Spider-Man 60th anniversary Italian
Spider-Man 60th anniversary Italian
Nel nostro piccolo anche noi abbiamo celebrato il tessiragnatele. SuperGulp! Fumetti in TV è stato un programma televisivo dedicato al mondo dei fumetti trasmesso dalla RAI e creato da Guido De Maria e Giancarlo Governi, con le musiche di Franco Godi nel 1972. Alla ripresa del programma nel 1977 la Mondadori mandò in edicola un settimanale a fumetti con lo stesso titolo SuperGulp che riprendeva (in parte) i personaggi della trasmissione. Furono realizzati episodi dei maggiori supereroi dell’epoca, quali i Fantastici Quattro e L’Uomoragno. Qui uno degli episodi realizzati da Giancarlo Malagutti e Giorgio Montorio.

20th Century Fox Animation, 8-Bit , A Squared Entertainment , A-1 Pictures , A. Film , A.C.G.T , A.P.P.P. , Aardman Animations , Ace & Son Moving Picture Co. , Act3animation , ADAM KUBERT , Adelaide Productions , AIC , Ajia-do , AKOM , ALBERTO BECATTINI , Albin Michel , ALESSANDRO DISTRIBUZIONI , ALLEGRO NON TROPPO , Allspark Pictures , Andrea Brown Literary Agency , ANDREA PAZIENZA , ANDREA PLAZZI , ANDY KUBERT , ANGOULÊME 2013 , Ánima Estudios , Animaccord Animation Studio , Animafilm , Animal Logic , ANIMATION , Animax Entertainment , ANIME , Animex Producciones , Animonsta Studios , Animusic , Annix , Aragi Inc , Arms Corporation , ART SPIEGELMAN , artisti , Artland , Asahi Production , Assemblage Entertainment , Atchity Entertainment International , Atomic Cartoons , ATOMINO BIP BIP , Attilio Micheluzzi , Augenblick Studios , autori , Ayesha Pande Literary , Bagdasarian Productions , Bamboo , bande dessinee , Bardel Entertainment , BD , BEDE' , Bédérama , Bee Train , BENOÎT MOUCHART , Bent Image Lab , Bento Box Entertainment , Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises , BG Literary , BIBLE BOOK , Big Bad Boo , Big Idea Entertainment , Blake Friedmann , blakefriedmann.co.uk , blog , blue sky studios , Blue-Zoo , Bob Mecoy Literary Agency , bolexbrothers , BONES , Boulder Media Limited , Brain's Base , BRB International , Brown Bag Films , BRUNO BOZZETTO , BRUNO CANNUCCIARI , Bug , Bullwinkle Studios , Buzzco Associates , C2C , Carabas , CARL BARKS , Carol Mann Agency , CARTONATI , Cartoon Network Studios , Cartoon Saloon , cartoons , CASA EDITRICE UNIVERSO , Casarotto Ramsay , casarotto.uk.com , CASTERMAN , Cellmin Animation Studio , CETRIOLO MASCHERATO , Charlex , Cheng Caplan Company , China Film Animation , CHUCK JONES , cinema , CINEMA D'ANIMAZIONE , Clockwork Zoo Animation , Coffre à BD , COLLANE , collezionismo , Collingwood & Co. , COMIC ART FANS , COMIC BOOK , comics , comics page , Conville & Walsh Ltd. , Cookie Jar Group , Copa Studio , Cornélius , Cornerstone Literary Agency , COSPLAY , Creative Capers Entertainment , Creatività , Crest Animation Studios , Crew972 , cuba , Cuckoo's Nest Studio , cultura , CUORE DI CHINA , Cuppa Coffee Studio , Curious Pictures , Curtis Brown , Curtis Brown Literary and Talent Agency , curtisbrown.co.uk , D4EO Literary Agency , DAAN JIPPES , Dal mondo , Dargaud , Darley Anderson , darleyanderson.com , Daume , David Hale Smith Literary , David Higham , David Production , davidhigham.co.uk , dc comics , Def2shoot , DeFiore and Company , Delcourt , DELL COMICS , DELL PUBLISHING , Dench Arnold , dencharnold.co.uk , DHX Media Ltd. , DHX Media Vancouver , diabolik , DIANE DISNEY , DICK MOORES , Digital Domain , Digital eMation , Digital Frontier , Dinamite , DINO BATTAGLIA , Diomedea , disney , DISNEY ITALIANI , DisneyToon Studios , Dogakobo , Don Bluth Films , DON ROSA , DONALD DUCK , Dong Woo Animation , Doug Grad Literary Agency , DR Movie , DreamWorks Animation , Dygra Films , dylan dog , Éditions FLBLB , EDITORI DEL GRIFO , editoria , EDUCATIONAL , Eiken , Emmanuel Proust éditions , Eric Miller Animation Studios , Eric Ruben , erio nicolò , ESPOSIZIONI , eventi , Exceptional Minds , fantastici quattro , FDC , Feel , Felix the Cat Productions , FERRAGOSTO , FERRUCCIO GIROMINI , Film Roman , FILM TV , Fine Arts Films , FLASH. FRANCO FOSSATI , FLOYD GOTTFREDSON , Folimage , Folio Literary Management , FONDAZIONE FRANCO FOSSATI , Foundry Literary and Media , FOUR COLOR COMICS , Fox Animation Studios below , Fox Literary , Frances Goldin Literary Agency , FRANCO SPIRITELLI , Fred Wolf Films Dublin , Frederator Studios , Full Circle Literary , Fumetti , fumetto , FUMO DI CHINA , FUNNYWORLD , Future Thought Productions , Futuropolis , Fuzzy Door Productions , G&G Entertainment , Gainax , galep , Galleppini Aurelio , GEMSTONE PUBLISHING , Geni creativi , GEORGES PICHARD , Gernert Company , Giancarlo Malagutti , GIANNO BRUNORO , giorgio cavazzano , giorgio montorio , GLAMOUR BOOK , Glénat – 5 P • 3 C
Les Humanoïdes Associés , Global Mechanic , GoHands , Gonzo , Grand Design Communications , GRANDI CLASSICI DISNEY , Green Gold Animation , guido de maria , Guru Studios , H5 , Hanho Heung-Up , Head-Gear Animation , hergé , Herman Agency , Hong Ying Animation , Hoods Entertainment , Howard Morhaim Literary Agency , hugo pratt , I DISNEY ITALIANI , I GRANDI CLASSICI DISNEY , icmtalent.com , Ilion Animation Studios , Illumination Entertainment , ILLUSTRAZIONE , ILLUSTRAZIONI , ILLUSTRAZIONI ORIGINALI , Imagi Animation Studios , Imagin , Inc. , Industrial Light & Magic , informazione , Inkwell Management , InlayFilm , International Creative Management , International Creative Management (ICM) , Irene Goodman Literary Agency , ITALY , J.C.Staff , JABberwocky Literary Agency , JACQUES GLÉNAT , Janimation , Janklow & Nesbit Associates , JAPAN , jean giraud , JEAN-CLAUDE FOREST , JibJab , Jill Grinberg Literary Management , JOE KUBERT , John Lemmon Films , Joker éditions , Jud Laghi , Judge of the annual Kodansha International Comics Competition , Judith Hansen , Kandor Graphics , Khara , Kharabeesh , Kinema Citrus , Kitchen , Klasky Csupo , Koko Enterprises , KRU Studios , Kyoto Animation , L'Association , La Cafetière , la nuova cronaca di mantova , la repubblica , LA STAMPA , LAIKA , Lambie-Nairn , Laura Dail Literary Agency , Lay-duce , LE CAVALIER INCONNU , LE JOURNAL DE MICKEY , LE PETIT PARISIEN , Le Vaisseau d'Argent , LEONARDO GORI , Lerche , Les' Copaque Production , LIBRI , Liden Films , Light Chaser Animation Studios , Lind & Associates , Lippincott Massie McQuilkin , Literary Agent LLC , Litopia Corporation , litopia.com , Littlenobody , LLC , LORIS CANTARELLI , LOS BROS HERNANDEZ , LOVE & ROCKETS , Ltd. , luca boschi , Luca Raffaelli , Lucasfilm Animation , LUCIANO BOTTARO , Lumicel Animation Studios , Mac Guff , Madhouse , Magic Bus , Makuta VFX , MANDRYKA , manga , MAPPA , MARCELLO TONINELLI , March Entertainment , MARCO MARCELLO LUPOI , marjacq.com , Marjaq Scripts , Markson Thoma Literary Agency , Marvel Animation , Marwah Films & Video Studios , Marza Animation Planet , mathias , MAURO MARCHESELLI , MAURO PAGANELLI , MBA Literary Agents , mbalit.co.uk , McIntosh & Otis , McVeigh Agency , MEDIA , Melnitsa Animation Studio , Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation , MICKEY ET DONALD , MICKEY MOUSE , Mike Young Productions , Mirari Films , Miriam Altshuler , moebius , Mon journal , mondadori , Mondo Mini Shows , Mondo TV , Mook Animation , Morphia , Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation , Nancy Gallt Literary Agency , Nancy Yost Literary Agency , NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA , Nelvana , Nickelodeon Animation Studios , Nicolò , NIKITA , Nippon Animation , Nomad , O Entertainment/Omation Animation Studio , Ogniroth Studio , Oh! Production , OLM , Ordet , Oriental DreamWorks , P.A. Works , Pamela D. Scoville Literary Agency , paninicomics , PannóniaFilm , Paradigm Talent Agency , Paramount Animation , Passione , Pentamedia Graphics , Peters Fraser & Dunlop , Petersburg Animation Studio , pfd.co.uk , PIERO ZANOTTO , Pippin Properties , Piranha NYC , pixar , Plastic Wax , Plus One Animation , Polygon Pictures , Post Amazers , Powerhouse Animation Studios , Premavision/Clokey Productions , Prima pagina , Production I.G , Production Reed , quotidiano , Radicial Axis , RAI , Rainbow S.r.l. , Rainmaker Entertainment Reel FX Creative Studios , Red Sofa Literary , Regal Literary , Renegade Animation , Rhythm and Hues Studios , Richard Henshaw Group , Richard Williams Animation , RingTales , RLR Associates , Robert Astle & Associates Literary Management , Rodeen Literary Management , rodhallagency.com , Rough Draft Studios , Rubicon Group Holding , Saerom Animation , Sanford J. Greenburger Associates , Sanzigen , Satelight , Sav! The World Productions , Savage Studios Ltd. , Se-ma-for , SEK Studio , Semic , sergio bonelli editore , Seven Arcs , Shademaker Productions , ShadowMachine , SHAFT , Shanghai Animation Film Studio , Sheldon Fogelman Agency , Shin-Ei Animation , Signature Literary Agency , Silver Link , Six Point Harness , Skycron , Slap Happy Cartoons , Smallfilms , Société parisienne d'édition , Soleil Productions , Sony Pictures Animation , Soup2Nuts , Soyuzmultfilm , Sparky Animation , Sparx , spiderman , Spümtwo , Spy Pictures , Start Anima , Stimola Literary Studio , Stretch Films , Studio 4°C , Studio Chizu , Studio Comet , Studio DEEN , Studio Fantasia , Studio Gallop , Studio Ghibli , Studio Gokumi , Studio Hibari , Studio in Wales , Studio Mir , Studio Pierrot , Sumo Dojo , sunday pages , Sunrise , Sunwoo Entertainment , supereroi. , SuperGulp , Susan Rabiner Literary Agency , SynergySP , Tatsunoko Productions , tavole domenicali , televisione , Téméraire , tenagy.co.uk , Tex Willer , texwillerblog , Tezuka Productions , The Bent Agency , The Curiosity Company , The Knight Agency , The Literary Group , The People's Republic of Animation , The Rights Factory , The Rodd Hall Agency , The Strothman Agency , The Tennyson Agency , THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY , THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY-ITALIA , The Wendy Weil Agency , The Zack Company Inc , theagency.co.uk The Agency alanbrodie.com Alan Brodie apwatt.co.uk A.P. Watt , Tim Burton Animation Co. , Titmouse , TMS Entertainment , TNK , toei animation , Toon City Animation , ToonBangla , Toondra , Toonz , Topolino , Transatlantic Literary Agency , Trident Media Group , TRIGGER , Triggerfish Animation Studios , Triskel , Troyca , TYO Animations , Ufotable , United Kingdom. , Universal Animation Studios , uomoragno , USA , Ute Körner , VALENTINA DE POLI , VALENTINA SEMPRINI , Vanguard Animation , Varga Studio , Vasoon Animation , Vents d'Ouest , Venture Literary , Veritas Literary Agency , Vertige Graphic , Vicky Bijur Literary Agency , Victoria Sanders , video , VINCENZO MOLLICA , VIOLETTA , W!LDBRAIN , walt disney , Walt Disney Animation Studios , Walt Disney Television Animation , Wang Film Productions , Warner Bros. Animation , Waxman Literary Agency , werther gorni , WESTERN PRINTING , White Fox , William Morris Agency , Williams Street Studios , Wit Studio , Wizart Animation , wma.com , Worker Studio , World Manga , Writers House , Xebec , Xilam , Xtina , Xyzoo Animation , Yowza! Animation , Zagreb school of animated films , zeca , Zenda , Zexcs , Zinkia Entertainment , ZORRO