from the New Yorker to FISH

from the New Yorker to FISH

Liam Francis Walsh: I’m a cartoonist, writer, and illustrator, originally from northern Wisconsin. I grew up on a dairy farm with lots of siblings and books and a pet crow. Now I live in the Italian part of Switzerland. My cartoons appear in The New Yorker magazine pretty frequently, and my first children’s book is available now!


A boy and his dog embark on a fishing journey.
Their first catch of the day: a big fat letter F.
Their second? A slippery I.
After an epic journey beneath the lake’s surface, they find what they came for– a FISH, along with some unanticipated menace from a few other letters.

This clever, wordless picture book, by a popular New Yorker cartoonist, is filled with charm and heart and will have no problem swimming its way into the hearts of young readers.

Tagged: ADAM KUBERT, ALBERTO BECATTINI , Albin Michel‎ , ALESSANDRO DISTRIBUZIONI , ALLEGRO NON TROPPO , ANDREA PAZIENZA , ANDREA PLAZZI , ANDY KUBERT , ANGOULÊME 2013 , ANIMATION , ANIME , ART SPIEGELMAN , artisti , ATOMINO BIP BIP , Attilio Micheluzzi , autori , Bamboo‎ , bande dessinee , BD , BEDE' , Bédérama‎ , BENOÎT MOUCHART , BIBLE BOOK , Blake Friedmann , , blog , BRUNO BOZZETTO , BRUNO CANNUCCIARI , Carabas‎ , CARL BARKS , CARTONATI , cartoons , CASA EDITRICE UNIVERSO , Casarotto Ramsay , , CASTERMAN , CETRIOLO MASCHERATO , childens books , CHUCK JONES , cinema , CINEMA D'ANIMAZIONE , Coffre à BD , COLLANE , collezionismo , COMIC ART FANS , COMIC BOOK , comics , comics page , Cornélius‎ , COSPLAY , Creatività , cuba , cultura , CUORE DI CHINA , Curtis Brown , , DAAN JIPPES , Dal mondo , Dargaud , Darley Anderson , , David Higham , , dc comics , Delcourt‎ , DELL COMICS , DELL PUBLISHING , Dench Arnold , , diabolik , DIANE DISNEY , DICK MOORES , Dinamite , DINO BATTAGLIA , disney , DISNEY ITALIANI , DON ROSA , DONALD DUCK , dylan dog , Éditions FLBLB‎ , EDITORI DEL GRIFO , editoria , EDUCATIONAL , Emmanuel Proust éditions , erio nicolò , ESPOSIZIONI , eventi , FDC , FERRAGOSTO , FERRUCCIO GIROMINI , FILM TV , fish , FLASH. FRANCO FOSSATI , FLOYD GOTTFREDSON , FONDAZIONE FRANCO FOSSATI , FOUR COLOR COMICS , FRANCO SPIRITELLI , Fumetti , fumetto , FUMO DI CHINA , FUNNYWORLD , Futuropolis , galep , Galleppini Aurelio , GEMSTONE PUBLISHING , Geni creativi , GEORGES PICHARD , Giancarlo Malagutti , GIANNO BRUNORO , giorgio cavazzano , GLAMOUR BOOK , Glénat‎ ‪– 5 P • 3 C‬
Les Humanoïdes Associés , GRANDI CLASSICI DISNEY , hergé , hugo pratt , I DISNEY ITALIANI , I GRANDI CLASSICI DISNEY , , ILLUSTRAZIONE , ILLUSTRAZIONI , ILLUSTRAZIONI ORIGINALI , informazione , International Creative Management , ITALY , JACQUES GLÉNAT , JAPAN , jean giraud , JEAN-CLAUDE FOREST , JOE KUBERT , Joker éditions‎ , L'Association‎ , La Cafetière‎ , la nuova cronaca di mantova , la repubblica , LA STAMPA , LE CAVALIER INCONNU , LE JOURNAL DE MICKEY , LE PETIT PARISIEN , Le Vaisseau d'Argent‎ , LEONARDO GORI , liam francis walsh , LIBRI , Litopia Corporation , , LORIS CANTARELLI , LOS BROS HERNANDEZ , LOVE & ROCKETS , luca boschi , Luca Raffaelli , LUCIANO BOTTARO , MANDRYKA , manga , MARCELLO TONINELLI , MARCO MARCELLO LUPOI , , Marjaq Scripts , mathias , MAURO MARCHESELLI , MAURO PAGANELLI , MBA Literary Agents , , MEDIA , MICKEY ET DONALD , MICKEY MOUSE , moebius , Mon journal , Monica Ferrone , Nicolò , NIKITA , paninicomics , Peters Fraser & Dunlop , , PIERO ZANOTTO , Prima pagina , quotidiano , RAI , , Semic , sergio bonelli editore , Société parisienne d'édition‎ , Soleil Productions‎ , sunday pages , tavole domenicali , televisione , Téméraire‎ , , Tex Willer , texwillerblog , the new yorker , The Rodd Hall Agency , The Tennyson Agency , THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY , THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY-ITALIA , The Agency Alan Brodie A.P. Watt , Topolino , Triskel , USA , VALENTINA DE POLI , VALENTINA SEMPRINI , Vents d'Ouest‎ , Vertige Graphic‎ , video , VINCENZO MOLLICA , VIOLETTA , walt disney , werther gorni , WESTERN PRINTING , William Morris Agency , , Xtina , zeca , Zenda , ZORRO

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