Screenplays and Original Ideas for sale
Screenplays and Original Ideas for sale.
Outisfumetti with his publications is a cornucopia of good and innovative ideas that can make a meaningful difference.

1492 Pictures,
National Lampoon , . Medusa Film , 01 Distribution , 20th Century Fox , 20th Century Fox Animation , 40 Acres & a Mule Filmworks , 8-Bit , A Band Apart , A Squared Entertainment , A-1 Pictures , A. Film , A.C.G.T , A.P.P.P. , Aardman Animations , Above The Line Agency , Ace & Son Moving Picture Co. , Act3animation , Adelaide Productions , AERIAL SHOTS , afnews , Agency For The Performing Arts , AIC , Ajia-do , AKOM , Albatross Entertainment , Albin Michel , Alice Wilder , Allensworth Entertainment , Allison Hellegers , ALLOY ENTERTAINMENT , Allspark Pictures , Alpern Group , AMAZON STUDIOS , Amblin Entertainment , American Empirical Pictures , American Film Manufacturing Company , American Media Artists , American Mutoscope and Biograph Company , American Zoetrope , Amy Berkower , Andrea Brown Literary Agency , Ánima Estudios , Animaccord Animation Studio , Animafilm , Animal Logic , Animax Entertainment , Animex Producciones , Animonsta Studios , Animusic , Anna Zača , Annette Van Duren Agency , Annix , Apatow Productions , Aragi Inc , Arms Corporation , Artisan Entertainment , Artland , Asahi Production , Ashleigh Gardner , Assemblage Entertainment , ASSISTANT CAMERA OPERATOR , ASSISTENTE OPERATORE , Atchity Entertainment International , Atomic Cartoons , ATTREZZATURE RIPRESE SUBACQUEE , Augenblick Studios , Avail Tale , Ayesha Pande Literary , Bad Robot Productions , Bagdasarian Productions , Balboa Amusement Producing Company , Ballandi Multimedia , Bamboo , bande dessinnée , Barbara Marcus , Bardel Entertainment , BATTERIA , BATTERY , Bédérama , Bee Train , Bent Image Lab , Bento Box Entertainment , best writer , Beth Bohn Management Inc. , Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises , BG Literary , Bic Production , BiCoastal Talent & Literary Agency , Big Bad Boo , Big Idea Entertainment , Bison Motion Pictures , Blake Friedmann , blakefriedmann.co.uk , Block10 , blue sky studios , Blue-Zoo , Bob Mecoy Literary Agency , Bobby Ball Talent Agency , bolexbrothers , BOLOGNA CHILDREN'S BOOKFAIR Joelle Hobeika , BONES , Boulder Media Limited , Brady , Brain's Base , Brannon & Rich , Brant Rose Agency , BRAZIL , BRB International , Brogan Agency , Brown Bag Films , BUDGET , Bug , Bullwinkle Studios , burbank , Buzzco Associates , C2 Pictures , C2C , California Motion Picture Corporation , CAMERA , CAMERA OPERATOR , CAMERA TRIPOD , Candace Lake Agency , Carabas , Career Artists International , Carol Mann Agency , Carolco Pictures , Cartoon Network Studios , Cartoon Saloon , Casanova Multimedia , Casarotto Ramsay , casarotto.uk.com , Cattleya , Cavaleri & Associates , CAVALLETTO , CBS Television Studios , Cecilia de la Campa , Cellmin Animation Studio , Century Film , Champion Film Company , Charles Kim , Charlex , Chasin Agency , Cheng Caplan Company , China Film Animation , Christopher Franceschelli , Cinergi Pictures , Clockwork Zoo Animation , Coffre à BD , Collingwood & Co. , COLT Studio Group , Columbia Pictures , columbo , comics , comics for kids , comics page , COMPREHENSIVE PUBLISHING , Concord Production Inc , Contemporary Artists , Conville & Walsh Ltd. , Cookie Jar Group , Copa Studio , Corìma , Cornélius , Cornerstone Literary Agency , Creative Artists Agency , Creative Capers Entertainment , Crest Animation Studios , Crew972 , Criterion , Cruel and Unusual Films , Cuckoo's Nest Studio , Culver Studios , Cuppa Coffee Studio , Curious Pictures , Curtis Brown , Curtis Brown Literary and Talent Agency , curtisbrown.co.uk , D4EO Literary Agency , Dan Yaccarino , Daniel Nayeri , Dargaud , Dark Castle Entertainment , Darley Anderson , darleyanderson.com , Daume , David Hale Smith Literary , David Higham , David Production , David Shapira & Associates , davidhigham.co.uk , Davis Entertainment , De Laurentiis Entertainment Group , Debra Joester , DECOUPAGE , Def2shoot , DeFiore and Company , Delcourt , Dench Arnold , dencharnold.co.uk , DHX Media Ltd. , DHX Media Vancouver , diabolik , dick wolf , Didier Brunner , Digital Domain , Digital eMation , Digital Frontier , Digital Playground , Dimension Films , Diomedea , DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY , DIRETTORE ALLE LUCI , Disney , DisneyToon Studios , Dog Eat Dog Films , Dogakobo , Dolores Prades , Don Bluth Films , Don Buchwald & Associates , Dong Woo Animation , Doris Cleven , Doug Grad Literary Agency , DR Movie , drama , Dravis Agency , dreamworks , DreamWorks Animation , DVD COPY , Dygra Films , Eagle Pictures , Eddie Gamarra , Edison Studios , EDITING , EDITING SESSION MANEGEMENT , Éditions FLBLB , EDIZIONE , Eiken , Elegant Angel , EMÍLIA INSTITUTE , Emmanuel Proust éditions , Endemol Italia , Equitable Stewardship for Artists , Eric Goosens , Eric Miller Animation Studios , Eric Ruben , Erin Clarke , Essanay Film Manufacturing Company , EUE/Screen Gems , EVERAFTER BOOKS , Evil Angel , Exceptional Minds , Falcon Entertainment , Famous Players Film Company , Famous Players-Lasky Corporation , Fandango , Fascino PGT , Featured Artists Agency , Feel , Felix the Cat Productions , FILM COPY , FILM DIRECTOR , FILM EQUIPEMENT , Film Roman , FILM SPEED , FILM STOCK , Filmation , Filmauro , Filmmaster Television , Filmtrix Agency , Fine Arts Films , First National , Flight 33 Productions , Focus Features , Folimage , Folio Literary Management , FOTOGRAFIE DI SCENA. STILLS , FOTOGRAFO DI SCENA , Foundry Literary and Media , Fox Animation Studios below , Fox Atomic , Fox Literary , Fox Searchlight Pictures , Frances Goldin Literary Agency , Franchise Pictures , Frank Elliott Shapiro Agency , Fred Wolf Films Dublin , Frederator Studios , FremantleMedia , Full Circle Literary , Fumetti , Future Thought Productions , Futuropolis , Fuzzy Door Productions , G&G Entertainment , Gainax , Gernert Company , Gersh Agency , Giancarlo Malagutti , Ginger Clark CURTIS BROWN LTD. , Glénat – 5 P • 3 C
Les Humanoïdes Associés , Glendale , Global Kids Connect , Global Mechanic , Global Talent Agency , GoHands , Gonzo , GOODREADS , Gracie Films , Grand Design Communications , Grant , Green Gold Animation , Grégoire Halbout , Gregory David Mayo Representing the Performing Arts , Guru Studios , H5 , HANDPRINT BOOKS , Hanho Heung-Up , Hanna-Barbera , Happy Madison Productions , Harmony Gold , HARPERCOLLINS CHILDREN'S BOOKS , Head-Gear Animation , Hemdale Film Corporation , Herman Agency , Hill Street Blues , Hollywood Pictures , Hollywood View Agency , Hong Ying Animation , Hoods Entertainment , Hot House Entertainment , how to sell screenplay , Howard Morhaim Literary Agency , ICM Partners , icmtalent.com , Icon Productions , ideas , IDEAZIONE , Ilion Animation Studios , Illumination Entertainment , ilmiolibro , IM Global , ImageMovers Digital , Imagi Animation Studios , Imagin , Imagine Entertainment , Inc. , Independent Moving Pictures , Indigo Film , Industrial Light & Magic , Infinitum Nihil , informazione , Inkwell Management , InlayFilm , Innovative Artists , International Creative Management , International Creative Management (ICM) , Irene Goodman Literary Agency , Irv Schechter Company , Iwerks Studio , J.C.Staff , JABberwocky Literary Agency , Jack Lenny Associates , jane friedman , Janimation , Janklow & Nesbit Associates , Jean-Paul Commin , Jersey Films , JibJab , Jill Grinberg Literary Management , Jim Henson Productions , Jim Henson Television , Jim Preminger Agency , JKA Talent & Literary Agency , John Lemmon Films , Joker éditions , Juan-Carlos Concha , Jud Laghi , Judge of the annual Kodansha International Comics Competition , Judith Hansen , Julia Eccleshare , Kalem Company , Kandor Graphics , Kaplan Stahler Agency , Kathleen Schultz Associates , Kelly Farber , Keystone Pictures Studio , KF LITERARY SCOUTING , Khara , Kharabeesh , Kinema Citrus , Kitchen , Klasky Csupo , KNOPF BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS , Kojak , Koko Enterprises , Kopaloff & Associates , Kristine Knudsen , KRU Studios , Kyoto Animation , L-KO Kompany , L'Association , La Cafetière , la nuova cronaca di mantova , LABORATORY , LAIKA , Laika Entertainment , Lakeshore Entertainment , Lambie-Nairn , Larchmont Literary Agency , Laura Dail Literary Agency , Laura Messora , Lay-duce , Laya Gelff Agency , Le Vaisseau d'Argent , Legendary Pictures , Lenhoff & Lenhoff , Leonard Marcus , Lerche , Les' Copaque Production , Liberty Films , Liden Films , Light Chaser Animation Studios , LIGHT HOLDERS , LIGHTING CAMERAMENT , Lightstorm Entertainment , Lind & Associates , Lions Gate Entertainment , Lippincott Massie McQuilkin , Lisa Callamaro Literary Agency , Lisa Fragner , Lise Fearnley , Literary Agent LLC , Litopia Corporation , litopia.com , Littlenobody , LLC , LOCATION , LOGISTICA , Ltd. , Lubin Manufacturing Company , Lucas Entertainment , Lucas Kazan Productions , Lucasfilm , Lucasfilm Animation , luigi bernardi , Lumicel Animation Studios , Lux Vide , Lynne & Reilly Agency , Mac Guff , MACCHINE DA PRESA , Madhouse , Maggie Roiphe Agency , Magic Bus , MAGNETIC TAPE , Magnolia , Magnolia Pictures , Makuta VFX , Mandalay Entertainment , MAPPA , March Entertainment , Marie Bro , Marilyn Monroe Production , marjacq.com , Marjaq Scripts , Markson Thoma Literary Agency , Marvel Animation , Marvel Studios , Marwah Films & Video Studios , Mary McAveney , Marza Animation Planet , MATERIALE FOTOGRAFICO , MATERIALE TECNICO , mathias , Maverick Films , Mayflower Photoplay Company , MBA Literary Agents , mbalit.co.uk , McIntosh & Otis , McVeigh Agency , Media Artists Group , Mediavivere , Melnitsa Animation Studio , Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation , Metropolitan Talent Agency , MGM Television , Michael Lewis & Associates , Michael Rose , Mike Young Productions , Miramax , Miramax Films , Mirari Films , Miriam Altshuler , Mitchell K. Stubbs & Associates , Mon journal , Mondo Mini Shows , Mondo TV , Monica Ferrone , Monogram Pictures , MONTAGGIO , Mook Animation , Morphia , MOTORINO VARIABILE , movie , MTV Films , MUSIC RECORDING MANAGEMENT , Mutant Enemy , Nancy Chaidez Agency , Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation , Nancy Gallt Literary Agency , Nancy Yost Literary Agency , NASTRO MAGNETICO , NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA , Natural Talent , NBCUniversal , Neal Hoskins , Neal Porter , NEAL PORTER BOOKS AT ROARING BROOK PRESS , NEGATIVE , NEGATIVO , Nelvana , Nestor Film Company , new characters , New Deal Studios , new line cinema , new storiies , new story , Newmarket Films , nfb , Nickelodeon Animation Studios , Nippon Animation , Nomad , npdb frank furillo , Nu Image , O Entertainment/Omation Animation Studio , October Films , Offspring Entertainment , Ogniroth Studio , Oh! Production , Olivier Catherin , OLM , One Race Films , OPEN ROAD INTEGRATED MEDIA , OPERATORE , Ordet , ORGANIZZAZIONE GENERALE , Orient Express , Oriental DreamWorks , original characters , ORIGINAL IDEA , original movie stories , original stories , original televison plays , Orion Pictures , outisfumetti , Overbrook Entertainment , P.A. Works , Pacific Data Images , Pallas Pictures , Palm Pictures , Pamela D. Scoville Literary Agency , paninicomics , PannóniaFilm , Pantheon , Paradigm , Paradigm Talent Agency , Paramount Animation , Paramount Pictures , Paramount Vantage , Passione , Patrick Brown , Paul Kohner , Paul Young , PELLICOLA , Pentamedia Graphics , Peter Lord , Peter P. Jones Film Company , Peters Fraser & Dunlop , Petersburg Animation Studio , pfd.co.uk , PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS , PIANO DI LAVORAZIONE , Picturehouse , Pilgrim Films & Television , PINZE ( per le luci) , Pippin Properties , Piranha NYC , pixar , Pixar , Pixar Animation Studios , Plan B Entertainment , Plastic Wax , Platinum Studios , Plus One Animation , Polygon Pictures , Polygram Filmed Entertainment , Post Amazers , Powerhouse Animation Studios , PRE-MONTAGGIO , Preferred Artists , Premavision/Clokey Productions , President , PREVENTIVO , PRINTING , PRODUCER IN CHARGE , PRODUCTION , PRODUCTION BREAKDOWN BOARD , Production I.G , Production Reed , PRODUZIONE , Publispei , quotidiano , Rachel Hecht , RACHEL HECHT CHILDREN’S SCOUTING , Radicial Axis , Raging Stallion Studios , Rai Cinema , Rainbow S.r.l. , Rainmaker Entertainment Reel FX Creative Studios , RANDOM HOUSE CHILDREN'S BOOKS , RAW CUT , Rebel Entertainment Partners , Red Light District Video , Red Sofa Literary , Regal Literary , REGIA , Renaissance Pictures , Renegade Animation , Republic Pictures , Reti Televisive Italiane , Reveille Productions , Revolution Studios , Rhythm and Hues Studios , Richard Henshaw Group , Richard Williams Animation , RIGHTS PEOPLE , RingTales , RIPRESE AEREE , RIVER. CASSETTE VHS , RIVER. DVD , RIVERSAMENTO IN TELECINEMA , RKO Pictures , RLR Associates , Robert Astle & Associates Literary Management , Rodeen Literary Management , Rodeo Drive , rodhallagency.com , Rogue Pictures , Rothman Brecher Agency , Rough Draft Studios , RPM Talent , Rubicon Group Holding , Ruby-Spears , Saban Entertainment , Saerom Animation , Sanford J. Greenburger Associates , SANFORD/SKOURAS/GROSS , Santa Monica California , Sanzigen , Sara Sargent , SARNOFF & CO , Sarnoff Company , SASCO HILL & ASSOC , Satelight , Saturn Films , Sav! The World Productions , Savage Agency , Savage Studios Ltd. , Savic , Savoy Pictures , SCAGNETTI TALENT AGENCY , SCALETTA RIPRESE , SCENEGGIATURA , SCHECHTER CO , SCHULTZ & ASSOC , Screen Gems , screenplay , Screenplays and Original Ideas for sale. screenpalys , SD Cinematografica , Se-ma-for , Section Eight Productions , SEK Studio , Selig Polyscope , Semic , Sergio Bonelli , Sergio Zaniboni , SESSION MANEGEMENT , Seven Arcs , SHA’LIN TALENT AGENCY , Shademaker Productions , ShadowMachine , SHAFT , Shanghai Animation Film Studio , Sheldon Fogelman Agency , SHERMAN & ASSOC , Shin-Ei Animation , Signature Literary Agency , Silver Bitela Agency , Silver Link , Silver Pictures , Six Point Harness , Skycron , Skywalker Sound , Slap Happy Cartoons , SMA LLC , Smallfilms , Smokehouse Pictures , Société parisienne d'édition , SOGGETTO , Sol Lesser Productions , Soleil Productions , Sono Art-World Wide Pictures , Sony Pictures Animation , Sony Pictures Classics , Sony Pictures Entertainment , SOPRALLUOGHI , SOUNDTRACK RECORDING , Soup2Nuts , Soyuzmultfilm , Sparky Animation , Sparx , Spümtwo , Spy Pictures , Spyglass Entertainment Group , STAMPA , STAMPA COPIA LAVORO , Stand by Me , Stars , Start Anima , Starwil Prods Talent Agency , STARWILL TALENT AGENCY , Stein Agenc Stuart M. Miller Co , STEIN AGENCY , Stephan Roelants , Stephanie Azzarone CHILD'S PLAY COMMUNICATIONS , steven bochco , STILLS PHOTOGRAPHER- STILL MAN , Stimola Literary Studio , Storm Entertainment , STORY , Stretch Films , Studio 4°C , Studio Chizu , Studio Comet , Studio DEEN , Studio Fantasia , Studio Gallop , Studio Ghibli , Studio Gokumi , Studio Hibari , Studio in Wales , Studio Mir , Studio Pierrot , Suite A Management Talent & Literary Agency , Summit Entertainment , SUMMIT TALENT & LITERARY , Summit Talent & Literary Agency , Sumo Dojo , Sunbow , Sunrise , Sunwoo Entertainment , SUPERAWESOME , Susan Rabiner Literary Agency , Susanna Reich , Suzanne Murphy , SVILUPPO DEL NEGATIVO , SynergySP , TALENT-WORKS , Tandem Productions , Taodue , Tara Sorensen , Tatsunoko Productions , TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION , Téméraire , tenagy.co.uk , Tezuka Productions , Thanhouser Film Corporation , The Agency , The Asylum , The Bent Agency , The Curiosity Company , THE GOTHAM GROUP , The Guardian , The Halcyon Company , THE JOESTER LORIA GROUP , The Knight Agency , The Ladd Company , The Literary Group , The Mirisch Corporation , THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART , The People's Republic of Animation , The Reporters , The Rights Factory , The Rodd Hall Agency , the shields , The Strothman Agency , The Tennyson Agency , The Weinstein Company , The Wendy Weil Agency , The Zack Company Inc , theagency.co.uk The Agency alanbrodie.com Alan Brodie apwatt.co.uk A.P. Watt , Tiffany Productions , Tiffany Tasker , Tim Burton Animation Co. , Titan Media , Titmouse , TMS Entertainment , TNK , toei animation , Toon City Animation , ToonBangla , Toondra , Toonz , Touchstone Pictures , Transatlantic Literary Agency , Triangle Film Corporation , TriBeCa Productions , Trident Media Group , TRIGGER , Triggerfish Animation Studios , Triskel , TriStar Pictures , Triumph Films , Troma , Troyca , Tünde Vollenbroek , Turner Entertainment , TURNI , TURNI COLONNA INTERNAZION. , TURNI MONTAGGIO , TURNI RIVERSAMENTO MUSICHE , TURTLE AGENCY , TV series , tvmovie , Twisted Pictures , TYO Animations , Ufotable , UNDERWATER EQUIPAMENT , United Artists , United Kingdom. , United Productions of America , United Talent Agency , Universal Animation Studios , Universal Studios , UNIVERSAL TALENT AGENCY , Universal Television , Ute Körner , Vanguard Animation , Varga Studio , Vasoon Animation , VCA Pictures , Vents d'Ouest , Venture Literary , Veritas Literary Agency , Vertige Graphic , Verve Talent & Literary Agency LLC , Vice-President , Vicky Bijur Literary Agency , Victor Film Company , Victoria Sanders , Visual Effects Society , Vitagraph , Vivid Entertainment , W!LDBRAIN , Walden Media , Walt Disney Animation Studios , Walt Disney Pictures , Walt Disney Television Animation , Wang Film Productions , Warden Group , Warner Bros. , Warner Bros. Animation , Warner Independent Pictures , WATTPAD , Waxman Literary Agency , werther gorni , White Fox , WHS COPY , Wicked Pictures , William Kerwin Agency , William Morris Agency , Williams Street Studios , Wilson & Associates , Wit Studio , Wizart Animation , wma.com , WME Entertainment , Worker Studio , WORKING PRINT , WORKMAN PUBLISHING , World Film Company , World Manga , Writers House , WWE Studios , www.nfb.ca , Xebec , Xiaoyan Huang , Xilam , Xtina , Xyzoo Animation , Yowza! Animation , Zagreb school of animated films , Zenda , Zexcs , Zinkia Entertainment