful , penny dreadful , Peppa Pig , Peppa Pig , Pepper Potts , Percy Cocking , Percy Cocking , Pestilence , Pet Avengers , Pete and his Pimple , Pete and his Pimple , Pete Wisdom , Pete's Pimple , Pete's Pimple , Peter Davidson , Peter Davidson , Peter P. Jones Film Company , Peter Parker , Peter Quill , Peter Richardson , Peter Richardson , Peters Fraser & Dunlop , pfd.co.uk , Phalanx , Phantom Reporter , Phil Elliott , Phil Elliott , Phil Millar , Phil Millar , Phil Sheldon , Phil Winslade , Phil Winslade , Phoenix , Phoenix , PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS , Photon , Phyla-Vell , PIANO DI LAVORAZIONE , Pictorial Knowledge , Pictorial Knowledge , Picture Libraries , Picture Libraries , Picturehouse , Pigswilla , Pigswilla , Piledriver , Pilgrim Films & Television , PINZE ( per le luci) , Pip , Pippin Properties , piracy , piracy , Pixar , Pixar Animation Studios , Pixie , Plan B Entertainment , Platinum Studios , playbox , playbox , Plazm , Podcasts , Polaris , Polygram Filmed Entertainment , poot , poot , Post , Postman Prat , Postman Prat , pow , pow , Pow! Annual , Pow! Annual , Power Comics , Power Comics , Power Man , Power Pack , Power Rangers , Power Rangers , Praxagora , pre-code horror , pre-code horror , PRE-MONTAGGIO , Preak , Preferred Artists , Pretty Boy , PREVENTIVO , Pride , Prima , Prince of Orphans , Princess Powerful , Print Media , Print Media , Print Subscriptions , PRINTING , prints , prints , Prism , Private Eye , Private Eye , Prodigy , PRODUCER IN CHARGE , PRODUCTION , PRODUCTION BREAKDOWN BOARD , PRODUZIONE , Proemial Gods , Professor Monster , Professor X , Progenitor , Progenitor , promotion , promotion , Proteus , Proudstar , Prowler , PS Publishing , PS Publishing , Psycho Gran , Psycho Gran , Psycho-Man , Psylocke , PsyNapse , Publishers-Hall Syndicate , Publispei , PUCK , Puck , Puff Adder , pug , Pulp Detective , Pulp Detective , Pulse , Pulse , Puma , Punisher , Pup Parade , Pup Parade , Puppet Master , Purifiers , Purple Man , Pyro , Quasar , Quasimodo , Queen Noir , Quentin Quire , Quicksilver , quotidiano , R.Charles Roylance , R.Charles Roylance , R.M. Guéra , R.M. Guéra , Rab Hamilton , Rab Hamilton , Rachael Smith , Rachael Smith , Rachael Stott , Rachael Stott , Rachel Grey , Rachel Hecht , RACHEL HECHT CHILDREN’S SCOUTING , Rachel Leighton , Radio Fun , Radio Fun , Radio Fun. Reg Parlett , Radio Fun. Reg Parlett , Radioactive Man , Rafael Vega , Rage , Raging Stallion Studios , Rai Cinema , Raider , Rammie , Rammie , Randall , Randall Flagg , Random , RANDOM HOUSE CHILDREN'S BOOKS , Rasher , Rasher , Rattler , Ravenous , RAW CUT , Rawhide Kid , Ray Moore , Ray Moore , Raymond Briggs , Raymond Briggs , Raza , Reaper , Reavers , Rebel Entertainment Partners , Red 9 , Red Ghost , Red Hulk , Red Light District Video , Red Shift , Red Skull , Red Sofa Literary , Red Wolf , Red Wrecker , Red Wrecker , Redan , Redan , Redeem Digital Copy , Redwing , reference , reference , Reg Bunn , Reg Bunn , Reg Carter , Reg Carter , Reg Parlett , Reg Parlett , Reg Perrott , Reg Perrott , Reg Wooton , Reg Wooton , Regal Literary , REGIA , Register and Tribune Syndicate , Release Calendar , Renaissance Pictures , Reptil , Republic Pictures , Requiem , Requiem , Reti Televisive Italiane , Retro Girl , retrospective of 2015 , retrospective of 2015 , Revanche , Reveille Productions , Revolution Studios , Rhino , Rhodey , Richard Deacon , Richard Elson , Richard Elson , Richard Fisk , Richard Henshaw Group , Richard Jennings , Richard Jennings , Richardson Feature Syndicate , Rick Jones , Ricochet , Rictor , RIGHTS PEOPLE , RIPRESE AEREE , Riptide , Risque , RIVER. CASSETTE VHS , RIVER. DVD , RIVERSAMENTO IN TELECINEMA , RKO Pictures , RLR Associates , Rob Davis , Rob Davis , Robbie Morrison , Robbie Morrison , Robbie Robertson , Robert Astle & Associates Literary Management , Robert Baldwin , Robert Forrest , Robert Forrest , Robin Chapel , Robo Capers , Robo Capers , Robot Archie , Robot Archie , Rocket , Rocket , Rocket Raccoon , Rocket Racer , Rockslide , Rodeen Literary Management , Rodeo Drive , rodhallagency.com , Roger Langridge , Roger Langridge , Roger the Dodger , Roger the Dodger , Rogue , Rogue Pictures , Rogue Trooper , Rogue Trooper , Rok Comics , Rok Comics , Rok of the Reds , Rok of the Reds , Roland Deschain , romance , romance , Romulus , Ron Embleton , Ron Embleton , Ron Smith , Ron Smith , Ron Spencer , Ron Spencer , Ron Turner , Ron Turner , Ronan , Rothman Brecher Agency , Roughhouse , Roulette , Rover , Rover , Roxanne Simpson , Roy of the Rovers , Roy of the Rovers , Roy Wilson , Roy Wilson , Royal Comics Syndicate , Royal Wedding , Royal Wedding , RPM Talent , Rubberman , Rubberman , Ruby-Spears , Rufus Dayglo , Rufus Dayglo , Ruggero Giovanni , Ruggero Giovanni , Rumiko Fujikawa , Runaways , Russ Leach , Russ Leach , Russian , S.H.I.E.L.D. , Saban Entertainment , Sabra , Sabretooth , Sage , Salem's Seven , Sally , Sally , Sally Floyd , Salo , Sam Fair , Sam Fair , Samantha Parrinton) , Sandman , Sandy Calder , Sandy Calder , Sandy James , Sandy James , Sanford J. Greenburger Associates , SANFORD/SKOURAS/GROSS , santa claus , Santa Monica California , Sara Sargent , Saracen , SARNOFF & CO , Sarnoff Company , SASCO HILL & ASSOC , Sasquatch , Satana , Saturn Films , Sauron , Savage , Savage , Savage Agency , Savage Land Mutate , Savic , Savoy Pictures , SCAGNETTI TALENT AGENCY , SCALETTA RIPRESE , Scalphunter , Scarecrow , Scarlet Spider , Scarlet Witch , SCENEGGIATURA , SCHECHTER CO , SCHULTZ & ASSOC , scorcher , scorcher , Score and Roar , Score and Roar , Scorer , Scorer , Scorpion , Scott Gray , Scott Gray , Scott Lang , Scourge , Scrambler , Scraps , Scraps , Scream , Scream , Screen Gems , screenplay , Screwball , SD Cinematografica , Sean Phillips , Sean Phillips , SEARCHING THIS BLOG , SEARCHING THIS BLOG , Sebastian Shaw , Secret Service , Secret Service , Secret Warriors , Section Eight Productions , Selene , SelfMadeHero , SelfMadeHero , Selig Polyscope , Semic , Senator Kelly , Sentinel , Sentinels , Sentry , Ser Duncan , Sergio Bonelli , Sergio Zaniboni , Serpent Society , Sersi , SESSION MANEGEMENT , Sexton Blake , Sexton Blake , SHA’LIN TALENT AGENCY , Shadow King , Shadu the Shady , Shalla-bal , Shaman , Shane Oakley , Shane Oakley , Shane Yamada-Jones , Shang-Chi , Shanna the She-Devil , Shape , Shard , Sharon Carter , Sharon Ventura , Shatterstar , She-Hulk , Sheffield Film and Comic Con , Sheffield Film and Comic Con , Sheldon Fogelman Agency , Shen , SHERMAN & ASSOC , Sheva Callister , Shi'Ar , Shinko Yamashiro , Shinobi Shaw , Shirley Bellwood , Shirley Bellwood , Shiva , Shiver and Shake , Shiver and Shake , Shiver Man , Shocker , Shockwave , Shooting Star , Shop Digital Comics , Shotgun , Shrewsbury Field Forever Festival , Shrewsbury Field Forever Festival , Shriek , Sid Burgon , Sid Burgon , Sif , Signature Literary Agency , Silhouette , Silk Fever , Silver Bitela Agency , Silver Centurion , Silver Fox , Silver Pictures , Silver Sable , Silver Samurai , Silver Surfer , Silverclaw , Silvermane , Simon Donald , Simon Donald , Simon Ecob , Simon Ecob , Simon Thorp , Simon Thorp , Simon Williams , Simon Williams , Simon's Cat , Simon's Cat , Sin , Sinister Six , Sir Percy of Scandia , Sir Ram , Siren , Sister Grimm , Skaar , Skeleton Hand , Skeleton Hand , Skin , Skipper , Skipper , Skreet , Skrulls , Skullbuster , Skywalker Sound , Slapstick , Slayback , Sleeper , Sleepwalker , Slick Fun , Slick Fun , Slipstream , Sloperian , Sloperian , Slyde , SMA LLC , small press , small press , Smash , Smash , Smasher , Smasher , Smasher robot , Smasher robot , Smiling Tiger , Smokehouse Pictures , Smuzz , Smuzz , Snail-Man , Snail-Man , Snowbird , Soaring Penguin Press , Soaring Penguin Press , Soccernauts , Soccernauts , Société parisienne d'édition , SOGGETTO , Sol Lesser Productions , solano lopez , solano lopez , Soleil Productions , Solo , Solo , Songbird , Sonic the Comic , Sonic the Comic , Sono Art-World Wide Pictures , Sons of the Tiger , Sony Pictures Animation , Sony Pictures Classics , Sony Pictures Entertainment , SOPRALLUOGHI , SOUNDTRACK RECORDING , Space Ace , Space Ace , Spaceship Away , Spaceship Away , Spacker Dave , Spanish comics , Spanish comics , Sparky , Sparky , Spectrum , Spectrum , Speed , Speed , Speed Demon , Speedball , Spencer Smythe , Sphinx , Spider , Spider , Spider-dok , Spider-Girl , Spider-Ham , Spider-Man , Spider-Man , Spider-Woman , Spike , Spike , Spiral , Spirit , spirit of hope , spirit of hope , Spitfire , Splodge , Splodge , Spot , Sprite , Spyglass Entertainment Group , Spyke , Squadron Sinister , Squadron Supreme , Squirrel Girl , Stacy X , STAMPA , STAMPA COPIA LAVORO , stan lee , Stan Lee , Stan McMurtry , Stan McMurtry , Stand by Me , Star Brand , Star Trek , Star Trek , Star-Lord , Starbolt , StarCom , StarCom , Stardust , Starfox , Starhawk , Starjammers , Stark Industries , Starlord , Starlord , Stars , Starwil Prods Talent Agency , STARWILL TALENT AGENCY , statistics , statistics , Stature , Steadfast McStaunch , Steadfast McStaunch , Steel Claw , Steel Claw , Steel Serpent , Stein Agenc Stuart M. Miller Co , STEIN AGENCY , Stellaris , Stepford Cuckoos , Stephanie Azzarone CHILD'S PLAY COMMUNICATIONS , Stephanie de la Spiroza , Stephen Strange , Steve Bright , Steve Bright , Steve Dillon , Steve Dillon , Steve Ditko , Steve Ditko , Steve Holland , Steve Holland , Steve Kyte , Steve Kyte , Steve MacManus , Steve MacManus , Steve Moore , Steve Moore , Steve Parkhouse , Steve Parkhouse , Steve Rogers , steven bochco , Stick , Stikkums , Stikkums , STILLS PHOTOGRAPHER- STILL MAN , Stilt-Man , Stimola Literary Studio , Stingray , Stingray , stoke con trent , stoke con trent , Stone Men , storing comics , storing comics , Storm , Storm Entertainment , STORY , story papers , story papers , Storytime , Storytime , Stranger , stringertoons , stringertoons , Strip Magazine , Strip Magazine , Strong Guy , Stryfe , stuart Jennett , stuart Jennett , Sub-Mariner , Suburban Satanists , Suburban Satanists , Sue Storm , Sugar Man , Suicidal Syd , Suicidal Syd , Suite A Management Talent & Literary Agency , summer specials , summer specials , Summit Entertainment , SUMMIT TALENT & LITERARY , Summit Talent & Literary Agency , Sumo , Sunbow , Sunday Post , Sunday Post , Sunday Times , Sunday Times , Sunfire , Sunset Bain , Sunspot , Super Hero Squad , Super Picture Library , Super Picture Library , Super School , Super School , Super-Adaptoid , Super-Skrull , SUPERAWESOME , Supercats , Supercats , Supergirl , Supergirl , Superman , Superman , Superman Annual , Superman Annual , Supermarionation , Supermarionation , Supernaut , Supreme Intelligence , Surface Tension , Surface Tension , Surge , Susan Delgado , Susan Rabiner Literary Agency , Susanna Reich , Suzanne Murphy , SVILUPPO DEL NEGATIVO , Swarm , Sway , sweeny toddler , sweeny toddler , Switch , Swordsman , Sylvia Anderson , Sylvia Anderson , Sylvie Lushton , Sym , Synch , T.V. Boardman , T.V. Boardman , T'Challa , Tagged: 2000AD , TALENT-WORKS , Tales from Gimbley , Tales from Gimbley , Talisman ) , Talkback , Talon , Talos , Tammy , Tammy , Tana Nile , Tandem Productions , Tank Girl , Tank Girl , Taodue , Tara Sorensen , Tarantula , Target , Target , Tarot , tarzan , Tarzan , Taskmaster , Tattoo , Team Toxic , Team Toxic , TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION , Ted Forrester , Ted Kearon , Ted Kearon , Téméraire , Tempest , tenagy.co.uk , Tenebrous , Terrax , Terrific , Terrific , Terror , Terry Bave , Terry Bave , Terry Wakefield , Terry Wakefield , Terry Willers , Terry Willers , Tex Willer , Texas Twister , Thaddeus Ross , Thanhouser Film Corporation , Thanos , The 198 , The Agency , The Anarchist , The Asylum , The Avengers , The Avengers , The Beano , The Beano , The Beatles , The Beatles , The Bent Agency , The Birmingham Comics Festival , The Birmingham Comics Festival , The Black Archer , The Black Archer , The Bojeffries Saga , The Bojeffries Saga , The Call , The Captain , The Cloak , The Cloak , The Clock , The Clock , The Comet , The Comet , The Crunch , The Crunch , The Daft Dimension , The Daft Dimension , The Dalek World , The Dalek World , The Dandy , The Dandy , The Daredevils , The Dark Newt , The Dark Newt , The DFC , The DFC , The Enforcers , The Executioner , The Fade Out , The Fade Out , The Fallen , The Flash , The Flash , The Flutters , The Flutters , The Fury , THE GOTHAM GROUP , The Guardian , The Guardian , The Halcyon Company , The Hand , The Hood , The Howling Commandos , The Hunter , The Independent , The Independent , The Initiative , THE JOESTER LORIA GROUP , The Knight Agency , The Ladd Company , The Larks , The Larks , The Leader , The Liberteens , The Liberty Legion , The Literary Group , The Mirisch Corporation , THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART , the Nega-Man , The Nervs , The Nervs , The Order , The Perishers , The Perishers , The Phantom , The Phoenix , The Phoenix , The Prisoner , The Prisoner , The Professor , The Q-Bikes , The Q-Bikes , The Renegades , The Reporters , The Rights Factory , The Rodd Hall Agency , The Santerians , the shields , The Shiver Man , The Spike , The Stranger , The Strothman Agency , The Tennyson Agency , The Thirteenth Floor , The Thirteenth Floor , The Thunderer , The Tower King , The Tower King , The Twelve , The Unmutual , The Unmutual , The Washington Post , The Watchers , The Weinstein Company , The Wendy Weil Agency , The Wizard , The Wizard , The Zack Company Inc , theagency.co.uk The Agency alanbrodie.com Alan Brodie apwatt.co.uk A.P. Watt , Thena , Theresa Rourke , Thing , Thomas Raymond , Thor , Thor , Thor Girl , Thrud the Barbarian , Thrud the Barbarian , Thunderball , Thunderbirds , Thunderbirds , Thunderbolt , Thundercap , Thundercap , ThunderCats , ThunderCats , Thundra , Tiffany Productions , Tiffany Tasker , Tiger , Tiger , Tiger Shark , Tiger's Beautiful Daughter , Tigra , Tim Booth , Tim Booth , Tim Perkins , Tim Perkins , Tim Quinn , Tim Quinn , Time Bomb Comics , Time Bomb Comics , Timeslip , Timeslip , Tingha and Tucker , Tingha and Tucker , Tinkerer , Tip Top , Tip Top , Titan , Titan , Titan Comics , Titan Comics , Titan Media , Titania , Titanium Man , To Arms! , To Arms! , Toad , Toad Men , Today , Today , Tom Bannister , Tom Bannister , Tom Kerr , Tom Kerr , tom paterson , tom paterson , Tom Thug , Tom Thug , Tomas , Tombstone , Tomorrow Man , Tony Harding , Tony Harding , Tony Husband , Tony Husband , Tony Luke , Tony Luke , Tony Masterson , Tony Stark , Tony Weare , Tony Weare , Top Sellers , Top Sellers , Top Spot , Top Spot , Topper , Topper , Tornado , Tornado , Toro , Touchstone Pictures , Tough of the Track , Tough of the Track , Toxic , Toxic , Toxic Annual 2015 , Toxic Annual 2015 , Toxin , Transatlantic Literary Agency , Transformers , Transformers , Trauma , Treasure Island , Treasure Island , Trevor Metcalfe , Trevor Metcalfe , Triangle Film Corporation , Triathlon , TriBeCa Productions , Tribune Media Services , Trident Media Group , Trigan Empire , Trigan Empire , Triptoe Triers , Triptoe Triers , Tripwire , Tripwire , Trish Tilby , Triskel , TriStar Pictures , Triton , Triumph Films , Troma , True Believers , True War , True War , Turbo , Turner Entertainment , TURNI , TURNI COLONNA INTERNAZION. , TURNI MONTAGGIO , TURNI RIVERSAMENTO MUSICHE , TURTLE AGENCY , Tusk , TV Action , TV Action , TV Century 21 , TV Century 21 , TV Comic , TV Comic , TV Express , TV Express , TV Fun , TV Fun , TV series , TV Tornado , TV Tornado , TV21 , TV21 , Twisted Pictures , Two-Gun Kid , Tyger Tiger , Typhoid Mary , Tyrannus , U-Foes , U-Go Girl , U.S. Agent , Uatu The Watcher , Uclick (GoComics) , UFO , UFO , ufs , UKCAC , UKCAC , Ulik , Ultimate Spider-Man , Ultimates , Ultimatum , Ultimo , Ultra-Adaptoid , Ultragirl , Ultron , Umar , Umbrella Men , Umbrella Men , UNDERWATER EQUIPAMENT , Unicorn , Union Jack , United Artists , United Feature Syndicate , united media , United Productions of America , United Talent Agency , Universal Press Syndicate , Universal Studios , UNIVERSAL TALENT AGENCY , Universal Television , Universe Wiki , Unlucky Frank , Unlucky Frank , Unus , Ute Körner , V for Vendetta , V for Vendetta , Valeria Richards , valiant , valiant , Valkyrie , Vampire Brats , Vampire Brats , Vampiro , Vance Astro , Vanessa Morgan , Vanessa Morgan , Vanguard Animation , Vanisher , Vapor , Vargas , VCA Pictures , Vector , Veda , Vengeance , Venom , Vents d'Ouest , Venture Literary , Venus , Venus Dee Milo , Vera Vidal , Veritas Literary Agency , Vermin , Vertige Graphic , Vertigo , Verve Talent & Literary Agency LLC , Vic Neill , Vic Neill , Vicky Bijur Literary Agency , Victor , Victor , Victor Film Company , Victor Mancha , Victor Von Doom , Victoria Sanders , Vin Gonzales , Vincent Danks , Vincent Danks , Vindicator , Violations , Viper , Virginia Dare , Vision , Visual Effects Society , Vitagraph , Vivacity , Vivacity , Vivid Entertainment , Vivisector , Viz , Viz , Vulcan , Vulcan , Vulcan Holiday Special , Vulcan Holiday Special , Vulture , Walden Media , Walker Books , Walker Books , Walking Dead , Walking Dead , Wallflower , Wallop , Wallow , Wallpaper , Wally Robertson , Wally Robertson , Walt Disney Pictures , Walter Bell , Walter Bell , Walter Booth , Walter Booth , Walter Howarth , Walter Howarth , war , war , War Machine , Warbird , Warbound , Warden Group , Warhawks , Warlock , Warlord , Warlord , Warner Bros. , Warner Bros. Animation , Warner Independent Pictures , Warpath , Warren Worthington III , warrior , warrior , Warstar , Wasp , Watchmen , Watchmen , WATTPAD , Waxman Literary Agency , Wayfinders , Wayfinders , Wayne Thompson , Wayne Thompson , Weapon Omega , Weapon X , Wendell Rand , Wendell Vaughn , Wendigo , Werewolf By Night , werther gorni , wham , wham , Wham! Annual , Wham! Annual , Wheeler Syndicate , Whiplash , Whirlwind , Whistler , White Death , White Death , White Queen , White Tige , Whizzer , whizzer and chips , whizzer and chips , whoopee , whoopee , WHS COPY , Wiccan , Wicked Pictures , Wild Child , Wild Pack , Wildside , William Kerwin Agency , William Morris Agency , William Stryker , Willy the Kid , Willy the Kid , Wilson & Associates , Wilson Fisk , Wind Dancer , Winter Soldier , Wither , Wizard , Wizard , wma.com , WME Entertainment , Wolf Cub , Wolfpack , Wolfsbane , Wolver-dok , Wolverine , Wonder Man , Wonder Woman , Wonder Woman , Wong , Woodrow Phoenix , Woodrow Phoenix , Wor Nicky , Wor Nicky , WORKING PRINT , WORKMAN PUBLISHING , World Film Company , World Manga , Worlds End , Worlds End , Wraith , Wrecker , Wrecking Crew , Writers House , WWE Studios , www.nfb.ca , X-23 , X-51 , X-Babies , X-Cutioner , X-Factor , X-Factor Investigations , X-Force , X-Man , X-Men , X-Men , X-Ray , X-Statix , X.S.E. , Xiaoyan Huang , Xorn , Xtina , Year of the Shark Men , Year of the Shark Men , Yellow Claw , Yellowjacket , Yishan Li , Yishan Li , Yoe Books , Yoe Books , Yogi Bear's Own , Yogi Bear's Own , Young Avengers , Young X-Men , Your Comic Heroes , Your Comic Heroes , Zaladane , Zaran , Zarda , Zarek , Zaucer of Zilk , Zaucer of Zilk , Zeigeist , Zemo , Zenda , Zero-G , Zero-G , Zip , Zip , Zip Comics , Zip Comics , Zodiak , Zombie , Zoony , Zoony , Zuras , Zzzax